Monday, April 01, 2024



It's hard to believe, but we didn't go anywhere this Easter.  We did think about it, but at the end of the day we are just as happy to stay at home and just blob out!

It's been lovely.  We truly are home bodies.

Today I am going to make a start on the next bowl cosy 'run'.  I'm aiming for a minimum of 10 a day, which is perfectly doable.

April Fools day... watch out no one get's ya.

Today at some point we are expecting Brylee (and maybe Dom too) to visit.  I hear Dom is making Apple Crumble and there might be some coming our way.  YUM!

They have also had a bumper crop of tomatoes, so I think they are bringing us some of them too.  So, that's something to look forward to.  More visitors.


2.40 pm:  And I'm making no apologies for doing exactly what I said I would be doing today.

ABOVE:  So far today I've made 15 bowl cosy's.

And I fully expect to get another half a dozen made by the end of the day.

What are you doing on this lovely Easter Monday?  Something fun I hope, cos I'm having fun sewing.  And Stew is having fun watching a movie in the family room.

Head's up... I'm going to talk about something BIG tomorrow.  You might be surprised at what I'm planning on doing. And I doubt ANYONE will be able to even guess at what it is!

ABOVE:  Well we had a lovely visit from these two kids this afternoon.  So nice to catch up with them on a regular basis.

Dom brought us Apple Crumble for our supper... can't wait to try it.

After they left here, they popped into Steve 'n' Bex's for some feijoas. 

Bex sent me these:

ABOVE:  Our 'bookend' grandchildren.  Brylee is the eldest, and Lily is the youngest.


ABOVE:  One day, maybe these two will give me a GREAT-grandchild?  

Someone will one day, that's a given.

I have finished sewing for the day, my total today?

20!  That's another record.  Maybe I'll break that record sometime this week, we will see.

Now... it's time to relax for the evening, and have dinner, then dessert.

ABOVE:  Thanks for the apple crumble Dom, it was delicious!  You can make that shit again.  Ta so  much.

And on that score, it's time to sign off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Apple crumble is Anthony fav pudding and every girl friend he had needed to learn how to make it. Then when Sarah was old enough (about 6)she rung grandma from Sydney "how ya make apple crumble grand ma?"tickled mums fancy. And still gets a giggle when we think or talk about it.Felicity

  2. Im sick.. chesty infection thing which is shit when the weather is so nice. Quiet Easter here 😁

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Sounds like you are having a lovely Easter Weekend...wondering what your something "Big"

  4. Laura M.7:00 PM

    Easter was pretty fun for me this year. Until my 16 year old grandson confided in me privately about some irresponsible behaviors that he's been engaging in! I knew this day was going to come, when the littles would become teens and start messing around with behaviors that we as adults don't want them too. And because I'm me, I will be over-focusing on this situation 24/7 worrying and stressing that something bad will happen to him. Why can't our grandkids just stay little forever? It's so much easier.

  5. Today nice and quiet. Went to a Sunday drive. Bought some chooks. Home for lunch, ate my ist Easter egg 😘

  6. Busy weekend for me. Family visits, dinner and the theatre. What are you up to now! Anything could be possible when you tell us tomorrow.

  7. Love the pic of Dom, and Brylee, and the dog. The look on his face is epic!


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