Wednesday, April 24, 2024




First up for today, I'm off to Cambridge for an FBG walk.

Nice flat route today thank goodness.

The weather is looking good for it too.

I will no doubt stay after the walk for morning tea with the girls (and guys).  We do have a few men in the group, but not many.  

Then it will be home time, and I don't know what I'll get up to once home.  Probably some housework.  


ABOVE:  Gorgeous Cambridge on a crisp Autumn morning.

ABOVE:  Lake Te Koutu.  It's in the heart of Cambridge, and people who don't live there might not even know it's there!

ABOVE:  Just for once, I got morning tea.  Usually I just stick to me Diet Coke at the coffee stop after a walk.

It was an extremely lovely  Lemon Tart.

And YES Darling, I got a piece for you too.

ABOVE: Walk Stats.  A nice distance and a decent enough pace.

Now that I'm home, I have a few jobs to get done around the house before Mike and Joyce arrive tomorrow.  They are coming up for Anzac 'weekend'.

ABOVE: Today's 'official' walk photo.  I can't NOT do it!  I like to see them all.  Even if you can't.

This afternoon I 'doctored' my second new FBG T-Shirt.  I decided to do something different for the second one.  I'll show you tomorrow.  I'm really happy with it.

Now it's 4.40 pm, and time to fold the washing (ikk), and get dinner sorted out.  I think Stew will be having left over venison stew with some veges.  I had some tuna for my 'dinner' at lunchtime.

OK, I'm done for the day.  I'm tired and feel a bit headachy, so off to bed a bit early tonight.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Laura M.6:26 AM

    That baby is getting more adorable by the day! She looks so huggable!

  2. You are on fire with your walking - woop woop!!!

  3. Enjoy your walk and tea.
    That dog couldn't be more fascinated by the baby. so funny!

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Happy Birthday Steve!! You got the best present ever right there!! Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Happy birthday Steve Felicity

  6. By tea, do you mean sweets?

    1. Nope. Morning tea just means ya stop for a cuppa. Could be Tea, Coffee, Diet Coke. Can include a piece of cake, a savoury scone club sandwich etc. A snack. Same for Afternoon Tea.

  7. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What a pretty lemon tart!

  8. That lemon tart looks like my kind of treat!! Yum. Regarding morning or afternoon tea, it's funny what language use we take for granted here not realising that someone would think it means something else. It's the British in us of course, we have so many English traditions and words which become glaringly obvious when you go there.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    That tart looks yummy

  10. Happy Birthday to Steve. That lemon tart looks scrumptious. Hope it tasted as good as it looks.

  11. Happy birthday to Steve.

    Wow lovely photos of the church, a very crisp Taupō morning too.

  12. Happy Birthday to Steve. The tart looks very yummy. Looks like great weather for walking.

  13. Anonymous11:33 PM

    What a lovely photo of Steve, Lily and Coco. Happy Birthday Steve. Kj

  14. Anonymous11:33 PM

    What a lovely photo of Steve, Lily and Coco. Happy Birthday Steve. Kj


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