Thursday, January 25, 2024

DAY 12


When Dante and Archer were newborns, we took a photo of each of them in 'THE TIN'.

ABOVE:  There they are in 'The Tin'.  At 12 days old. So you guessed it, we are going to be taking a photo of Lily in 'The Tin' today, then we will have a matching photo of all three of them.

Steve and Bex gave me that tin many years ago, and it's main reason for being has been baby photos!  lol

I got a really darling photo of Lily last night:

ABOVE:  Waiting for the smiles, which can't be too far away now.

Steve got the first layer of gib stop on the bathroom wall last night, he will do a 2nd layer this evening, and a final one tomorrow night.  Then it will be ready for painting.

ABOVE:  Best idea ever to get the painting done before putting the bath in position.  Bloody logical when ya think about it!

ABOVE: There was this tricky thin strip that needed gib stopping... I found the perfect implement to do the job...

ABOVE:  A novelty teaspoon, shaped like a spade!  Steve 'n' Bex found them on TEMU and gave me a 'spade' and a 'shovel'.

Never thought they would come in handy as gib stopping tools.  😃😄😉

My plans for the day?  Not making any.  I will just potter around here and see what eventuates.


9.15 am:  Does anyone else save random boxes and paper bags,  JUST.  IN.  CASE.  ya might need one some day?

Yeah, I do.  It got so bad I couldn't open my wardrobe door without them falling out.

ABOVE: So this morning, pretty much before I did anything else, I hauled it all out and put it in the garage, ready for Stew to break them down and get rid of them.

My wardrobe looks immaculate now.  And I'm not constantly annoyed with it.


I just finished with all the morning jobs, bed made, washing on, windows open, dead leaves (thanks Coco) picked up off the floor, and so on.

Now I'm about to FINALLY go and make that bloody runner bag.

UNLESS I get side tracked by something else.  It could happen.

12.14 pm:  And the photo is a rap.  I'll wait to post it, once the parents OK it.

I've almost finished the runner bag, thank goodness.  Then all I have to do is put runners in it.

Then we will well and truly be ready for market next Monday.

1 pm:  The freakin' bag is done, and with Lacy's help, we got the runners out of the van and put the right ones in the new bag.

ABOVE:  Not something I've thought of doing before... LACY DID IT.  How cute does Coco look?  😋😜


4.33 pm.  Feeling blah.  Don't even know why.

Just been tired the past couple of days. I've had a quiet afternoon, did some washing but haven't hung it out yet.  Suppose I better do that.

Stew will be home soonish, then he's off to the pub for a couple of hours.

5.28 pm:  I got a second wind... hung out the washing (looks like it will now rain), did some weeding/pruning, put the soaker hoses on (again, now looks like rain)... and am expecting Steve and the boys soon for some more gib stopping then a swim.

Stew is at the pub.  I hope he has a good time, he deserves it.  

7.51 pm:  Steve arrived and did the 2nd coat of gib stopping.  No swim with the boys today, he was knackered and just wanted to get home and relax. He's mad busy at work and probably always will be.

His position within the company he works for has changed, meaning he's even busier than he was before. He is doing really, really WELL with this company.  More info on that at a later date, once things are signed, sealed and delivered. 

Stew should be home from the pub soon, then we can settle down for a couple of hours before it's bedtime.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The baby picture comparisons are adorable!! Question: Will the new concrete be poured into the hole where the drain pipe is? I can't wait to see the new tub in place. And I like the cabinets in your kitchen that you painted white. It looks very nice and refreshing. Ky Girl

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    That whole box thing came up on my Facebook feed yesterday. I have a few I kept even just recently so I can post parcels. Lol. Us girls all think alike, right? xx Colleen

  3. I thru out a BIG bag of plastic bags mum has been 'cherishing' for so long they are perishing.

  4. Let see the mail man try give you yukkie bills now lol Coco is on the look out

  5. That's cuuuute 🐶

  6. Kiwionholidays1:56 PM

    Gotta say the tin pics are amazing what memories to have n can’t wait to see wee Lily in hers

    Loving bathroom renovation exciting seeing it come together
    Not long since we were going down the same road lol

    And Lacy’s pics of the letterbox security gets me the warm fuzzies
    Love all your work crew ❤️🕺🏿💯🥝🌴🎸🐶
    Cheers 🥂

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Good job, Chris!! - In December I went through all of the boxes I had been saving...just in case I needed one....and threw them in the recycling bin. I am not going to save boxes and bags anymore. Ky Girl

  8. Coco Photo is perfect! Next - Marley's turn! I suppose baby Lily should stick with the blue tub instead of a rusty bucket - but that would be cute as well. I am happy to hear that Steve's job is going well. I tend to stockpile boxes or whatever I think wiill be useful, then go around and purge it all when I realize the mess isn't worthwhile.. Just like you are doing.

  9. We've got grandkids all over (Japan, Oz, Germany, US, Canada) so are always sending packages so like having boxes available. It's still a battle though to limit the number we have. I'm OCD so I've actually thought about dating the boxes so I'd know which ones have been there too long. hahaha.

  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Lily makes my ❤️ sing. She is so like the boys. Is Steve feeling better? He's so good. I hope you have an awesome weekend. I'm going out tomorrow first time in 10 days! Haven't been able to get down the steps!! Good luck with the market. Hugs


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