Saturday, January 27, 2024



I'm glad I got lots of time in the pool yesterday, and some sun too.

Today is supposed to be cloudy, with possible thunderstorms this afternoon.

But that depends on what weather forecast you are looking at.  I have three I check on regularly, and each one of them says something different.

So, I think I'll just look out the window ... lol.

ABOVE:  Lily is just the most loved little girl.  The boys love getting cuddles with her.

Everyone is enjoying having a tiny baby to dote on.

ABOVE:   Slowly getting a tan.  I didn't get one last summer at all, so it's nice to get some colour this year.

This morning Stew is off to the supermarket.

And I am going to work in the sewing room.  I might get another Kiwiana Runner made before Monday's market.  I need to as I only have two of them.

A bit later on we will probably pop over to Steve 'n' Bex's to pick up a couple of things for the market.  I'm going to have a table of Bex's crocheted toys with us on Monday.  I hope we can sell a few for her.

Remember those little critters the kids put all over our house a while ago?

Well yesterday while Lacy was at the beach with Amanda, I went over to her house and put critters all over her house.  I think at last count she had found about 60.  There's not too many more to find Lacy. 😂😅😂

I also hid the $10 in her house, but she found it easily.  I'm slipping.


Close to midnight last night, I'm on Facebook and see something pop up for sale.  It looks like something we could use, so I make an enquiry about it.
And first thing this morning I've bought it.
We are picking it up later on this morning.
I hope it comes in handy... or it might end up being a white elephant.  Either way... buying it.

Stew is at the supermarket.  
The weather is closing in... there were beautiful pink clouds at 6 am... now its overcast and quite a bit cooler.  I've even got a long sleeved top on!

ABOVE: This is what I bought.  A folding shelving unit for markets.  It's very similar to a smaller one we use for the Bowl Cosys.  I'm not use what I'll put on it yet. 
I'll suss it out once we are on site on Monday.
No rush.  I just saw it on Marketplace and thought... hmmm... could be useful.  NOT expensive so yeah, got it.

After picking that up, we went to the Pool Shop and got more chlorine then came home.  Stew is now pottering outside in the drizzle and I'm going into the sewing room.

ABOVE: And there is today's runner.  It was a bitch to get straight!  And I decided to do the dreaded pointed ends too... cos sometimes I just feel like a runner needs them.
This one did.

Done for the day now... maybe.  😂😅

Steve came over and sanded back the 3rd and final coat of gib stopping.  Then I had the task of cleaning up all the dust, walls, skirting boards, floor etc.
Now it is finally ready for me to apply the sealant, then 2 coats of paint.  

If I can get most of the sealing done tomorrow, I might be able to do all the painting during next week.

Bearing in mind we have a Market on Monday, so nothing will get done on that day.

It is now 8 pm, and I'm done for the day.  Time to just relax till bedtime.


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I love a tan but sadly I have so much sun damage it’s awful. Have had quite a few bad ones burnt off, but luckily before I had to have them cut. On Monday I’m getting my face lasered to get rid of all the sun damage. (And one of my closest friends lost her 25yo son to malignant melanoma) So sun days are over for me. 😩Marie, Melbourne

  2. Loved the kids tin photos had forgotten about those They ARE ALL ADORABLE and how special her bond will be with her big brothers.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The critter hide game is such a fun family thing. Love all the baby pix!!!

    1. Lol yeah, I'm still finding the cute little things today lol 😆

  4. Can't wait to see this Mystery object!

  5. I like a little tan but there is no way I would deliberately sit out in the sun now - any tan I get is incidental ie, out walking etc with a hat on. I would never tan my face, I subjected it to too much sun when I was young! Stu has had two malignant melanomas off over the last year or so and needs to get a skin check every three months now. Certainly our attitude to the sun is different now.

  6. Miss lily has so much love coming her way. I try keep out of the sun but still end up with a tan, mind have natural olive skin my right arm is aways darker than left cause of driving.

  7. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Yes, just use fake tan....sun is so

  8. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Oh wow I love that tablerunner
    Its stunning. Kj


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