Thursday, April 04, 2024



Yesterday I didn't feel hungry AT ALL, so I didn't eat anything until dinner time.

BUT... just because I didn't feel hungry,  I need to remember that I actually NEED to eat!

By the time Stew arrived home from work last night, I was starting to feel a bit faint and woozy.

So, it's a learning curve... and one I need to work out. Today I will make myself eat some lunch.

ABOVE:  I made 15 bowl cosys yesterday.  
I am aiming to do the same again today.

ABOVE: I also forgot to post yesterdays FBG walk photo.  I know it sucks I have to blank out everyone's faces, but at least you get to see that I actually did it!  

So... today I'm just going to potter, (which means sew), in the sewing room. 


12.15 pm: and I've just stopped for my lunch.
I cooked a roast chicken and veges!
Stew will have his when he gets home from the pub this evening.

COLLEEN:  I intend making bowl cosy's until I have an enormous stash!  I am loving making them right now, so while that continues... I will keep making them.  They are a 'best seller' so I doubt I will end up with left over stock at the end of the day.
The 'day' being when I decided to no longer do markets.  And that might not be for another 10 years.

As for feeling woozy, low blood sugars etc.  YEAH, I know what caused it.  I also forget I'm a diabetic 99% of the time!
I don't live like a diabetic.  I don't avoid sweet foods/fruit etc ... but I do usually limit them.
I forget to take my metformin 50% of the time too.  I just hate being 'tied' to medication all the time.

In fact, ummmm, I've not taken me medications in about a week!  Whoops.

I am my own worst enemy I know.  Don't lecture me... cos I am also a stubborn, hard nosed, obstinate  tart who usually does not listen to anyone.  Except Stew.  I listen to him.
Then I want to just stab him 16 times in the chest.  Cos he's usually right.  😖

Right, lunch is over, time to get back to work.

ABOVE: And I have a new record.
TWENTY THREE Bowl Cosys today.
And thats it.

I'm now visiting Steve n Bex while Stew's at the pub.
ABOVE:  The boys winding down before bedtime.

ABOVE: Darling little Lily, sound asleep and ready for her bed too.

Stew and I are home now (8.20 pm), and also winding down for the night.

Marley is lucky to still be alive, because I want to throttle her!!!  More on that tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I bet you were woozy after not eating all day. You'll get the hang of it all. Good luck! Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Being diabetic you definitely need to eat regularly and look after yourself. But hopefully this works for you. Also, legit question, how many bowl cosies are you aiming for? Hopefully you don't find yourself stuck with excess stock and they fly off the shelves at markets for you! I love mine, that's for sure! Have a great day xx Colleen

  3. I am sure you will be able to manage your food intake much easier if you don't have an appetite. It will certainly curb cravings and such. And then you can just eat reasonable (ww type ) serving sizes.

  4. Rhonda12:05 PM

    Yes a learning curve for you. You’ll sort it out. Being diabetic though you would know how important it is to eat regularly to keep blood glucose levels stable. Being woozy would probably indicate low glucose level, very dangerous for a diabetic. Hope you have a nice day

  5. Good to know all the in and outs and side effects etc.
    Inwards and downwards lol x

  6. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Am I correct in saying that now you're on the injections, you don't take Metformin? xx Colleen

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      I had the exact same thought.

    2. I'm not sure! The doctor didn't mention it. I best ask I suppose.

  7. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Ha make me laugh....Peta

  8. Regarding the FBG walks... have you thought about just taking a photo from behind to record the walk and no faces need to be blanked out? It would make a neat photo too I think.


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