Thursday, March 18, 2010


I must make the most of today... because after my sister gets here I'm going to be busy ....

So today I have to pop out and get some more piddle pills and more "keep me happy" pills...
Also need to make sure all the washing is up to date, and start packing some bags for the coming weekend at Whitianga.

I would love to go over to Cushla's in Devonport too.. it is one of the best fabric shops here in Auckland. But... I shall have to wait I think.... got several large-ish expenses in the next couple of weeks. *sigh* There is always SOMETHING eh? pffffffft.

I will try and get a decent photo of the hair colour today too... and get it on here... but for now... I better get me butt off this chair and make the kids lunches!

Gawd... have to think about what I am wearing to this friggin wedding too! No idea.... sick of wearing black....

Oh and just so ya know... it is a clear blue, cloudless sky out there... and I am cold! First time in months it's cold in the morning! Maybe I shall start bitching about that soon! ha ha ha!

ABOVE: here's a couple of photos of me hair... same style (which means no style!)... and I love the colour! Very much how my hair was before it went dark in me 30's! I took about 25 photos to get those two! Then I took one with the sunlight behind me by accident... and it came out looking quite freaky...:

And yeah, don't ask why I have me head tilted up like that... lol! Maybe I just wanted to prove I had nostrils! It's a weird photo, but I like it!
I went to the chemist in Sylvia Park Mall... and this really lovely sales lady snaffled me and talked me into a chair to try on some foundations! I said I didn't ever wear any.. and I didn't use moisturiser or a scrub either... so she gave me free samples... lol... I think she felt sorry for me! She seemed ever so worried about me skin! I'm not! I don't give a shit if I get wrinkles... hell it's all part of life innit? I didn't buy any either... she took that really well I reckon. Maybe one day I will bother.. but hell.. I reckon I look alright for a 51 year old Granny.
End of Day: my sister is safely here... spending the evening yakking... catching up on two years. nite nite.


  1. Probably about the time I start bitching that it's too hot ;o)

  2. Nice nostrils... oh, and nice hair! xxx

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Yes it is a lovely colour. Looks great! Sometimes I have a habit of tilting my head up in photos. My excuse is that I'm trying to stretch out the double chin!

  4. The hair is faaaaabulous darling!

  5. OMGosh, Chris, your hair is gorgeous! That color really sets off your beautiful blue eyes. I'm jealous of your long locks...I cut my hair really short a year ago because my longer hair made me look 15 years older, but it really flatters you. And the last picture is a hoot - I like it, too. :o)



  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Wow - I love the hair colour - you should keep it that way. Makes you look younger.


  7. The color is great and it was fun seeing the pics, nostrils and all. I always tilt my head up to stretch out the turkey neck.

  8. I think you look great and I love the hair, it's gorgeous, how do you keep it in such good condition? XCathy

  9. Love love love the hair.

    You don't look anything like 51!!

    Enjoy your visit with your sister.

  10. Hair looks great. It doesn't hurt to take a little care with your skin. Give them a shot and you just never know!

    And wear black, but tart it up with some colour - bright blue jewellery maybe? And wear your hair down, it makes you look slimmer and younger! :-)


  11. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Your hair looks great and you do not look your age!

  12. Anonymous3:19 PM

    You look Great!!!!!

  13. Chris you look hot! I like your hair colour, thinking of going blonde myself. And yes your right it was flipping cold in Auckland this morning, only 9 degrees!


  14. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Hi Chris

    Love your hair color, its perfect :O)

    Michelle x

  15. The hair is awesome... and I didn't know you don't wear makeup... you look great!

  16. How to take 10 years off you ah.. But Chris I remember the photo you put on here with you smiling.... that was the best photo EVER!! Smile you sweet young thing .. Have fun with your sister.

  17. Back to blond and you look good. I love me some nice skin products--try them you might just like how nice they FEEL. and your nostrils appear quite clean no boogies...

  18. love your hair and nostrils lol... i aspire to be you :) cause this grandma is not even close to so pretty :)or talented ...

  19. You are stunning Chris. I'm only 27, but god I hope I look that good at the same age. It really suits you :)

  20. Love the hair Chris--I agree that it really shows up your blue eyes. I think you look pretty darn good--51 year old granny or not! I'm starting to get a whole faceful of wrinkles at 46 (hopefully not a granny, daughter turns 18 on the weekend), bought some stuff for my face--can't be stuffed putting it on! Sunscreen is as good as it gets these days.

    Catch you later, gorgeous!

  21. You must have a very good camera becos you don't look 51. Way younger! Your hair colour is just lovely. I wouldn't mind having your hair colour except I would really stand out in my country.

  22. Love the hair color. I think it looks good on you!

  23. Nice color, looking good. I just dropped my trouble (sister) at the airport this morning. No blood was drawn. Have a good visit. We barely hit the double digits temperature wise and all the idiots are out in Tee Shirts and Shorts, I on the other hand still have my coat, sweater, long sleeve shirt on. All the best for the wedding.

  24. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Love your hair color! And if you look like that with no mouisturizer, scrub or foundation... heck, maybe that is what we all need to do!

  25. Photos are empowering. They are the record of our lives. You look great!

  26. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Lucky Stew - you look Sexay with that fab hair!!!


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