Wednesday, May 08, 2024



Well after talking to Stew last night, he has given me his blessing (*snort*), to go and buy the pretty, ever so slightly blingy light fitting I saw and loved yesterday.  

Not the first one, which was probably just a bit over the top blingy.  THOUGH, I am going to go look at it again, just to be sure it's not THE ONE.

ABOVE:  MOST likely getting this one.  It has some bling, it is going to give us good lighting in the bedroom, and it is half the price of a fan/light, which we really don't need.  I already sleep with a fan right in my face!

I'm happy to say, first thing this morning I'm off walking with Lacy at the mall.

Then I'm going into town to have another look at BOTH light fittings.

After that... I will probably do some more de-cluttering.  It's such fun!


And it is now 12.40 pm and I am finally sitting down long enough to do an update!

Lacy and I did the mall again this morning, up and down and around and around.

ABOVE: We walked for an hour, so probably did around 5 kms again.  Ignore the app's stats, it does not record distance inside the mall.

After that, I went back to the lighting shops.

And got myself utterly bamboozled... and had to stop and think hard about what really would look 'right' in the house.  And OMG!

I ended up getting the most fucking boring light fitting known to man!  Just a flat dome type thing!!!!

It will 'fit' in with all the other lighting, and that is what matters really.   Much as I would have loved the blingy ones, they didn't suit our home.

It's so damn boring I probably won't even show you... until it's installed.

Once home, Lacy came around and she got the van going again.  It had a flat battery.

ABOVE:  Note to self, get jumper leads that are LONGER!  Lacy had to do some very tight manoeuvring to get my car close enough to reach the respective batteries.

We left the van running for a good half an hour.  It should be all good now, though I will give her a run every couple of days.

The next job on the list was to move the second 'Britto' cabinet out of the lounge and into the garage, where it will sit until it's sold.

ABOVE: Lacy and I took some of the Britto out of the cluttered remaining cabinet and put them in the little cupboards under the TV in the lounge.

ABOVE: Of course, you move one thing.... and you end up having to move other shit as well.

But all good.  Lots of glassware has been put in the kitchen, precious things for some family have gone into boxes ready for them to collect... and my decluttering is OVER for the day!

It's time to have some friggin lunch, I'm starving.

This afternoon I spent quite some time moving a few pieces of furniture around.  Yep.  I did it again.  Just some changes in the lounge and sunroom.  And the middle bedroom.  Nothing major.  Just tittivating ... as I do.

I also got the van back in the garage, and got the bookcase, Brylee's drawers and the china cabinet in there, ready for them all to GO.

Dinner tonight is left overs from last night.  Sausages, mashed potatoes, red onions and baked beans instead of veges.  I'm sure Stew will love that.

Having to hold in his farts at the office tomorrow!  *snigger*

And, that's a wrap on the day.  It's been another really good day.  I am loving this latest declutter!

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM


  2. Kiwionholidays9:45 AM

    I see there’s a new set up for your page so didn’t get my comment in
    Lovely to catch up and interested to see the light fitting
    So many choices ,often we end up with our first choice
    Have an awesome day and enjoy the walking as well 👍💯

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Hi Chris, I am with you on the bling - love the dangly one from yesterday :-) if you like it, go with it. Michele PN

  4. I think this light is just as "bling-y" as the first one. If you really want bling - go with your heart. Whichever one YOU like.
    I just don't think they look "Bedroom-y"...
    But... seriously.... who cares?
    Have I EVER eaten breakfast food? Heck no. I don't care if it IS breakfast-y.!

  5. Can't wait to see which one is picked. Changing the light fixture can really change the whole look of the room.

  6. I think this light is perfect elegant and just a little bit blingy.

  7. Am I the only one who loves the blingy one best?Although that might be because I even have a chandelier type in my laundry room ... makes me happy to see it every time I go in there. Hope you get the one you love!

  8. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Chris - you have a lovely home and anything you put in it will be fine. Can't wait to see the new light. Ky Girl

  9. Can’t wait to see which light you get. I loved the first one….the real blingy one.

    1. I didn't get a blingy one after all that! I just got a plain, simple dome type thing. It won't be 'in ya face' for anyone. Boring, but sensible. I do 'sensible' sometimes.

    2. Ohh I was hoping you’d go bling. Surely you can find a place for a blingy light.

  10. Anonymous6:14 PM

    How about you buy a chandelier side lamp, just for you...I googled and there are plenty...Peta

  11. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Just the spot for little fingers crawling Lucy. Bling bedside lamp sounds a great idea. Felicity

  12. Take the boring light back & get one that sparks joy!!! You are not styling the house to sell so who gives a rats arse if the light fittings don’t “match”.

  13. Cute Nite Nite pic, did Bex make that?
    What van is that?

    1. Yes Bex made Snowflake. The van is Steve's, we have borrowed it for markets. He doesn't need it for work anymore.


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