Saturday, May 04, 2024



As the weather is looking good for the day, Stew is going to be working in the yard.  Gardens, edges and lawns.

Our stick vacuum seems to be blocked, so once Stew gets that sorted, I'll whizz around the house with that.  

I'm probably going to do some washing and other odd jobs as well.  

So just a normal, everyday sorta day here.

We have plenty of Cauliflower Fritter mixture left over, so I don't have to give any thought to dinner tonight.  Nice one.

I have changed my 'Weigh In' Day to Saturdays, and Stew is my 'official weigher' now.  *snort*

At least I can stand on the scales NAKED now!  

So, I wonder how well I've done this past week?

I'll let ya know soon.  I know there will be a loss, even if it's small.  I have been quite good this week, even though I've had the odd sweet thing.  It's been balanced.


And the result is in.  I lost .700 grams this week.  It isn't as much as I'd have liked, but it's a loss.  And any loss is good right?

ABOVE:  Testing....  oh yes, that worked.
As it was a 'Short' on YouTube I had to upload it differently.  
Social Media can be bloody tricky.
But I am getting the hang of it.   I started doing Story's on Facebook, that one above was my second ever.

Stew and I had a very nice lunch at The Keg Room today.  We had not been there before.
Food on a whole was excellent.  Service was amazing.

Once home, Lacy and Keera visited us, which was very nice.  Miss Muppet's leg injury has healed up so well, I'm very pleased with it.  She will probably only have a tiny scar once she's all grown up.

I took some cookies over to Steve 'n' Bex's Thursday night.  I ate 3.  STEW has eaten ALL THE REST.  

'Giving him a sideways look', thinking.... PIGLET.
But I'm happy he enjoyed them.

7.49 pm:  The Cauliflower Fritters were just as nice second time around.  I just sprinkled some grated cheese on top on mine this evening.

I'm off to bed fairly early tonight, I'm so, so tired.

I'm 100% certain the tiredness is down to Trulicity.  It is a known side effect.  So is the lack of appetite, which I'm perfectly happy with.
Also, my ability to eat as much as I used to has GONE.  I simply can't eat as much.  This is bloody good!

Next Saturday I am determined to have another decent loss, hopefully slightly more than this past week.  

And on that note, I'm outta here.  One more TV programme to watch, then I'm off to bed.


  1. Lovely day here and yes any loss is a loss you’re right.
    Have a good weekend.

  2. Any loss is a good loss. Well done

  3. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My opinion - any loss is great. Even staying the same is great.

    Have a fun weekend.


  4. Kiwionholidays10:05 AM

    Sounds like the sort of day we’re gonna have here cos weathers up and down 🙀
    Lovethe wee good morning pic ,,,you have some great ones and wonder where you get them from .?
    Good to hear Lacy’s news yesterday 🥝💯👍

    Have a fabulous weekend in the Mighty Waikato ,lovely place to be,,

    Cheers 🥂

  5. My weekly weigh in is Saturday too. Dang right every loss counts. I have been struggling for quite sometime so I am working on getting to goal by year end. I have never had cauliflower fritters, but they sound goid.

    1. I have 10 kilos more to lose to get to MY PERSONAL GOAL, and I too want to get there by years end. Hard work and DETERMINATION will get us there Chick.

  6. .7 gram? I googled things that weigh a gram. Paper clip, stick of gum, lid of a ball point pen..... Is that about right? Or was something lost in translation? HAHA. I am the worst ever when it comes to numbers or math!

    1. .700 grams is 1.54 pounds

    2. WHOOOOAAAA! Congratulations! That is magnificent! Much better than A PAPER CLIP. I suspected something was awry. That would be a mighty sensitive scale!

  7. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Well done!! how much is that now since T....Peta

    1. Sitting around 25 kilos since I started AGAIN/AGAIN/AGAIN!

  8. Have you seen 700g of butter!!!! (rhetorical question). Your body just burned 700g of fat... that is a lot to burn off in a week! a LOT! Just had to say that.

  9. Good job on the 700g. Glad Keera’s leg is healing well.

  10. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Great loss. It sounds even better if I say my daughter weighed 740 grams at birth. Just for Dogstars that is 1 lb 10oz

  11. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Glad Keera's leg healing and I love hearing your voice!! Lovely. And I agree that any loss is a GOOD LOSS :) All the Best! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA


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