Friday, May 03, 2024



How cute is that hippo!
I couldn't resist using it as a 'GOOD MORNING' pic.

Right.  This morning I am off on another FBG Social Walk.  It's a 30/30, so a nice amount of time for a walk.

Some good news ... Lacy applied for a part time job, and got it!  She had a 'trial' yesterday, and today she starts properly.
She's over the moon.  It is VERY part time, but at least it's something.

When we arrived home last night, I offered to cook Stew some steak and so on for his dinner.
But no.
Guess what he had?

ABOVE: That man had COOKIES!  And he really loved them.
Slightly over cooked, but super yummy.  Obviously.

ABOVE:  I saw this somewhere, it made me smile.  I hope it makes you smile too.
I'm now off to get ready for the day.


SORRY, I forgot to hit 'Publish' !
Better late than never, thanks Christine for making me aware of my boo boo.

11.43 am: Freshly home from my FBG walk.  It was a nice crisp morning, sun was shining most of the time and the company was excellent.
I decided to walk right at the back of the bunch to keep 'R' company.  'R' is nursing an injury, so we kept the pace slow and just chatted the whole time.  

ABOVE: Today's walk stats.  A nice distance, and a steady pace to allow for 'R's injury.

After the walk most of us stopped for morning tea/a coffee etc.  I indulged in a hot chocolate and bun.

ABOVE:  I was very surprised that I struggled to finish it!  And now I'm feeling decidedly ikkk.  Too much icing.
But it was delicious.

I might just miss lunch after all that.

Time to go and hang out the washing... which is going on racks in the garage.  The weather is too damn iffy for me to hang it outside.  There is nothing worse than hanging it all outside, to then watch it get rained on.  

don't worry if I don't post like 'normal' some days.  I make boo boos sometimes, (but not too often).  IF anything were to happen to me, STEVEN is also an 'Author' of my blog, and he would let you all know if I popped me clogs, or was incapacitated in any way.

Hi ho.... Back from having a nana nap!  And doing a few jobs around the house.

ABOVE:  I've been airing our bed all day.  I also want to get Stew to help me turn the base around, to keep the wear even.

ABOVE: Both the regular mattress and the memory foam topper got a good airing too.
We turn them around often, so hopefully that keeps them from getting imprinted too badly.

ABOVE:  I'm cooking up an entire cauliflower, with the idea to make Cauliflower Fritters for our dinner.
Don't ask me for the recipe!  I'm going to make it up as I go.
Cauliflower, Bacon, Onion, Fresh Herbs, some flour, eggs etc. 😊

ABOVE:  Dinner.  Was.  Delicious.  
I made a cheese sauce to go with the fritters.  Perfect match.
So Yum!
Something I will definitely be doing again, even though they take quite a bit of prep time.  Worth it.

We are now settled down (for now), later on we will sort out the bed.  Stew thinks we can switch the two base pieces over, so that's great.


  1. There you are! Phew. ....
    Cookies for dinner sounds like a plan to me.
    Congrats Lacy!

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I was really starting to worry. Went out and dug flowers, checked again, and all is well.

    Congrats, part time jobs are lovely.


  3. Your walks sound like fun. I think having someone to exercise with makes it easier. Glad Lacy landed the job she wanted. I cannot blame Stew on his dinner choice! Oatmeal cookies are good for breakfast too!

  4. I did check in earlier this morning and figured you must have slept in 😂. The walk sound nice, I am sure R appreciated the company too.

  5. Oh I love that hippo she’s gorgeous.

    Great news about some
    Part time work for Lacy.

    Cookies for dinner why not.

  6. Trish from Oz7:32 PM

    Congrats to Lacy! Fritters sound lovely and I had to laugh at Stew having cookies for his dinner.

  7. Love the Hippo 😊

  8. Cute Hippo. Congratulations to Lacy.


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