Wednesday, April 04, 2018


We bought some new plastic playing cards on the weekend, but I some how or other managed to get two different packs.
So I'm going into Hamilton to switch one set, and have a good long look around that Games shop we found.

I will also be getting a pack of Phase 10... it's such a good game.  I will teach Brylee and Griffin how to play, so we can have 'card night's' here at home too.

ABOVE:  It looks like this.  I can't wait to get our own set.

I don't really have any other plans for the day yet.
I might make one more cushion, and the matching yellow mug rugs.  Oh and I have a couple of runners on the go too.

I'm really enjoying my sewing... it's creative, productive and a 'tidy' hobby to have!   Plus you get to drool over gorgeous fabrics.  lol

OK... I'm off to start the day.  

What's for dinner?  ha ha ha!  


12.45 pm: well I've had a very good morning.  Got the cards sorted out, and while in that shop I did a bit of Christmas shopping.  It's never too early!

Then I went out to the base and got a couple more things.   Got home a little while ago absolutely STARVING!

Forgot daylight saving has ended, making 'lunchtime' and hour later.  So, I'm having some lunch before doing anything else.


ABOVE:  Cute fluffy lamb.  With roast veges.  And gravy. lol

Hee hee... I'm getting quite a few giggles out of your comments today!  I will have to find more delicious things to murder eat.

ABOVE:  You should SMELL it!  Cooked in pure Whitlocks Thick Mint Sauce.  OMG... in a long, slow oven... *drool*

Stew and I are off for a walk in a minute... 8 pm till 9 pm.  I put it up as an EVENT on the FBG page... had about 4 GOING, and 3 Maybe... but by the look of it there MIGHT be one who actually turns up?  I won't bother doing that again.  No one seems to want to walk late at night.

All good... Stew and I will just go on our own from now on.

One FBG lady walked with us tonight.  We did 4.5 kms ... and OMG my lower back nearly killed me!  So unfit.  Need to get walking more!

Time to wind down now and  cool down ... I got all hot and bothered on the walk.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    There are some good beef and lamb recipes on the Mad Butcher website. Audrey

  2. Ha I have started Xmas shopping have 7 people sorted already we having beef n vege kebabs yummmmo and rice

  3. WTAF with anon? Who is that? Loser!

  4. Yummo, I love lamb even more the cows. My fave is with mint sauce, a close second is with a rosemary gravy. Fortunately there are many delicious recipes for lamb.

  5. Ha ha - I love the "what's for dinner" photos. Baaaa.

  6. baaaa baaaaa ... love lamb

  7. We'll be having a whole spit roast lamb on Sunday .... or maybe a goat, the younger the better!

  8. Well done U2 for going ANYWAY .. The thought,,,, is worse than the experience !!!!!


  9. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Your lamb looks delicious! We had a very lazy meal tonight, cow sausages and chook sausages in bread.

  10. Glad you had one person show up. I'm so out of shape now. I bought new shoes but that is as far as I got.


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