Monday, April 22, 2024



My start up blurb for the day is JEANS.

Stew went out yesterday and bought himself a couple more pairs of jeans.

He now has 4 pair, Black, Dark Blue, Light Blue and CREAM-ish.

ABOVE: When I saw the cream in the bag, I was like... yeah nah.  Not sure about them!

But once on him... Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.  He is such a hunk.  

ABOVE:  These are the dark blue.  Lovely photos of you darling.

He's now set for jeans.

And I have ONE pair that I can get on, and zipped up... if I lie on the bed and don't MOVE.

OMG I so want to wear jeans again.

I CANNOT remember the last time I wore jeans, I think it might have been when we moved to Auckland in 2008!

Do you realise I am ONLY 10 kilos away from my damn goal, and I should have been there a year ago already?

I don't know what's stopping me.  I really don't.  I want it so much.  Yet it alludes me.  I have 'hovered' at my current weight for about six months!!!  Up and down a few kilos, but never quite cracking it.  

So.  Damn. Annoyed.  

I'm hoping so much that the Trulicity 'cracks' it for me, and I start losing again.  TEN KILOS.  It's not that much is it.

Now... first up for today, off walking with Lacy.  Not sure yet if we will 'do' the lake, or the mall.


Well... Lacy and I walked around the extreme outer perimeter of The Base today, so it was a bit longer than when I did it last week.

Excellent walk, nice company, if a bit annoying in me ear at times.  Just Jokiing.    Lacy is good company.

ABOVE:  Our walk stats.  A good pace and distance today.

I forgot to take a photo, though the back side of all the shops is pretty dull!  You ain't missing much.

I got home, found out we have been accepted into a one off market in Gordonton at the beginning of June.  So I go into me internet banking to pay the fee.

See something that really pissed me off!

WW are now charging me $74.95 A MONTH to be a member.   Seems my last subscription rolled over and they are charging me the full quid now.

Like NO way.  So I cancelled my subscription.


I am getting NOTHING out of the meetings at all.  No new information.  No new friendships.  Just nothing.  So I think I am FINALLY DONE with WW forever.

I am doing it on me own from now on.  I can do it. I AM DOING IT.


I'm now cold.  So am off to have a really lovely hot bath, wash me hair, and feel nice again.

1.22 pm:  Since then (above), I've had me bath/hair wash and been over to Bex's to watch the boys while she took Lily for her 3 month immunisations.  Then I came home, had lunch and then 'doctored' one of my new FBG T-Shirts by adding the old Logos to it.

I'm now on the hunt for two additional old Logos for my other new t-shirt.  Fingers crossed on that.

And now... I'm going to watch a movie, or listen to the new Taylor Swift album... one or the other.

WHOOP!  I put a request out on our FBG page for two old shirts, saying I just wanted the LOGOS.  And two lovely ladies are donating their old shirts to me.  So I can 'doctor' my 2nd new t-shirt now.

I did the first one this afternoon, I'll show it to you tomorrow.

Right now, it's 5.10 pm, and I will be heading over to Cambridge in 20 minutes for an FBG walk!  Second walk of the day.  I'm on a roll.

Tomorrow is an 'off' day, no walkies tomorrow.

8.20 pm:  Just home from Cambridge.  It was a good walk, just over 5 kms.

Stats/photo tomorrow.  Time to wind down for the day.  I'm a bit tired.

Which is great, it means I might actually get a good nights sleep.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    You'll get there, Chris. Just keep watching your portions, eat good healthy food, exercise, take your new med and it won't be long! Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    I was never a WW fan every year they change there system it's points it's portion it's limit this or that new books every year new points calculator every year...only WW getting anything out of it. MONEY!!! I thought you were a life member because of your goal reached yonks ago. I know U I put my weight back on post surgery and it's all about the head space. Turn that shit off and I'd be back down to my size 12/14 in no time. Oh well.. have great Monday

    1. Yes I'm a 'Lifetime Member', but I have to pay because I'm not 'at goal'... so as I'm NEVER going to be 67 kilos again, I would have to pay forever. Nope, not gunna do it. I am out of there.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Just be aware, YOUR GOAL WEIGHT night not be YOUR BODY'S IDEAL WEIGHT. According to the scale someone once set, I should be around 68kg. When I lost weight I managed to get down to 73kg, and looked terrible! I would like to be around 77kg, which is a size 12 to 14 on me. BUT, my body has adjusted itself to around 82kg, a size 16, and no matter what I do, that's where I stay. So be prepared, and don't be hard on yourself. If that's what your body dictates, you'll only get yourself upset if you try to go lower. Listen to your body and accept you may not get as low as you want. Healthy eating, regular exercise, and a steady weight is more important that anything else. xx Colleen.

    1. I totally agree. I have a very realistic goal in mind, and it is certainly not even in the 70's now days.

  4. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Come on Chris. You can do it yourself without money grabbing WW. Time, effort, support of friends and Trulicity will get you there. You are strong! Margaret

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Are there any other weight loss groups you could join in the cheap ones or ones run by the health dept ? is nice to be with likeminded people but not at that cost when you are getting nothing out of it...even just going to a dietitian one on one once a month or so would be a control for you....I did that for a while and I did find a very nice dietitian....Peta

    1. I will look into in, maybe there's something I can find via Facebook? It wasn't really the cost of WW that made me quit, it was the lack of well... anything really.

  6. I know that you mostly rejoined WW for support and if that's not happening (and given the cost) I would absolutely scrap it. You have your walking group which is amazing. I actually got down to around 71 kilos and felt (and looked) really good but for the life of me now I seem to have settled in the early 80s. I've realised that nobody cares and there are always clothes that look good. About the jeans. Yes, I have 'normal' jeans and fit a size 14 on a good day but I just love the no zip, pull on ones. I would call them old lady jean but I don't give a shit... they look like jeans on but are sooooo comfortable. Mine are just the jeggings from Kmart - even though I have regular jeans, I'll never go back.

    1. Jeans that are like leggings? OMG I must go look for some of those. What an excellent idea. And like you, I am going to be very happy to 'settle' into the low 80's, just as soon as these last 10 kilos get off me!

    2. The Kmart ones can be 'skinny' so go up a size if need be. They do stretch with wear though. I know Postie have them too but I think they might be more tight? The Kmart ones look like jeans on.

  7. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Yes - I was going to mention jeggings too. They are great. As Lynda said - ignore the sizing at Kmart and get ones that fit despite what the label says. They can be a bit crazy. I also love “joggers” which have an elasticated waist and are denim. I got some from Taking Shape a couple of years ago which I have worn to death. So comfy. Liz

  8. No matter what, get stretch jeans, it makes the difference between enjoying wearing them & spending the whole time counting down the minutes until you can go home & get them off.

  9. If they still have Miller's in NZ they do great stretch jeans. They have a bit of elastine in the fabric so they hold their shape. They're the only jeans I'll wear.

  10. I’m a jeans girl too….and love my jeggings and joggers too.
    I got caught a few years ago with WW and that subscription monthly fee. I cancelled my membership and joined online for $17 a month. No meetings to attend, (closest ww meeting in my area is a hour drive) but I love Connect online and have made some great friends that are in my area and we meet up now and then for catch ups.

  11. Yeah $80 a month is way too much for WW. They better be cooking for me for that much.

  12. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Love the camel jeans. They look great. Stews got slim legs like you. Kj


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