Wednesday, January 03, 2024


Recently I found out about a fabric 'shop' here in Hamilton, one that I've never been to.

The lady who owns it does so primarily ONLINE, from her home. However, she is open a few days a month.

I messaged her and she's happy to allow me to pop in today, to look at her fabrics in person.

I like that idea very much, as I can see what she's got, what quality it is, her prices etc.

I saw one of her fabrics online that I'm very interested in.  I hope she still has it.  I can see it coming in very handy with Bee Braid Runners.

I'm also stopping into the Post Shop to send Braid Runner #53 off to Auckland.    I hope you love it Tracy.

That is top of my 'to do' list today.

Once we get home, I want to continue cutting out fabric strips.

ABOVE:  I got a whole heap cut out last night.  I've probably got another couple of hours cutting ahead of me today.

After all that, I hope it's fine enough to get outside this afternoon and spend time in the pool.


*** SQUEALS***

Our new bath has arrived in Hamilton!

A whole 6 weeks earlier than expected.  So, we will be picking it up this afternoon.

I'm so thrilled.

11. 35 am, just back from that new fabric shop.

I say shop loosely, as it's actually a garage!

But all good.

The lady was just lovely, and I found a few pieces of fabric that will be handy.

ABOVE: This guy is pretty handy too.  😊😉

ABOVE:  I specifically went over for this piece of fabric.  It looked black on the website, and while it's not what I expected, I still got it.

I can use it sometime, just not on the black and white, or Bee runners.

ABOVE: These were the other three I bought.  I'm loving that black and white 'splatter' fabric!

I got lots of that. lol

So, now I'm going to spend an hour or so doing more cutting out, then we will go and pick up our new bath.

1.07 pm:  And thank god for that.  All the cutting out is done for the day.  I still need to do more, but it can wait.  My back needs a break.

ABOVE: The next runner lined up.  This one is going to have a bee in the centre as well.

I reckon it's gunna be lovely.

NOW, we are off to get our bath.

2.44 pm:  Well Steve did warn us about Trade Depot.  

While most went perfectly well in picking up our bath, I was a bit concerned about one thing.

ABOVE:  It was put on the trailer without a hitch...

ABOVE: Stew secured it, and off we went home.

But once home, I immediately saw this on the box:


It was even shown in a picture (left arrow).

And excuse me, but how did they put it on our trailer?

With a CLAMPING forklift. 

We had a quick look at it when we got it into the garage, and can't see any damage.  

Hopefully once it's fully unboxed that still holds true.

Just a little disappointed in their handling, and Steve had warned us they were VERY slap dash about that.

Hence why we opted to pick it up, rather than have them deliver it.   We have not heard any good stories about deliveries going well!

BUT... it is here.  And it seems to be OK.

Now I just have to 'tee up' the builder and plumber.  😉😊

It's 10 pm.  We had a lovely afternoon, the kids called in for a swim, and I got more cutting out done.

After dinner I worked on my jigsaw, which was nice.  Sitting doing that and watching telly.

I'm now watching Coronation Street, before...


  1. Bloody hell woman!!!! I read that as the new BABY arrived!!!!! Then I re-read it and it was just the bath lol.

    Can't wait for my runner, Siobhan actually picked it out, she looked through the ones you had on a post & liked that one the best and I love it too :-)

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Me too!
      Saw “ba-“ and thought baby.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hi Chris, I found this lady who does simple food plan. Everyday she eats at meal times. 1 cup of vegetables (greens or low calorie type) 2/3 cup of protein (meat, eggs, chicken, tofu etc) 1/2 cup of carbs(potato or rice etc) followed by 1 piece of fruit. During the day she had 1/4 cup of fats. (nuts or avocado or cheese) Sometimes she has this at 4.00pm afternoon snack. She does this for every meal. So I guess her dairy is on the lower side. She drinks coffee at breakfast time. At the end of the week she has a dessert but could also have alcohol if the person chooses that instead. Her name is ilmee Mintz she has some YouTube videos and Facebook posts. I like the simple meal idea though with the cups. I am not a big dairy person so she appears to not have much in the way of that except maybe cheese for her fats if she chooses. Interesting anyway. Excited to see your bath though. Maria (Australia)

  3. Can't wait to see the bath! Hope it gets installed nice and easy!

  4. I am always gobsmacked at how things are handled/delivered. I had a bike delivered flat with a big note saying DO NOT LIE FLAT. If I ever ride the damn thing I will find out if it has been damaged!

  5. Lovely new fabrics. Good you got photgraphic evidence of the handling of your bath just in case any damage is discovered.

    1. Yeah, I photograph EVERYTHING, just in case. Blog fodder primarily, and for our records/memories/history for the kids/grandkids to look back on one day.

  6. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Geez, is Stew still losing weight?

  7. Looking forward to seeing the final installation. Enjoy the tub!


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