Wednesday, January 10, 2024



Today Steve and Bex are dropping the boys off to us bright and early this morning.  They are going to the hospital for some baby monitoring.

Baby has been a bit quiet the past few days, and the midwife just wants to keep an eye on things.

Better safe than sorry of course.

While we have the boys, we will probably go shopping, then home for lots of pool time.

ABOVE: This was the family bathroom vanity getting removed.

Stew had a bright idea to alter it yesterday:

ABOVE: So while he did that...

ABOVE: Bex, the boys and I sat and watched him.  Archer is on the dog's bed in the corner, hoping they would join him. They didn't. 😊

ABOVE: Stew did a damn fine job of turning the vanity into a useable cabinet for the sewing room.  The top flips up to access the new storage area underneath, where the sink was.

That cabinet top is an off cut of the kitchen bench we put in our Palmerston North home!  Funny to think we have dragged that around with us for over 20 years.  Clearly I don't get rid of something that MIGHT come in handy one day.

Right, that's me for now.


Well it's much later.  WE have been out to the shops etc.  The boys are happy spending their money.

Lunch has been and gone.  I've done some sewing.

Steve and Bex are on their way home, as the hospital doctor does not think there is anything to worry about.  That's great.

ABOVE:  And there you have #61.  And that's me done in the sewing room for the day.

It's been a stunning day, and this afternoon I spent almost all of it either in the pool, or lying in the sun.  The little boys and Steve joined me in the pool at one point, and then so did Stew.
The perfect summer afternoon.

Let's hope tomorrow is a repeat of today's weather... this is SUMMER.  And it's not unbearably hot or humid most of the time.  Bloody lovely.

Did I tell you I finished my jigsaw?  Cos I did, late last night.  It's now back in it's box, awaiting the next person who might want to do it.
I doubt I'm going to do another one in the short term, even though I did enjoy doing it.  

Right.... we have the boys again.  Probably only for a couple of hours while Steve and Bex are out.
I'm going to sit with me fan on full blast and watch Coronation Street a bit later on... then it will be:


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Is it large enough to make it worth putting legs on it to raise it to counter (what you call bench I think) height for cutting?

    1. Not really, plus I have a really good sized cutting table already. Nice idea though.

  2. you can never have too much storage in a craft area!

  3. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Good that all is good with Bex and baby ...another busy day at the Harvey household ....great pics...Peta

    1. Well... it's an ongoing and changing situation with Bex and Baby right now.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Middle of the night here, I know you signed off for the day, but still checking to see how things are going.

  4. Kiwionholidays9:07 PM

    Nice catch up with you all lovely pics as always
    Super excited about a new wee arrival coming soon,
    Always adds a great new memory theme along with SO much happiness all round

    Take care all of you and enjoy r&r in the 🏊🏼‍♀️ pool
    Such a great stress reliever on these hot days πŸ₯πŸ‘πŸŽΈ❤️☕️
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  5. Kiwionholidays9:12 PM

    Fantastic idea and well done Steve n co for revamping the vanity
    Love your work πŸ’―πŸŽΈπŸ•ΊπŸΏ

  6. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I catch up on your blog once or twice week and it always makes me feel so happy. You two are a real love story. And your weight loss is awesome. I'm now on strict diet as the new medicine put my levels up. But I wasn't being 100% good. I'm back on starting dose which does work. I've had 2 days without walker. How exciting that Bex is nearly due. Can't wait till you have another grand baby. Kj


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