Wednesday, April 10, 2024



Totally got a decent sleep last night, and man did I need it.  I am feeling so much better this morning.

We are both still in bed, as there is no need to get up early.

Last night I had my 2nd Trulicity injection, and again, I didn't feel a thing.  I am a bundle of nerves beforehand, then afterwards I'm like "That was so easy!".  And then I have a massive hot flush 'cos I am that stressed out by it all. So dumb.  I hope I get used to it soon and STOP being so anxious.

Stew had a very good night, so he is OK.  I am looking after him.  Today we will both be taking it easy.  I fully expect him to start feeling some pain, so he needs to stay on top of the pain medications.

This recovery is going to be SO MUCH EASIER than after his last hernia operation, because this one was done laparoscopically, instead of a big incision down his middle.

ABOVE:  In this photo you can see one of the 'holes' in his lower belly.  There's two more lower down.  Oh and yep, he's all pink from his midline, down to his knees!  I presume that shit will wash off. 😂😃

He still smells like disinfectant and whatever else they put on him.

He's discovered they shaved him quite a bit more in theatre... so he's gunna be itchy soon.  lol

There was some very 'ho hum' art on the hospital walls, but one piece stood out from the rest:

ABOVE:  I really liked this piece. Very funky and eye catching.

I would happily have it on my walls.

I got something in the post a couple of days ago:

ABOVE:  'NO EVIDENCE OF BREAST CANCER'... so my mammogram results came back with good news. 

It's always nerve wracking opening up that envelope!  But those words jump out at you, and you immediately relax.

Right, it's time to roll over and read the news!

Catch ya later.


Well it's a gorgeous autumn day.  

The first thing I did this morning was get on the treadmill and do a quick and fast walk.

Then, I needed to pop out to fill my prescription, so while I was out Bex and Lily called in to keep Stew company.

I like to call it 'baby sitting' the Stewie!  lol

He is doing so well today.  He's taking little walks here and there, he's had a flannel wash and he's moving really, really well.   He just said he's not feeling too bad at all.

So that's awesome.

I'm now contemplating heading off to the garage to finish getting stuff ready for our next market, which is this Sunday.  I don't need to do much, so might as well get it done and out of the way.

5 pm:  Well as I thought, it's been super quiet here this afternoon.  I tried to have a nap, but nah.... and then some idiot knocked on our door and the dogs went NUTS!

It was just someone trying to swap us to 2 degrees, a phone company.  Grrrrr.  Door knocking is not supposed to happen anymore.  So frustrating when the dogs go nuts and just bark and bark non stop.

*sigh* anyway... quiet otherwise.

So, dinner time soon, and I'm not fussed on anything.  Stew is scoffing Prawns dipped in Aioli Dressing. 

End of the day and all is good here.  Stew is feeling 'not bad, a bit tired', he's keeping on top of the pain by taking his medication on time. He's looked quite flushed a few times today, but no temperature, so that's a bit weird.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. They post results? OMG - can they not email or something? We receive nearly zero mail and the odd time something slips through we get it changed (mind you, we are on the road so often). It's always such a relief to get a clear result! I get mine done at a clinic that checks it on the spot so there is no waiting but even then I'm nervous. Have a relaxing day - it must so good for Stew to get that operation over with.

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I, too, got my mammogram all clear on Friday last week. That's always a big relief, isn't it! Sending Stew healing vibes. He's a tough old nutter, he'll be back on his feet in no time. Hugs! xx Colleen

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Glad Stew had a good night. Guess U had one ear open like when ya have a new baby. Mum had a bad night last night so I feel like a Zombie, she couldn't breathe so what I've been here 2 weeks and it's already paid off. Felicity

  4. Gosh that is a very bright pink.
    Definitely keep up pain relief.
    Nice distraction Bex and Lily.

  5. Happy to hear you are all happy and healthy at home.

  6. Anonymous3:39 PM

    He's not looking bad at all. I bet he's feeling better without the hernia. As for red stuff etc it's just war paint. Look out lol. Kj

  7. Great to hear you both had a good night and Stew is feeling good today

  8. Good news all round!! So glad to hear Stew is doing well post op. All the best

  9. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Good news on the healing front there Stew 👍 why is door knocking not allowed anymore?? It happens here regularly, I've not heard about that GM 💙💙

    1. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's been outlawed, at least here.

    2. We still get door knockers! Maybe one a month, so annoying.

    3. Me again. I just looked it up and if you put up a "Do not knock" sticker then it is illegal for them to be on your property! Google "do not knock sticker nz" and also read the consumer webpage on it. Interesting.

    4. Yes I thought that was the case, I remember reading about it a couple of years ago. I am going to let readers know that tomorrow on the blog. AND get us a sign.

  10. Anonymous10:57 PM

    So glad things are going well. My husband had hernia surgery years ago. Biggest recovery problem - laughing was very painful.

    Traveling day yesterday, very happy to sleep in my own bed last night. We were gone about a week.



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