Thursday, January 11, 2024


Dante and Archer had a lovely sleep over with us last night.  They got to camp out on the lounge floor on mattresses, and the dogs spent the night with them.  They loved that.  (yes, we do have proper beds for them, but they wanted to be in the lounge with the dogs)  

edit:  The boys NEVER want to sleep with the dogs again!  They kept them awake ... ha ha!  That is exactly why they don't sleep with us as well.  Neither dog knows how to keep still for any length of time.

Bex has to visit the hospital again this morning.

This time, I will be taking her as Steve has to be at work.  

While she's in the hospital being monitored, I am going to have a short walk down at the lake.  I doubt I'll have time to do the entire circumference of the lake, but what I can do will be better than nothing.

It has turned out to be very fortuitous that Stew has this extra week off work.  He gets to stay home and look after the boys, while I ferry Bex to and from the hospital.

Spotlight has another 40% off sale on fabrics, so at some point today I intend to go there for a few more fabrics.

Then I will do some sewing/swimming and just enjoy our day.


OMG I am so sorry!

I have been rather busy today.

NO, there is no baby yet.

Bex and I went to the hospital this morning, where Bex was AGAIN put on the monitor to check on Baby Harvey.

Baby Harvey is PERFECTLY FUCKING HAPPY in there, and ain't coming yet.

So again, we came home.

And I did some sewing, Bex and the boys went home.

Then I had lunch.

Then I had a Grandma Nap, cos I'm not sleeping well... it's too damn hot and my mind is on BABY.

Then we had family call in again...

ABOVE:  This idiot!  Talk about a classic photo bomb!  

It was so lovely to spend time with the kids.

And now, it's time to get in the pool, cos it is stinkin' hot.  Like FUCK IT'S HOT.

Oooo the swim was magic... so refreshing for everyone.

Sadly, once you get out it's like being in a sauna here in Hamilton.  So typical for this place.

Stew went to the pub for his regular blokes catch up while I stayed home and did bugger all really.

Just too hot.

I'm not even going to stay up and watch Coronation Street tonight, I'm too tired.

It's nearly...


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    How old is Bex Chris. I am thinking she’s not 40. I finished work two weeks before my one pregnancy and for me I remember focusing on movement etc probably because I wasn’t as busy as I usually was. Not saying this is case for Bex, she has enough on her plate with two boys. Marie, Melbourne

  2. When is baby due? ? Soon soon...

    1. ANY DAY NOW. Read Pepsi Chick.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Happy new year Chris
      Where is the link to Pepsi, I can't find it

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Yip dogs have a certain way about themselves at night time!! Would have been hotter here is the breeze wasn't around bloody smoking hot 🙄 can't read Pepsi anymore stupid phone 🥺 GM 💙💙

    1. My devices have decided I can't log into Pepsi either but I found away.

  4. Haha classic photo bomb love it!

    Bet the boys were tired, hope all goes well at the next hospital visit.

  5. Keep well baby Harvey. Take care

  6. Looking forward to the new wee family member! Maybe today...... Sounds like it is getting close!

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I haven't been able to get into Pepsi for ages but I thought it was only going to be for family. Such a lucky baby to be born into an awesome family. 🫂


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