Thursday, April 29, 2021



ABOVE: The volleyball I managed to purchase, closer to home.  Thanks to Stew of course, let's not forget he found it!

It isn't a 'Competition' Ball, it's a softer version, much more suited to kids and recreational games.

And better yet, it was NOT expensive at all.  Competition balls are $150!

Playing Volleyball has become a 'thing' among kids of late.  Dante and Archer just love it.

Hamilton literally has no volleyballs anywhere to buy.

That's how popular it has become.

The little and big kids played 'volleyball' all weekend with balloons!

So I decided a proper volleyball was needed.

I will also be buying a net, so the kids can play volleyball on our driveway.

Our driveway is huge.  Kids can play all sorts of games on it.  Tennis even, it's that big.

Right, moving right along... today?

Not sure, let's see what happens!

 8.30 am:  And well... I have been up, into town and back already today.
Bex had to drop their car off at the garage (it's not running too well), so I went into town to bring her and the boys back home.
She has no idea how long she will be carless, but hopefully not too long.

It's bloody cold this morning.  My hands are like blocks of ice.  ALMOST time to start bitching about being cold!  😆😅😂

ABOVE: Driving into town this morning and I spotted this balloon... so I stopped and snapped a photo.  Gotta love Hamilton!

1 pm:  And I've been out again.
This time I picked up Bex and the boys and we went to The Base.  
I wanted to find some large plastic shopping bags.  Not for groceries.
I will show you what for and what I got... tomorrow.

Bex found some wool she was needing, and then we had lunch.

ABOVE:  We were lucky to run into these two cherubs at the food court.  Emily and Liam were with their Dad, Andrew.  So a few quick hugs before I took Bex and the boys home.
I'm now going to continue sorting out my market stuff.
It's been so long since I did a market I had forgotten half the things I need to take with me.
Labels, price stickers, hooks, clips, pens, scissors, table cloths... bla bla bla.  It's not just me 'wares' I have to take!

8.45 pm:  Well, a very quiet afternoon and evening here. I cooked a Chicken/Bacon/noodle dish for dinner.  It was spicy.  Stew ate it.  I did not.
I had a sandwich and left over sushi thing from lunch.
Time to sign off for the day.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. This new house is so cold ive got to lrave the heat pump on at night to stop the smock dector going off early hours...its only gonna get colder

  2. Almost time for me to start bitching about being HOT~ and bugs..... Opposite sides of the world.

  3. That is a PERFECT picture. The size / height / direction of Hamilton are all perfect.

  4. As soon as it drops under 26C I start complaining 🤣 hope the market is a big success!

  5. I love unexpected meetups when out shopping. Our youngest son used to live close by and shop at the same supermarket. We would be shopping and suddenly hear "GRANNY!! GRUMPY!! It's MEEEEEE!!!" from our then 3 year old granddaughter.

  6. Was bloody 5 degrees when I went to work after 3 hours it ramped up to 7 faark I don't like Winter 😞 mind you when I start menopause I suppose the cooler weather will help haha 🤣

    1. Winter makes no difference to a hot flush! You still friggin well BOIL. Then after it's gone (the flush), ya freeze again. Not fun.

  7. Kiwionholidays10:10 PM

    That pic of the Hamilton ballon ,, Choice Chris , your photography,,, family pics n places out n about everywhere are so appreciated by us here and all on the blog

    You have a real eye for “capturing the Moment” ✔️🐶💗🍁
    Cheers 🥂

  8. Looks like a busy day. How nice to run into the grandkids. Enjoy the cooler temps.


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