Tuesday, May 07, 2024



NO walk today... so I'm going to carry on with some de-cluttering around here.

I've found a home for a couple of things I put aside yesterday, so they can go in the garage till pick up.

I have a large drawer unit of Brylee's in the front bedroom, that she is taking back this weekend all going well.  

So I need to empty it of my stuff.

It's mostly papers, and I need to go through all that lot and only keep what is important.  I'm over hanging on to anything that isn't necessary.

It's actually a massive task when you really, really want to slim down your 'stuff' to the bare minimum.  

And that's what I want to do.

I am also going to get all my Card Making stuff down today, and get it on TradeMe.  I might as well try and recoup some of the costs involved in acquiring it all!

I already have one of our large wooden bookcases on TradeMe.  Hopefully it sells and gets out of my house!  It was in the middle bedroom and now that I'm getting rid of all my patchwork magazines and books, it's surplus to requirements as well.

I can't tell you just how good it feels getting rid of stuff you simply do not need!  I used to be a incorrigible 'collector'... but not any more.

IF I LOVE IT, I will keep it.  IF IT IS BEING USED, I will keep it. Otherwise, out it goes.

Isn't Stew lucky I love him.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

LIGHTS:  I will go out later on today and have another look for a light fitting, for our bedroom.  

Because there will be a large round space that's going to be exposed on our ceiling, once the existing fan/light fitting is removed, I'm thinking of getting something like this:

ABOVE:  I really LOVE this one!  But Stew is not so enamoured.  He was like "That's not for a bedroom!", but I disagree. (it's not as big as it seems in the photo btw)

It can be for anywhere, don't ya think?

ABOVE:  I do kinda like this style as well, but they don't have a large fitting for the ceiling, so some patching of the ceiling would have to happen.  And painting. Ikkk to painting.

Let's see what else I can find.


OK.... so that would be a NO to those lights?

Audrey:  I am now thinking of just replacing the fan/light combo with a newer model. 

The current fan works, but swings in a wonky way, and makes quite a bit of noise.  AND the lights are utter shit, they do not illuminate the room at all.

So. While I adore the sparkly, dangly light fitting... I will listen to everyone and bin that idea.  *sniff*  πŸ˜ͺ😣😞

Now, on to what I've been up to this morning.

ABOVE:  I moved the large wooden bookcase out of the middle bedroom and replaced it with that cute little one that I bought a while ago.

The big one is being sold.  Hopefully it is gone soon.

I can now open the bedroom door completely, and the smaller unit takes up much less room.

ABOVE:  In the front bedroom was Brylee's rather large drawer unit.  I've asked her to take it back, so that will be gone over this coming weekend.  

I took the 2nd set of drawers that were in our bedroom, and put them in the front bedroom.

I will store all our 'papers' and odds 'n' ends in it.

And that's all I've done so far.  I might just head off into town now, to look at lights, fans bla bla bla.

12.53 pm:  Just back from town.  I looked at fan/light combos.  Quite a bit more than buying just a light, so I am going back to 'JUST A LIGHT'. 

I saw several options at a shop in town... so will drag Stew out to look with me in the next few days. 

ABOVE:  Some of the more 'sensible' options.  Though NONE of them tickle me fancy.
In fact, I goddam hate them all.

ABOVE:  ..... DROOLING......  so much bling!  bling bling bling.


What about this one?  It's got the bling, but not going overboard???  

It has four bulbs, so there's plenty of light... 

OMG Audrey:  I love your last comment!

I have been fluffing around ALL AFTERNOON!

I condensed our Britto/China Cabinets into ONE!

So now I can get rid of one of them.  

The bookcase I put on TradeMe sold in less than 24  hours!

And... that's a wrap on an excellent day.  I got heaps done, with HEAPS more to do.  But I have plenty of time to do it all.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    No no no, they are both ugly and not for a bedroom.

  2. I agree with Stew about the dangle light. It looks like it should be in a discotheque not a bedroom. It's too lively. The balls are cool. But they might collect dust. The paper ones do anyhow. Are those paper?

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I agree with Stew, yeh nah. Massive dust collectors and very hard to clean. Marie, Melbourne

  4. I agree with Dad, don't do it or I'll come around and take it down lol πŸ˜†

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The first one is alot it would look cool over your dinning table. Then you can see it all day. You will find the one that fits well in your room.
    Bex πŸ’š also thanks for all the birthday wishes for archer he's a happy boy he loved his wagu steak he wanted.

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I can see why you loved the one with the dangles. But I agree - so hard to clean!

    How fun to hunt for the perfect one!


  7. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Won't you miss the fan? Have you looked at any with a fan? Audrey

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I had fan with light recently installed in my daughters flat/bedroom. She loves it. Very quiet, good lighting and has a remote control, no need to get up to turn on/off. Marie, Melbourne

  9. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I agree, a new ceiling fan w/light. And one that doesn't wobble. ;-) Have fun looking at them and finding the perfect one. I like the blades that look like big leaves...palm leaves, etc. Ky Girl

  10. I trust you to find a perfect fan/light upgrade.

  11. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hi enjoy your day, after reading about you decluttering I too went through a heap of papers today...I will continue to do it bit by bit...we have a lot of stuff in boxes out of sight...lol...Peta

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Have you thought about putting a bling-bling light over your new bath tub? That would be awesome! Ky Girl

  13. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I am surprised ceiling fan is not vital in your bedroom, since you suffer from the heat all summer and do not have central air.

    My bedroom and living room ceiling fans, in a house with central air and heat, run 24/7/365 because I like the circulation. It makes a huge difference. I do not like floor fans cluttering the room.

    I would give up my overhead lights. I would never give up my ceiling fans.

    Also my top priority in light fixtures is to not have any exposed light bulbs. I do not like looking directly at a bulb.


  14. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I need to declutter so bad. I am sick of looking at stuff I dont care about anymore. You have inspired me to get off my lazy butt and do it! Laurie

  15. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I like that last one but why do you want a lot of light in your bedroom? We mostly just use the bedside lamps (touch ones which I love). If you can't live without the bling then you will have to chuck Stew into a different bedroom and have the chandelier that you like, lol. Audrey

    1. OMG Audrey, I love how you think. Maybe Stew doesn't.

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Stew, I'm only joking, lol. Audrey

    3. We know, don't worry!

  16. Anonymous6:54 PM

    We have just replaced our noisy ceiling fan in the lounge. The box behind the switch was replaced which stopped the noise plus we finally got the ceiling fans installed in the bedrooms and they have dimmable lights which I didn’t realise

  17. Rhonda7:05 PM

    I’m all for ceiling fan with light. I have them and wouldn’t be without them. Remote control, decorative, so quiet. I also have beside lamps for reading. I won’t comment on some of your light choices as my mother always said if you haven’t got something nice to say, say nothing at all! No offence intended. Everyone has different tastes. It’s what you like that matters.

  18. I LOVE the first bling one!!!

  19. Well I disagree I LOVE LOVE THE BLING.
    People buy old chandeliers re paint and re bling them .
    Maybe a project worth looking into?

  20. Anonymous8:17 PM

    You don't want the light to be glaring in your face when you lie down...maybe one that is covered or a softer one...I think a chandelier would be perfect...lol. Peta

  21. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I just googled bedroom chandelier ideas and there are plenty of ideas to think about....Peta

  22. I so miss my over head fan I had put in my Twizel bedroom, floor standing fans are such a pain but I have to have 2 going most nights.

  23. Get the bling if you like it. The best place to have it is in your bedroom where you can admire it whilst in bed. Stew does not have to look at it πŸ˜‚. If it makes you happy then go for it.

  24. Good luck choosing a new light fixture.

  25. You've been busy busy!

  26. Do you ever use the fan? If not it makes sense to get rid of it. If you do - maybe you could tune-it up, fix it so it's not loud & annoying. Or paint it so it's cuter. If it's beyond repair - bye bye.

  27. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I think bling looks trashy, i would go for a new fan with lights as you are always complaing about being hot in summer.


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