Saturday, January 20, 2024


Up early today.

It's the first market of the year for us.

We are off to Tamahere, which will be our mainstay market for most of the year.

I'm not sure how well today will go, it's still 'holiday' time for a lot of people.  So, we don't have big expectations.

But, we will enjoy being there, and catching up with everyone we have come to know and enjoy being with.

ABOVE:  The dogs met Lily last night.  It was interesting.

Marley was very, very interested. And she did not want Coco anywhere near her. 

Coco was scared off by Marley, which was a bit sad.

Next time they come over to visit, we are going to put Marley in the garage, that way Coco can check out Lily without Marley getting pissy at her.

Right, I better get a move on... make sure we have everything we need for market, and then head off.


ABOVE: 10.22 am. As we anticipated it is much quieter here today.

Luckily the weather is good. It was drizzling at 6am. 
I have to apologize to anyone who's  left a comment thats not been published in the past 2 months.
I forgot to check the spam folder.
WHOOPS..  there were 17 unpublished comments in there.
I've now published them all.
Right... back to this market.
People watching mostly.

2.14 pm:  Finally home.  It's been a long, hot day.
It was VERY quiet today, but we still had an enjoyable time.
I do hope next Monday's Auckland Anniversary Market in Cambridge is a bit better.

The best thing about a slow market is that I don't have to frantically sew more stock for the time being.

I saw several ladies I knew, and enjoyed saying 'Hi' and having a yak with.

Roz from Christchurch, it was neat seeing you again!  Funny how I run into you at markets... though I think you know I will be there somehow!  😂😅😊  And how special that you were up here to witness the birth of your three day old grandson! 

Stew has just left to do his 'weekend' grocery shop, and I'm going to sit in me lazy boy with me feet UP.  I've got a bit of leg/ankle swelling going on, but not too bad.  I tried to move and walk around a bit during the day to avoid the 'swell'.

Stew just checked our cucumber patch...

ABOVE:  CLEARLY, we missed this one!  OMG I've not seen a cucumber that big in forever!  
I hope it still tastes nice.
And doesn't my darling look FANTASTIC?  Such a hottie.

8.15 pm:  Stew, Steve, the boys and I all got in the pool this afternoon.  It was just so wonderful to cool off after such a hot, sticky day.
Once they left, we had dinner.
And now the day is winding down... and I can't wait until it's...


  1. I hope you have a good day at the market 🙂

  2. Anonymous12:40 PM

    God damn sweltering here 30 degrees 😳 am dying 😭 ohhh well keep up the fluids 🍺🍺 good luck with the market GM 💙💙

  3. That cucumber must have been hiding well 😂

  4. It is fascinating about the dogs. From what I recall - you were expecting the exact opposite.
    Hubby and I stepped out of our comfort zone today and took a "Production Assistant" work shop.
    Apparently, the tiny little , middle of nowhere, rural Northern Minnesota, freezing ass cold (-15 F today, and YES that is NEGATIVE 15) area that I live in... Has suddenly become the #1 area in the USA for film making monetary incentives. And sooo many productions are coming here that there are not enough qualified people to crew the productions. Hence these intensive workshops. This is our 2nd one. I love them so far! So cool! I really do love those "behind the scenes" videos... And this is the actual behind the scenes work!

    1. Your freezing cold temperature makes me shiver just thinking about it. The Production Assistant gig sounds fun, you will have to keep us all up to date on what you get up to.

  5. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Yes, Stew looks good...weight loss can make you look younger and he both look cute seeing little Lily....adorable...Peta....Ps I am watching Fargo the TV series set in Minnesota...such you watch it Dogstars? Peta


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