Tuesday, May 14, 2024


It's one of those days where I reflect on blogging.

Blogging is something I've done EVERY DAY for 17 years and 7 months.  It is something I used to love doing.  

A small change is going to happen.  From now on... I will only be mentioning, posting about, showing photos of, those who have given me EXPRESS PERMISSION to do so.

That is going to look like absolute FAVOURITISM, but it is just how it is evolving, through others choices.

There are no 'favourites'.  But there are people who have chosen to walk away, or who by their own actions have excluded themselves.  

If I stick to safe content, and people who have given me permission to post about them, I will no longer have to second guess everything I put on here.

Will I offend anyone?

Will I upset someone?

I will try not to!  But sometimes I am only human, and I might slip up.  


I got me tits in a knot the other day, and had thought of ending my blogging days.  But now, upon reflection, I am thinking of doing this for about 10 more years!  So hang in there if you don't mind being bored shitless more often than not.  

I am thinking of my Mum right now.  She would have turned 87 today.  She absolutely LOVED my blog.  She looked forward to reading it every single day.  She lived in Australia for 16 years, and she told me my blog meant she could keep in touch with her/my family from afar.

She also LOVED interacting with some of my readers, GM (aka Robyn), and Michelle C to name a couple. 

ABOVE:  Happy Birthday Mum, wherever your soul is.  I feel your presence every day.  You were one of my staunchest supporters.  I lost my Mum and my best friend when you left us.

Now, back to what we will call 'safe content'... I'm off for an FBG walk again this morning.

And that is all I have planned so far.


ABOVE:  We have a horrible thick fog again this morning.  It's bloody freezing out there.  NOT Northern Hemisphere freezing, but freezing for HERE.

I'm not looking forward to this morning's walk... cos the fog is DAMP, and it seeps into ya bones.

My bath might be getting filled when I get home.

1.53 pm:  Wow, I've been out for much longer than I anticipated today.

My walk was WONDERFUL, if a bit cold to start with.  I even kept my warm jacket on until half way, which is not like me at all.  

ABOVE:  It was a slightly longer walk today, but you hardly notice it when you are yakking.  😌😊

ABOVE:  It's getting much easier, and faster to 'doctor' the walk photos now.  Quite a few of the FBG'ers have seen my doctored photos and think it's hilarious.  That good, glad I'm not offending anyone!

After my walk, I came back into Hamilton and went to the Base.  I had a couple of things to get done there.  Then I got some lunch, ate it, and came home.

Now I'm going to relax, get warm again and think about cooking Stew some Spaghetti Bolognaise for his dinner a bit later on.  I'm sure he will love that.

Oh!  Forgot.

ABOVE:  I stopped in at this Op Shop today, and asked them if they wanted any Patchwork magazines and books.  The lady said "Sure, just pop them here", indicating this little space on a table by the donations door.

*SNORT*... I told her I had quite a few, and perhaps I should just put them on the floor?  

All good by her.

So I hauled in the 9 bags FULL of magazines and books.  Very happy to have divulged myself of them.

One good job done.

5.30 pm:  Hee hee... I got in my pj's this afternoon... so comfy. So warm.

Totally didn't care if anyone arrived or knocked at the door to find me in my pj's either.  It's my house, my space, and I'll dress how I like.

I have done bugger all since lunchtime.  Dinner is simmering in the pan, and I'm about to put the water on to cook the spaghetti.  The house smells so lovely.

Whoop!  My alarm went off at 7pm, to remind me to take my Trulicity injection.  I would have forgotten for sure without it.

Tonight's injection stung quite a bit, but it's a momentary sting... and worth it at the end of the day.

Stew really enjoyed his dinner, so I'm glad I did it for him.  I'd not made Spag Bol for a long time.

And there is enough left for me to have some for my lunch tomorrow, though I don't think I'll bother using the pasta for mine.

And yep, that's me done for the day.  I've had a nice day all round.  

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    All sounds good Chris.....sensible...I enjoy your blog and pictures of New Zealand etc.....Peta

  2. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Happy Heavenly Birthday THE OLD MOO 💗 GM 💙💙

    1. THE OLD MOO.... your comment almost made me cry. No one uses that 'name' now.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I love your blog and read it daily. Happy Birthday to your Mom. I would post anything I wanted too on here. Its your blog and your business and the hell with anyone who gets butthurt about it. But I understand you want to keep peace as much as possible. Too bad not everyone could just be mature and stop acting like entitled children. Hope you have a good day. Laurie

  4. Anonymous10:53 AM

    I sent you an email....Peta

  5. If there are people bitching about your blog it shows they read it. As you never, ever say anything derogatory about anyone here they must have vivid imaginations and guilty consciences. Keep blogging. They can choose not to read it. As if!

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM

    It was cold here, walking this morning too. I was bundled!

    The most important factor for me, on avoiding chill, is a really warm hat.

    Then it was in the low 80’sF/27C by afternoon and I was out gardening in capris and a T-shirt.


  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    A good walk and a hot soak in the tub will make you feel better. I miss my mom, as well. No matter how old we get, we need our moms. Ky Girl

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    I am not sure if you like green beans. And this might seem weird, but my husband and I both like green beans instead of noodles in spaghetti.

    1. Thankfully, as an adult, I don't have to eat anything I don't like! Green Beans are something I've not eaten since I was a child. They are ikkk. lol

    2. Anonymous1:35 AM

      I slice cucumbers as a substitute for crackers too. Love the combination of roasted red pepper hummus and cucumber.

  9. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I love your blog but you know that. How do you manage watching Stew eat his dinner? Do you have a light meal then? Kj

  10. Oh spaghetti bolognaise ... yum!! I sometimes ditch the pasta/spaghetti part and slice up some cabbage wjich I very lightly steam so it is still slightly crunchy, then I put some bolognaise sauce and parmesan cheese on top. Very nice and relatively healthy 🙂

  11. Do whatever pleases you Chris; no matter what people always have their opinions. I wish you well. If only we could turn back time and have another day with our Moms.

  12. The pictures on the walk photo are so funny!

  13. I would miss your blog. I certainly hope you keep it up.

    1. I hope Lacy stays on the blog. She is so fun. Love her silly antics and cool necklace!

  14. I for one hope you keep blogging. Boring? You? My goodness your life is so interesting. You have a walking club, your markets, experiencing new restaurants and your sewing just to name a few. I love you sharing pictures of the kids. I love seeing pictures of all the traveling adventures. I am not sure why someone would be angry at you as you show everyone in a very positive light. If you post they will read.


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