Monday, January 22, 2024



YES.... here's more baby spam!

ABOVE:  SERIOUSLY!  The only thing they changed was the plumbing!!!

And I also see a lot of Archer in her as well.  She's adorable, full stop. End of Story.

We are all just in love with her.

Our little spitfire.

She has a very marked preference to which boob she wants to nurse off.


And when Bex offers her the right one, the little spitfire GROWLS at her!  Seriously, she growls.  Then complies, cos there ain't no choice really.

It's hysterical.

I think they are worried she's gunna be a handful, cos she already is.  😂😅😊

ABOVE: Bex bought Lily more onesies yesterday, size 0000.  Everything that they already had is still a bit big on her.

ABOVE: Just look at Marley!  She's so interested in the baby!

In fact, she is overly protective of her.

ABOVE: That is as close as Coco got all afternoon... Marley made sure she kept her distance.

ABOVE: Marley ended up there... keeping a close eye on happenings.

If ANYONE tried to touch HER baby, she licked their hands and tried to nudge them away... even Bex got nudged away from touching baby's legs/hands!

It was really cute, until Marley decided Coco needed to be reminded to not get near baby... she took to her AGAIN!

Lots of growling and snapping.  Poor Coco.

ABOVE:  SNIFF SNIFF.... Coco was too scared to go near Lily though.

Now... back to today, I'm off for a mall walk with Lacy this morning.

I would like to go around the outside perimeter again, at least if it's not too hot already.

We will see.

When I get home it will be time to do all the housework, washing etc.  Just the usual Monday routine really.


9.07 am:  Well so much for thunder and rain.  Pfffft.
It's stinking hot and sweaty.  It looks like there was some rain overnight, just enough to keep us living in a sauna.

Today's walk... well Lacy and I managed to do 4 external loops of the mall, and one inside. Inside the mall was utterly deserted!  Way to early for most people, even those who work there.  Perfect for fast walking, no having to dodge peeps.

ABOVE: The time is accurate, but the distance is not.  EDIT: Yes I can see the typo, and I can't be arsed fixing it.
It was bloody hot, and by the end of it I was dripping in sweat.

That didn't stop me from going straight from our walk to Mitre 10, where I bought some paint for the bathroom.

I've now put a little on the wall to see if it's the right shade.  I hope so, if not I shall 'tweak' it myself.

Next up, washing is on.  And I'm about to tidy up the kitchen and so on.  Usual shit.


ABOVE: And here we have young James, working on putting the mixer and spout on the wall.
I say young, but he's actually in his late 20's and has been a plumber for over 10 years.
I thought he looked about 16!  lol

Once those are done, Steve steps back in to put new jib on the wall, and install the bath.
He reckons he can do the bath install just fine. 

The paint I bought is too bright.  It's not like the sample sheet at all.  So a bit later on I will be going out to get a test pot of black, to mix it in and dim it down a bit. 

DOGSTARS:  Yes there is an existing drain from when there was a vanity/sink there.  It needs adjusting, which will be done tomorrow. Steve is coming over this evening to install the jib board behind where the mixer and spout go.
So, when the plumber comes back tomorrow he can put them on the wall.  Today the plumber altered all the water pipes to fit the new tapware.

ABOVE:  Tomorrow the actual mixer and spout will be put on.

I managed to doctor the paint I bought by adding black and dark grey to it.

All going well I will be able to paint the bathroom in about a week?  Not sure, it depends on how much Steve can get done in between doing his job and looking after his family.

The gardens and pots need watering, but as we are 'supposed' to get thunderstorms for the next few days, I'm holding off.
So far, there is no sign of any more rain.

Steve and his boys came over early evening, Steve put the jib board up, then we all ended up in the pool.
It was just what everyone needed to cool down after such a hot day.

Once they left, Stew and I had dinner and now it's quiet time before...



  1. So funny! Marley thinks she is her baby! 9 more days or less til our new one gets here!

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Chris, my only child is 39, but back in the day I think the smallest sized clothes were 000. These days there is something for everyone and everything. Marie, Melbourne

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      My prem baby was born 34 years ago. A friend found some 0000 onesies in Melbourne which were still too big for her at six months. I would have loved some of the sizes available now. Luckily mum could knit dolls clothes

  3. I certainly hope you told Marley who is boss! Hint.. It's not Marley!
    I also thought that Plumber looks like a youngster!
    Is there already a drain installed for the tub? When will it be ready!!!???
    How exciting!

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Lily is just lovely. And she sure looks like her brothers . I think she looks like Bex as well. Laurie

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Do you have to re-waterproof everything in preparation for the bath? xx Colleen

  6. Loving the baby spam.

  7. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I think Lilly looks a lot like Archer around the eyes....and Dante...sooo sweet......Peta

  8. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Ooh love Marley and Lily. So cute! She is so beautiful. Kj


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