Tuesday, April 30, 2024



This morning I'm doing housework and odd jobs.

Both my new FBG t-shirts are too long for me, so I will be making them shorter this morning.  

I've had some lovely comments from my fellow FBG'ers about the 'doctoring' I did to both t-shirts too, which is just lovely. 

Later on this afternoon Lacy and I are going for a walk around the lake.  I'm really looking forward to that, we've not been walking for a while now.  I miss the annoying tart.

I've had to start taking Magnesium Capsules for leg cramps again, after not using it for over a year.  Ever since I started Trulicity, my hot flushes have ramped up again.  MOST annoying.  So I'm sweating more, hence getting more cramps due to fluid loss.  

I have also, coincidentally, dropped the amount of Diet Coke I've been drinking by half.

Probably due to the weather cooling, and me not feeling as thirsty.
So I'm probably not drinking enough either.
Ahhh the balances, the balances.  Are out.

So I'm trying to have at least one hot drink a day to fill the fluid gap.
The Magnesium sure helps though.  It also helps you sleep much better as well.

Does anyone else take Magnesium and what for?


And just like that, today's plans have changed.  Lacy can't walk with me after all.  So I'm having a 'rest' day.  Probably just as well cos my lower back is pretty sore.

I have a walk planned in Cambridge for tomorrow with the FBG's, so that's all good.

ABOVE:  It has been a relatively quiet day here.

I went to the supermarket for a few supplies, then came home and did ... NOTHING!

Then I decided to make more stewed apple for my dinners of yoghurt and fruit.

That thing above?


It makes peeling and coring apples super fast and easy.  Like SOOOOOoooooo easy.

I absolutely love it.

I'm going over to Steve and Bex's this evening for a little while.  Just visiting before Stew gets home.

Well, my 5th Trulicity injection went perfectly tonight.  Absolutely no pain at all, not even a little prick!  It does help that there are areas on my belly that are quite without feeling on the surface due to surgeries.  And numbing cream.  That certainly helps as well.

So, even though I did stress out most of the day, I really didn't need to.

I'm sure I will eventually get used to it.  Maybe.

And now... we are settling down for the night, next stop... bed.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Take 2 magnesium a night, helps with my twitch legs and cramp. Also rub magnesium cream on my leg and soles of my feet. Unless it's a night last this last one and nothing helps me sleep. Ggggrrr gonna be a long day of I can't sleep going back to try. Nite nite. Felicity

  2. I take magnesium too for leg cramps and to help me sleep (post baby) I take the powder form - mix a spoon in a glass of water and drink just before bed and it works a treat.
    Well done you on your walks - it’s very inspiring!

  3. I use an app that reminds me to drink water. I drink quite a bit.(104 fluid ounces today) I hardly drink anything except water.

    1. Holy hell, that is like 13 cups of water a day! You know you can die from drinking too much water right? (joking, but it has happened). I drink NO WATER as you probably already know. I'm still alive!!!! You live in a much warmer climate than me, so you probably NEED more fluid. FLUID... not necessarily all water! Ikkk to water. Each to their own of course. lol I hope you are well Mark, I'll pop by ya blog soon.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hi, enjoy your day...I sent an email....Peta

  5. What a shame you weren't able to walk with Lacy. I do enjoy seeing the photos of you both and you seem to have so much fun together.

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Hi Chris, my back is worse as well when I sleep better and don't move much...lol...Peta

  7. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Rest days are good. I'm doing that tomorrow, well, cleaning house, actually, but bound and determined not to get into my car and going anywhere. Happy rest day!! Ky Girl

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I was prescribed magnesium after my fractured hip as was getting muscle cramps. I’m sure it helps a bit. I don’t do fizzy drinks at all so normally a smoothie, cup of tea or coffee, water and a wine at dinner

    Anne Palmy

  9. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I take magnesium for restless leg syndrome, also eat a banana every day for the potassium. It helps a lot but I still seem to have the odd day here and there where I can't sleep because of my legs.

  10. I have looked at those gadgets before. Never actually bought one though. I am not sure I would use it that mush. I am happy to hear that the injections are going smoothly. You shouldn't have to worry about them for one minute. I hope that happens soon. Stewed Apple, huh? My hubby makes a snack called "Fruit Thing". It consists of canned fruit and yogurt! Such a unique name!


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