Tuesday, April 09, 2024



It's nice and early, and we are up with the sparrows.

Not that we have to be at the hospital super early today.  They expect Stew at 7.30 am, so we don't need to leave home until about 7.10 am.

Everything is in the car, and I'm just about to put on me face.  Can't go out and about without me face.

Once we are there, and Stew is settled, I'll give you an update.  We have no idea what time his surgery is happening, so I can't even tell you that.

Right, time to get off here and start our day.

Fingers and toes crossed all goes well and Stew is in and out with no trouble at all.


8.23 am. We are sitting in the hospital room waiting for him to be taken to the 'holding room'. That's where he gets to meet the surgical team before his operation. 

He is 2nd on the list, so he should be going in the next half an hour or so.

ABOVE: This is his room. I can stay here all day if I wish. While he's  in surgery I'll probably go for a walk.

ABOVE: I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF! He's getting shaved from his nipple to his groin. You can thank me later for making sure NOTHING is on 'show'. πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£

So now... we wait.

They took Stew off at 9.50 am. So he should be back in his room by early afternoon. 

I just took a leisurely walk into Hamilton East. I had a hot chocolate drink and a cookie in a cafe... then came back to the hospital. 

I've  now got me feet up on a chair, just relaxing.  

ABOVE: 12.52 pm, and he's back. Looking great. All went well and they are sending him home TODAY!

Talk about a fast turn around.

So relieved that is done and dusted.

4 pm. WAITING ... for him to PEE. Cos they ain't letting him out until he's done a wee.

He's tried once...   but no go pee.

I might laugh, (sorry Stew), if they have to give him a catheter.

He's hoping THAT isn't necessary for obvious reasons. πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€ͺ

4.30 pm. Hes just been seen by the surgeons etc. All good there.

AND... he's had a BIG PEE! So we can go home. EXCELLENT.

5.50 pm: we have left the hospital  and are just getting his prescription from The Base... then we will be HOME. 

I had to put his shoes 'n' socks on for him.    Fuck he's gunna owe me big time by the time he's all better. πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

Just as well I love him.

6.30 pm:  we are safely home.  I'm still a bit shocked at how quickly they let him come home, as they had said he would be in for a day or two.

Oh well, I'm sure I can keep a close eye on him here at home, and make sure his recovery goes smoothly.

Just have to keep an eagle eye out for infection.  That is not going to happen on my watch if at all possible.

And now, although it's fairly early, I am going to sign off for the day.  I'm bloody tired because I got bugger all sleep last night, understandably.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Hope everything has gone well for Stew's surgery! And you are hanging in there OK as well. Thinking of you both!!! Dawn P. Albany, Georgia USA

  2. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hope everything goes well today. KarenAK

  3. Thinking of you both today. I am confident it will go smoothly. Biggest problem I foresee is keeping Stew still for the next few weeks. He might go stircrazy!

  4. Wishing Stew all the best with his surgery and recovery.

  5. All the best. I am sure it will go well πŸ’•

  6. Wishing all the best for you and Stew. Hope he heals quickly. Hugs.

  7. That's actually a great picture of Stew.

    1. *snort*... which one? ... just joking.

  8. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Good luck, Stew! You got this buddy! xx Colleen

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    All best wishes for Stew and you....Peta

  10. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Tell Stew he looks good in a dress. Haha Ky Girl

  11. Best wishes Stew.

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    If I had read your blog before message you lol I wouldn't have made U repeat yourself Felicity

  13. All the best to Stew

  14. He looks great post op. Now you have the hard job of getting him to behave and not overdo things. Good luck!

  15. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Wow - that is quick. Y'all have a safe trip home and getting settled back in. Ky Girl

  16. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Very good!

  17. Anonymous2:10 PM

    He looks great! Hope he has a speedy recovery! Laurie

  18. Kiwionholidays2:38 PM

    Wow fantastic turn around time πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ₯☕️🍿
    Rest n relax for you guys for a couple of days but if you’re like me that’s not an option cos we like to keep moving πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ’―πŸΆ
    Happy for you all
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  19. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Time to find the whip to make him do what he's supposed too. You behave Stew. Glad you're over it now and into recovery. All the best mate. Kj

  20. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Lucky Stew, a pee and fast discharge
    Hubby had a hernia repair 20+ years ago and the stitches were so big that he had the kids convinced that the dr used a special big sewing machine to sew him up. It took them years to realise it wasn’t true

  21. Great news here’s to a speedy recovery and R E S T.

  22. Glad Stew is home safe πŸ₯°

  23. That's great the operation is done and dusted! They don't keep them in these days especially as you can look after him.

  24. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Happy for Stew that all went well. Gigi

  25. I'm so glad he was released on the same day! My hubby was, too. When you said staying in hospital for 1-2 days - I thought maybe his was a more serious surgery. Glad it's done and he's home. I'm sure HE is too!

  26. Anonymous1:57 AM

    So very glad all went really well ! Even nicer he got to come home same day. That is pretty common here in the USA; they pretty much throw us out the door after an hour in the recovery room, lol. Anyways, I know you will be keeping a beady eye out for any possible infection and keep Stew on the straight and narrow so he has full recovery!! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

  27. It's crazy how fast they send people home now. My mom went home in a few hours when she had hers done but it was really small.

  28. Great news about Stew. My husband has been told by his doctor he should have his hernia repaired at some point. Stew has shown it isn't as terrible as I imagined.


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