Friday, January 12, 2024


  I've been wanting to put this post up for the past few days, but the timing was never quite right.

Hopefully today it's OK to post it.

When I left Coffs Harbour in 2020, following the death of my Mum, I left her ashes in the care of her partner, Ron. 

Last August, my Mum's partner died in an accident on his property.

I was expecting to be able to retrieve my Mum's ashes from his family, as had been arranged with Ron, prior to his death.

Unfortunately, after Ron's death,  his family informed me that my Mum's ashes were 'LOST' or 'disposed of' already!

IF they were already 'DISPOSED OF', that was totally against my sister's and my wishes, but there was nothing we could do about it.

What was done, is done.  We now have NO IDEA what happened to our Mum's ashes.  

ABOVE:  Blue Butterflies have been busy...


I HAVE THIS.  It is the plaque off Mum's ashes box, and before that, it was on top of her coffin.

It is SOMETHING I can hold on to forever.

And it confirms her ashes were not 'LOST'.  They were disposed of.

It was a sacrilegious act to dispose of them without our presence, or permission.

I will NEVER forgive whoever did it.  And I hope they are either already in hell, or are going there one day.

This has been troubling me for MONTHS.  I have to let it go now.  I WILL let it go now.

Today I will be spending the morning sewing, doing some housework and so on.  

It's far too hot to even think of going for a walk right now sadly.  I know my fitness will suffer for not walking, but there is only so much I can do over summer.


12.39 pm.

I've had a lovely morning.  I posted a runner off to Australia... a gift for a dear friend.

Then I visited Lacy and Keera.

After that I came home and made this runner:

ABOVE: It is an almost exact replica of the runner that is off to Australia... I just had to make another one, cos I love it.

Now, it's lunchtime.

After lunch I'm going to get in the pool and just enjoy our afternoon.

ABOVE:  It has been the most perfect afternoon in the pool.  The kids have had a blast, and should sleep well tonight.

I am now back in the sewing room, trying to decide what Braid Runner to make next.

Possibly a simple Black 'n' White.

ABOVE: Our dinner this evening was Teriyaki Chicken over rice, with a side of home grown cucumber, which was delicious.

We are going to have an ice cream for dessert, then a bit later on we are having a swim in the dark.

Then... it will be:


  1. I am so happy that the plaque made it back to you. I truly hope that having the plaque with you can help bring you the peace that you deserve.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      I hope you don't mind me replying to your post, Dogstars, but I can't seem to leave a comment any other way.

      Chris - I am so sorry that happened with your mothers ashes. I can't imagine. XO Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Oh Chris. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    How dreadful.

    I suppose very odd things happen with ashes between family members on a regular basis and we just don’t hear about it.


  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I am happy you have the plaque, and I love your mom’s middle name.

    1. My Mum went by her second name, no one ever called her Christina except in hospitals. I think she quite liked being called Christina.

  5. Rhonda11:37 AM

    Oh Chris, I’m so sorry you have had to go through this. Your mum is with you, I’m sure of that. I know you will treasure the plaque 💕💕💕 Be kind to yourself beautiful lady

  6. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe someone would simply dispose the ashes. They should have asked if your family wanted them & if your family decline ask how/where they should spread them. I am so sorry you had to deal with that.

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hi maybe Ron sprinkled them, before he died?.....Peta

  8. Ohhhh so pleased you got the plaque back,
    And can have something physical to touch and look at .

  9. Anonymous5:07 PM

    That is a despicable act 🥺 am hurting for you chick 💔 perhaps pick a blue flower and go down to the sea and pop it and say goodbye, I got that advice from someone many years ago GM 💙💙

  10. I am so sorry for you Chris, the idea of placing a flower in the sea, sounds like a wonderful idea.

  11. Hi, Chris. So sorry that happened to you and your sister. Although I still have my husband's ashes, something so awful took place at his cremation that I have had to "let it go" after a year of torment. Legally, I cannot say exactly what happened but suffice it to say, there has been no other similar case in this country (UK), USA or Canada. That sort of thing stays with us forever but we must learn to live with it. Thinking of you.

    1. So sorry you had to go through what you did. As you say... we have to let it go for our own mental health.

  12. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I like the idea that Ron scattered your mums ashes in their garden. But not a nice thing to worry about. Love that tablerunner. Kj 🫂

    1. We have no idea who did what with Mums ashes.

  13. Some people are just mean spirited. Hope they get theirs one day. Take care.


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