Monday, January 01, 2024



Right... IT'S A NEW YEAR.

And hopefully it's a bit better than last year.

Stew and I were supposed to be heading up to Auckland today, but our plans had to change.

So, staying home.  Which is ok by us... we love being at home.

We have no plans for the day.

No one has suggested anything, so we will probably do exactly what we did yesterday.

I will sew and Stew will potter around, and watch some movies.

Talk about boring old farts!


It's later. Like 8.40 am.
And my brain has been twirling.
My latest 'Challenge' is OUT THE WINDOW.
It was too hard to maintain whilst being a diabetic.
I suffered too many blood sugar lows.
They ain't nice.

So, back to the drawing board I go.
Maybe not another Challenge for now, cos I can't think of one.

Anyone else got any bright ideas for me?

My goal for this year?  LOSE ONE KILO A MONTH.  I know it doesn't sound like much to lose per month, but over the course of a year it adds up, and 12 kilos is more than I want/need to lose to get to my GOAL.  So, totally doable.  And it won't stress me out.  Let's avoid unnecessary stress ok.

For right now, I will tend the pool, which means put chlorine in it and top it up with fresh water.  When the kids come to swim, we lose a substantial amount of water thanks to 'happiness'.  Splashing.  Bombing.  And so on.
Happiness is OK by me.

After that, I will head off to the sewing room.  I am going to start a new Braid Runner.  BEES.  Think  yellow, but not too much.

ABOVE:  I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room, cutting out strips and so on.
Then I laid this one out, ready for sewing tomorrow.
Then it was lunchtime, so I made us a toasted sandwich ... which was just lovely.  Having a little bread was neat.

ABOVE:   Then, it was have a swim time.   This morning we had a very strong wind, but luckily by this afternoon it had gone.
Perfect swimming weather.
Not long after I got in the pool, Steve, Bex and the boys arrived for a swim as well.

After their swim, they helped us find the FINAL THREE little critters!
They were well hidden I must say.

I think we would have found them eventually, but certainly not in the short term.

All is quiet here now, kids have gone home, me feet are up and I'm eating some Christmas lollies.
Cos I want to.  
Now that I have set me goals, I don't feel under so much pressure to STARVE, or deny myself something if I really want to.  It feels good.

It's now 8 pm.  We are settled down for the evening, I'm looking forward to watching a movie in half an hour.  Then it will be...


  1. Happy New Year! I am going to work on makeup by 2024 my year.

  2. Happy New Year! We will play Pickleball this afternoon. And gather with friends & family tonight.

  3. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Happy New year to you both and your family and hope with the birth of the new baby your lives will once again be filled with love and happiness.We still have just under six hours before we welcome 2024.(Wendy in the UK)

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Trying to send a comment under the comment section. I hope it works today. I haven't been able to post for ever!!

    May 2024 be an awesome year for the Harveys! Can't wait for the new arrival. Peace and happiness to all.
    Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Happy New Year Team Harvey let's hope 2024 is kinder to everyone 💙 💙

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Perhaps blood sugar lows mean you need less of your diabetic medication - a good sign . You are doing so well on your weight loss so things are changing . Go to your doctor and get yourself thoroughly checked over .

  7. Bees and bee fabric are very popular so they should sell well

  8. happy new year Chris!!!!!.... I lost weight 12 months ago, but put it on now. Just plain old over-eating. The wrong foods -- several times a day. Just sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and lollies. OMG. Fried foods and cheese etc doesn't appeal that much. Anyhoo, I've found an 16:8 approach can work ie: 16 hour break and 8 hour "eating window", so basically no breakfast, then lunch and dinner. I'm not that hungry in the mornings, so it's OK for me but as a diabetic, I'm not sure if it would suit you? Christy in Sydney

    1. I virtually never have breakfast, so the 16/8 is something I've always done.

  9. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Happy New Year, don’t make it complicated. Follow WW stay in your points and one day on the weekend use your points and bonus points so that you can go out and enjoy yourself. This is sustainable and allows you to swap out the day of choice depending on what you have on and allows you to easily get back on track. Don’t restrict foods, have a small portion of what you like each day, this will reduce the cravings and binge eating eating and aim for 100g of protein a day, it makes all the difference

  10. Anonymous1:15 PM

    You might like to check out Tim Ferris 'The 4 Hour Body'. If you look him up online and go to his website/blog, you'll find a lot of posts about it. It might suit you well, given that indulgent food is not entirely off the table. In terms of physical activity,, you wouldn't need to change a thing - although you might be tempted to pick up a kettlebell a couple of times a week to assist with bodily strength and recomposition. Happy new year!

  11. Happy new year Chris and family. Wow an exciting month ahead for you all, wonder if grandad will get an extra exciting birthday gift on the 8th.

  12. Happy New Year Chris and Stew 🎉🎉

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    After your summer last year I love seeing the pool so nice and blue. Ky Girl

  14. Happy New Year Chris hope its a good one for you.

  15. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Oh the pool looks beautiful. Warm here but not pool weather for me. Day One on MC today. Going to keep a diary of things I notice. I have felt better the last few days and i think it's lack of stress with work. Back to sewing. Kj

  16. What the movie ...I watched the call midwife Xmas special last night tears at bedtime lol

    1. Dream Horse. About a racehorse. It stars Toni Collette, who I love.

  17. Bee fabric is always so cute! I almost picked up some more yesterday but talked myself out of it lol


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