Friday, January 05, 2024



First thing today, I'm off to the mall for a good, brisk walk.

I've been very remiss when it comes to exercise the past couple of weeks, so it's time to pick it back up again.

Stew is coming with me today.

ABOVE:  Bex has been keeping herself busy while awaiting the arrival of Baby Harvey.  She won't be doing any markets for quite a while, so she's back to advertising on Facebook.

The link is: Bex's Crochet Corner 

She made a 'Snowflake' over Christmas...

ABOVE: Stew and I fell in love with it, so it's now ours.  Well, it will be once she brings it around later on today.

I'm starting a new runner today.  It won't be a Bee one.  Might just be Black/White and ....  

And that is me for now.


Photos of this morning's walk ...  Because it was so cloudy ... we did the lake walk instead of the mall.

ABOVE:  Such a lovely morning for a walk, and we even got to see a couple of hot air balloons.

ABOVE:  And so many Canadian Geese!

ABOVE:  They are always in one big group at the lake.

ABOVE:  The 'ordinary' every day geese are also usually in the same area of the lake.   So, why did the geese cross the road?
PERHAPS they wanted to use the new pedestrian crossing!  😂😅😆  In fact, they are often over the road, eating fresh grass.

ABOVE: There were quite a few outrigger canoes on the lake today.  Practising their times.

ABOVE:  Our time around the lake was 2 minutes longer than 'usual'.  Lost some fitness.  But, I'll make it up again eventually.

Steve, Bex and the boys popped in after their midwife appointment.  All is well with the baby.

As they were about to leave, I asked Steve a SMALL question about how I could remove the vanity in readiness for the  bath placement.
He showed me what to do... 

ABOVE:  And then.... he just did it!
I didn't ask him to, I didn't nag him... he just did it.

ABOVE: it took them all of 15 minutes to get off the wall.

ABOVE: he got the old tiles off the wall..

ABOVE: Disconnected the tap from the vanity unit...

ABOVE: And there ya go.  It's ready for the plumber now.
And I do believe that will be in the next week or two.
So exciting.
I now have to look for a new tap, hand rail and towel rack.
SHOPPING!   ðŸ’™ðŸ’šðŸ’—😂

ABOVE: it was a real family affair.  I sat in the shower area and watched men at work.  One of my favourite things to do. 

ABOVE: Even Bex and the bump were in there!

It's now 12.43 pm, the family have gone home, and I'm off to the sewing room to get some work done.

9.24 pm:  Well I got the latest runner finished, I'll show you tomorrow.
Since coming in from the sewing room, all I've done is sit on me bum and watch the TV.
At some point in the next hour or two I'll be off to bed.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    That snowflake is darling!

  2. Bex is very talented with her crocheting ... and I can see why you fell in love with the "snowflake". I hope you enjoy your walk and have a good day ahead 🙂

  3. Cute Snowflake. A few snowflakes are falling here today. We had the first brown Christmas in memory. Now we are expecting half a foot of snow. It will help things feel "normal" I hope. It's rather scary having bare ground showing in December & January. OH! And today it was so warm and sunny the Chickadees started doing their spring time mating call! A full month+ early! Poor confused birds!

  4. I remember when Bex first taught herself to crochet. She has amazing talent.
    Baby bump has grown a lot. I guess s/he is just biding his/her time. How exciting for you all.
    Steve is a chip off his father's block. Both good blokes eager to help without too much nagging!!

  5. Love Bex creations very talented. No hiding that baby bump wahoo

  6. Rhonda8:59 PM

    Wow so much talent in your family Chris. Absolutely love Bex’s creations. Never seen anything like her crocheting masterpieces. Glad everything is going well for the Harvey Bub. Bex looks amazing

    1. Rhonda6:42 PM

      Oh I meant to say, I’m guessing a boy after looking at ‘the bump’. Time will tell

  7. Bex does an awesome job on the crochet!


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