Tuesday, January 02, 2024



Well hello there.

It's gunna be another cracker jack day.  Sun is shining, pool is sparkling, and my sewing machine awaits me.

I'm going to work on a Bee Braid Runner until lunchtime.

Then I will come in and have lunch, and after that I will get in the pool.

I got a little bit of sun yesterday, so am going to work on getting a bit of a tan again this afternoon as well.

ABOVE:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our daughter Amanda... we hope you have a fab day.

And that's me for now.


12.47 pm... and I'm back.

I've been sewing all morning, and I got this one (#56) finished.

ABOVE:  I was going to put an applique bee on it somewhere, but decided it was gorgeous just the way it is.  So pretty.

This is the third one I've made with no borders.  Giving buyers options, as no boarders means the runner is narrower.  

I am now taking a lunch break.  Not sure what comes after lunch.  I mean, I could go make another runner, but if it keeps being sunny outside, I'll get in me togs and lie in the sun, and have a swim or two.

3.55 pm: Stew and I had lunch at Taco Bell, then came home.

Brylee moved into her boyfriend's home today. They called in this morning and picked up our trailer and the brown couch I had put aside for her.

Then, off they went.

After our lunch I decided to give them the third and final brown couch, as they could use it more than us.

So we took it over ...

ABOVE:  And guess who decided to arrange the furniture in their lounge?


ABOVE:  And then he made himself at home.

In fact, he was demonstrating how comfortable it was lounging on that couch, watching the telly.


ABOVE:  Yeah, we are leaving.  Catch ya later kids.

We got home just in time to be here when Steve, Bex and the boys arrived for a swim.

So now we have them here.  Love it, kids popping in all the time.  Enjoying the pool.

I just spent two hours in the sewing room ... cutting out strips of fabric.  My back is KILLING ME, even with my cutting table raised up.  *sigh*

Time to stop and just relax for the remainder of the evening until....


  1. Happy Birthday, Amanda! Looks like a fun activity course she is on!

  2. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Did you enjoy Dream Horse last night - I thought it was a good film and loved Toni Collette's Welsh accent - she is such a good actress. BTW, Happy New Year. Audrey

    1. Nope, I stopped watching it half way through. It was too slow for me. And I read what happened on the 'net during the ads! So I didn't need to watch the whole movie to find out what happened. Cheated in other words! lol

  3. I love that Bee Braid Runner as it is. Happy birthday Amanda.

  4. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Happy Birthday Amanda!!! looks like you are all having a fun day..Peta

  5. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Puleeese, you are slipping into old habits, no more fast food junk! You know better!

  6. Love the bee runner! Exciting for Brylee! Happy birthday Amanda!

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Happy New Year! Looks like you had a nice Christmas.


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