Friday, June 03, 2022


 I'm heading out today at about 8.45 am for a walk in Cambridge.

I'm only doing half of it, as it's a 6.5 km long walk, and there is no way I want to walk that far.

If I do the 2nd half, I get to join the girls for morning tea afterwards, which is always nice, and I don't have to leave super early either.

Once I've done the walk/morning tea, I'll come back here and grab some groceries.

I have been running the pantry contents down for months, so we have less stuff that has 'expired', like gone past it's 'BEST BEFORE' date.

Steve is constantly coming in and finding stuff to throw out!  He loves doing it, the shit.

So, we are out of quite a few things.  I used to have so many tins of food, but now there's hardly any!

Though I did tend to give lots of food away to Griffin!  But, I've not done that as much lately, because we felt he was starting to rely on us, instead of budgeting properly and getting his own food.

Booking our trip to Palmy/Wellington/Napier for next week was a job I'd been procrastinating over... but now it's done I feel a load is off me shoulders.

Now I just have to tee up making sure the dogs are looked after (Steve/Bex/Lacy).... you guys can do the feeding, keeping them company etc right?

We have Keera this afternoon/weekend. Lacy will pop in and out as per usual of course.

I better get a few 'kid' type things for her and the other kids to snack on.

A little while ago, I said I wasn't sure I would keep up with this blog.  I didn't see the point.  But... I'm so happy that while this blog is no longer public, it still exists.  It will always be a part of my life, and one day way, way in the future I will hit 'PUBLIC' again, so that it lives on forever, for my family to read about our lives.

But for right now, it's safer to be private.

ABOVE: It doesn't tie into anything in today's post ... but I just love it!

Right, I'm off to get ready to go to Cambridge.

Catch ya later.

8.20 am:

ABOVE:  And now the walk is cancelled.  Cos it's raining and there MIGHT be thunder storms.

Just as well I hadn't already left.

Grrrrr.  Like what is it with these people?  Rain can't friggin well hurt you, you just get wet.  Then ya go home and have a nice hot shower and boom!  All is good again, and ya had a good walk. 

But no.  

I will now get out of my walking gear, and go do the shopping instead. 

10.50 am:  And the groceries are done, and even all put away.  Tired now.  Spent almost $600.  No idea how.  

Anyway... gunna take a break now, and maybe do nothing for a while.

ABOVE:  I saw a kid do this on Tic Tock, so got Keera to do it.  Just a bit funny.

It's been a noisy evening!  Andrew his two kids came for dinner, plus with Lacy, Keera and Brylee here as well... my ears are ringing!
We had fish 'n' chips for dinner, so at least I didn't have to cook.

It's now 8.45 pm and all is finally quiet.

Time to wind down and just spend some time with Stew.  Who's watching bloody rugby! lol


  1. I think that by not having the blog public it has taken the pressure off you to do stuff and to update several times a day. How much time did you spend thinking what to write about, censoring what you wanted to say & worrying about who was going to read it & say stupid shit. Now if you are having a busy day, or even better, a quiet do nothing day, it does not matter, you don't have to try & "interesting" it up. You re FREEEEE :-)

    1. Totally correct, the pressure is totally gone. And I love it.


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