Thursday, August 18, 2022


 I'm starting something new today.

Marley and I are going for a walk together.

Coco can stay home and guard the fort.  She's a horror to take walking.  If she's not pulling on the lead and getting all tangled up with Marley's lead, she's pulling too hard and causing her airway to restrict, then she drops like a stone gasping for air!

Yesterday Marley showed definite signs of depression.  She didn't leave her bed all day.  Just sat there and looked at me.  

So I'm taking her out and about, it will do both of us good to get some exercise.

And even if it's raining, I will walk.

ABOVE:  Family at dinner last night.  

Did I tell you ???  Brylee is finally a working girl again!  She was off with her shoulder injury for 18 months, but did Business Administration training during that time.

And she is now gainfully employed again.  Such a relief, and a good accomplishment for her.

ABOVE:  It took A LOT of persuasion to get Griffin to allow me to take a photo of his hair!

His girlfriend braided it, and shaved the sides.  I think it looks cool. 

Back to today: After our walk, I shall get back into the sewing room and get the last Gnome runner finished.

Then I can do something else.

11.12 am:  And we did it.
Went walking in the rain.  It was HORRIBLE.
I hate walking.  Believe it or not, that's the truth.
But it's a necessary evil if I want to up my exercise and entertain Marley.

Coco will get a drive out in the car later, cos that's her favourite thing to do, whereas Marley hates being in the car,

Swings and balances.

ABOVE: Someone did an absolute butcher's job on this street!  All the edges have been sprayed with weed killer then just left.  It looks dreadful!

ABOVE:  We didn't see too many cherry trees.  But this one was gorgeous.
I walked down some streets I'd not been on before, saw some very nice homes, and some really sad homes.  Plaster homes that were rotting, or just neglected.  So sad.
This area was built in the era of plaster homes that were not built properly, hence so many are looking the worse for wear.

I'm so happy our home is brick and tile!  NEVER again will we buy a plaster home!

I got quite cold out walking, so am now trying to warm up the sewing room, heat pump on, and about to start sewing for the day.

ABOVE:  And there it is.  Number 6 Christmas Gnome Runner.  DONE.
And I don't want to do another one of those in a long time.
Well... a few weeks at least. 😃😄😅

Stew just got home from work, so I'm now going to head into the house and cook his dinner.

And that's a wrap on the day.  Been a very quiet day as per usual.


  1. Fabulous to hear both kids are doing well and working
    How is Steve doing ?

  2. Oh wow Griffin hair looks way cool and what a handsome man he is growing to be.
    well done to Brylee. The 2 boys Dante and Archer getting so tall.
    Raining cats n dogs here.

  3. Yay, great news about Brylee :-). Love griffin's hair too.

  4. Well done, Brylee. Griffin's hair is very cool. I hope you and Marley both benefit from the walk.

  5. Congrats to Brylee. Griffin - your hair is awesome. Don't hide it!
    And walking alone with Marley is a great idea. Did she enjoy it?

  6. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Good for you walking Marley! And good for Brylee. I injured my shoulder this summer and I know how painful it is.

  7. Great day had by all

  8. I like how it's spring there when it's fall here. My two dawgs are hell to walk too. They're both about 20 kilos each too, when they pull, it stays pulled! Glad Brylee is back in action and that's some hairdo on Griffin..... have a wonderful weekend!

  9. The last runner is my favorite. The cherry tree is lovely, yes, it is sad when homes are run down due to the lack of care, we have those types of homes here as well.
    Walking in the rain is invigorating just as long as you can get warmed up afterwards.

  10. Congrats to Brylee on her job and I love Griffins hair. Ideas for new runners or coasters, back to fish, butterflies or birds.

  11. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I need to get out and walk but scared to go on my own. Thinking about hiring a treadmill. Kj


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