Tuesday, April 02, 2024



I have made a very big decision.

I'm fairly ambivalent about quick fixes for weight loss.  Each to their own of course is my attitude.

I'm about to do something that was suggested to me by my doctor months ago, which I vehemently rejected at the time.

I'm going to ask him to put me on the New Zealand equivalent of OZEMPIC.

It is prescribed for people with Type 2 Diabetes, which I have.

Overseas, thousands of people are taking it for weight loss, even though they don't have diabetes.

If weight loss is a 'side effect' of taking this drug, them perhaps its time I tried it.

I've struggled with weight loss for DECADES.  Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.

I'm sick of losing.

I said NO WAY the last time my Doctor suggested it, as it involved a weekly injection.

But, I'm now prepared to try it.  Stew can do the injection for me, as I know I could NEVER EVER inject myself!


So today I am going to see my Dr after lunch.  Wish me luck cos I've agonised over this decision, and it has kept me awake on more than one night.  

First up though, I'm off for a lake walk with Lacy.  Such a nice way to start our day.


11.15 am:  Just back from my morning out and about.

First up... I DID IT!

I went to the Dr's and I asked for the jabby thing.

And I am now going to be taking this:

ABOVE:  Trulicity.  It is the NZ equivalent of OZEMPIC.  Ya can't get Ozempic here apparantly.

And even Trulicity is hard to come by, so I'm lucky I've got a months supply to start with.  

The pharmacist said I should be able to get more, 'fingers crossed'.


The other thing I did while at the Doctors... I got my Shingles vaccination.  I know, I felt super brave, and the damn thing didn't hurt at all!

I am going to take the first injection of Trulicity this evening.  Stew can do it for me.  lol

Lacy and I enjoyed our lake walk this morning... it was FOGGY as ... we'd not done the lake in fog before.  It was a bit weird not being able to see the lake at all!

ABOVE:  By the time we were 3/4's of the way around it was starting to clear.

It's a stunning day now, beautiful in fact.

ABOVE: Walk stats, perfectly acceptable pace.

Now.. I've cooled down considerably, so am going to put warmer clothes on, then go and .... SEW.

Can I just say... again.... how bloody chuffed I am with myself, for getting the Shingles vaccination today!  I was shaking like a leaf, but determined to just do it.  And I did.

ABOVE: This afternoon's sewing effort.  15 more Bowl Cosy's done.


I'm preparing dinner before going to my WW meeting. 

Then home, to take the first injection of 'the drug'.   Eeeeeeek.

AND... we did it.  And I'll tell you all about it......... tomorrow.

My arm is really sore from the Shingles injection, hopefully it is better tomorrow.

Now... I'm gunna relax for the remainder of the evening.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I never thought I could do the weekly injection but it’s honestly not bad at all. I’ve lost almost 60 pounds being on it.

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Friends have recommended
    - best to commit, there might be small adjustment side effects, stick with it.
    - if it works well for you, stick with it, do not go on and off.
    - And, medication helps, but food and exercise has to be in line also.

    I hope this works great for you.


  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Go for it, yo-yo dieting is the worst (my experience). I look forward to seeing how you go and I may make the decision too

  4. Well, this is interesting. I don't know enough about it to comment either way. I hope it works. I am sure doc will go over any risks if there are any. I think the "jab" will be a small price to pay for the results that people get!

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Best of luck Chris, I hope it works and with none of the nasty side effects. I got hubby to do my first couple of injections but then I put on my big girl panties and did it myself. The needle is so fine that I don’t feel it

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Read the possible side effects for people 65 and over.

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I would just say do some research (side effects, etc) but if you decide to go ahead I sincerely hope it works for you. Audrey

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    It's worth a try, you have bad diabetes at times....I know a few people with diabetes that are on it...one takes it no trouble at all the other two had to stop because of the nausea etc....a friends daughter has lost over 20 kilos on a variant of it as she does not have diabetes but has struggles with weight loss and as being overweight is not a choice it is in fact a medical condition it has improved her overall health..blood pressure etc... I am sending you an email...Peta

  9. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Wonder if my dr would give it to me just getting fatter every day. So shitty with myself for letting myself down after loosing surgery weight. Every bit of me aches my skin is a mess not to mention the mental health being over weight is responsible for. Have always had low bl pressure but now medication for high blood pressure hate it. Boohoo pity party over back to reality off to finish cleaning other house today is last day. If it doesn't do me in completely that is. Felicity

  10. Rhonda11:21 AM

    Big decision Chris. You have diabetes so I can see why you are going down this road. Your doctor suggested it so why not give it a go. Hopefully no side effects for you and the medication will have the two fold effect of controlling your diabetes and you lose weight. Good luck

  11. Leeann12:44 PM

    Good on your for getting your shingles shot and best of luck with the other shots. Having them weekly might help you overcome your fear of injections too, which would be an added bonus.

  12. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I get really cranky when Ozempic comes up. My daughter is diabetic but her doctor wouldn't put her on the PBS meaning she has to pay full price for it. Then, there's a shortage of it here and you can't get it unless you're a diabetic on the PBS. So she had to stop taking it. Now she's not on anything and has gained back all the weight she lost and is still unmanaged diabetic. So it makes me extremely frustrated.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Forgot to say it's me! xx Colleen!

  13. Good decision getting that Shingles vaccine. I am STILL ITCHY from shingles. It has been 8 years. I am lucky it is just itchy.... some people have much worse permanent nerve damage.

  14. That's great news that you got your Shingles injection... do you need a second one in a few months? I had the one off injection but I think they've changed it? Also well done on getting that other drug. You are a type 2 diabetic so why the heck shouldn't you try everything. I'm very excited for you and hope it works well.

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Very proud I know it's very hard to over come the needle phobia but it can be done if I can do it you can aswell. When it's time to have the injection look away and try relax and you won't feel it when you tense up you'll feel it. But you got this bex 💚

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hope the drug works for you Chris. Please check the shingles drug, I’ve just had two shingles shot, two months apart, it is by far the better drug to take, gives you 98% cover, my doctor told me the single jab only gives a low coverage. Marie, Melbourne (Paris at the minute 😂)

  17. Anonymous5:58 PM

    A friend of mine was on the same drug he was diabetic and lost shitloads of weight hardly recognised him!! Best of luck it will be a doddle with the jabs GM 💙💙

  18. The best of luck Chris. I hope you lose loads of weight and no more yo yoing.
    I know what it's like. I've been there most of my life . The idea is to lose weight any way you can.

  19. Good for you Chris. Being a diabetic you are entitled to use it, and recommended by your Dr, so go for it. Fingers crossed for you, hope it helps. It helped a friend of mine, but another friend had a very bad reaction to it..neither were diabetic.

  20. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Well done, you! What a brave little soldier you are!😉 I have weekly injections and was scared stiff about doing them but now they are just a thing I have to do or suffer the consequences if I don’t. Good luck for a positive outcome! Wendy in Derbyshire. X

  21. Hugs to you it was your decision and yours alone. Love the foggy walk photos just stunning.

  22. Well done on getting your vaccine for shingles. Good luck with the Trulicity. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. Take care.

  23. So happy for you! I'm pre-diabetic and taking Mounjaro for almost a year now. It's worked wonders and I know it will for you as well. XO ~Nicole in CA

  24. A good idea to get shingles shot. I had shingles & it was not fun . it was caught super early & the prescription really helped. I was too young for the shot when I got it. As for the diabetes shot. It may be exactly what you need to control it. I know some who take it and get their AC1 level down. It has helped with weight loss but they take it for diabetes which for them is the bigger danger.


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