Sunday, May 12, 2024



Well ... another cool morning.  It's still only Autumn, yet we are getting mid winter temperatures.  Brrrrr.  I'm not looking forward to winter proper.

It is 'Mothers Day' here today.  I don't expect anything from anyone.  It's a day for RETAILERS in my opinion.  If you can't show you love and care for me 365 days of the year, don't even bother on one highly commercialised day of the year.  

I know who cares about me, and those who DON'T.

I fully intend getting a LIGHT TRIM of my hair today.  It needs it.  Stew and I will then pop into the supermarket to get a few things for dinner tonight.

As far as I know, we have the usual family coming for dinner.   I'm making home made ham/chicken burgers.  Should be yum.

ABOVE:  Last night's restaurant.  I was surprised to see the blingy light fitting I'd had my eye on earlier on last week!  It was kinda out of place in the restaurant, as they only had one, the rest of the lighting was cane shades with regular light bulbs. 

ABOVE:  The decor' was nice.  And it wasn't too busy when we arrived.  

ABOVE:  For the first time ever, the menu had Butter Chicken/Lamb/Beef!  I decided to try the Butter Lamb.  AND OMG!  That lamb was SOOOOO soft and succulent!  It was amazing.

We will certainly be going back there again.


1.20 pm:  Well I got a very light trim and am happy with it.  For once, the hairdresser listened.

We got some supplies for dinner this evening.

After inviting a couple more family members, and having them cancel, we are down to just Steve, Bex and their kids.

At least they can join us for a nice evening meal more often than not.

My biggest question right now.  To take a Nana nap.  Or not?

ABOVE:  Darling grandkids, 'hanging out' this evening.  *snort*

ABOVE:  Stew, Bex and the boys had Beef Burgers and Chicken Burgers, they looked lovely.
Steve had Asado Short Ribs, Bacon and Haloumi Cheese
Because I'd had toasted sandwiches for lunch, I didn't need any dinner.  In fact, I still feel full from lunch!

The kids have just gone home and it is time to settle down for the remainder of the evening.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Happy Mothers Day Mum πŸ’™ Love you forever and always 😘

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Omg! I can’t believe they had the light. It was there just for you! We are out of town for Mother’s Day. My husbands mom is about 5 hour’s away and we haven’t seen her since Christmas. I suspect my phone will call me anonymous but it’s dogstars! Happy Mother’s Day! It didn’t cost me anything to say it and wish you a good day!

    1. Thank you Christine. I hope you have a safe trip and your MIL enjoys seeing you.

  3. Hi Chris. Glad that you and Stew had a lovely meal out yesterday. I'm sorry that you have had some cancellations for your Mother's Day dinner - I hope that those that cancelled have good excuses - the day is after all about acknowledging our Mothers. Both my husband and I are feeling exhausted today after a very stressful, busy week - and I really have no energy for cooking my Mum a meal - but I know that at the end of the day she loves dining with us - and today is about her (and heavens know she has provided us with so much love and support over the years which we greatly appreciate) - so yes, she is coming to dinner - and we will order a meal on Uber for the main, and I will get myself into the kitchen to make her her favourite dessert - an apple crumble. I hope that you have a lovely evening with those coming.

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I adore Indian food!! Happy Mothers Day to you!! Ky Girl

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Ooh those burgers look delicious. Glad you had a lovely mother's day. You deserve it. Kj

  6. Anonymous10:53 PM

    We have a local restaurant that does a great chicken pot pie, really fabulous. That’s my go to for taking over to my mother’s for a visit/holiday. Only I do it the day before.

    So my husband and I (and the dogs) went Saturday, so today, Sunday, I can do what I want to do.

    We also hooked up her hoses for the summer, while we were there. That involved going home for a different length hose and a better nozzle, and going back. All done in just under 2 hours including getting the chicken pot pie (and the hose).

    I have one out of three of my kids “visiting” today, because the other two live very far away.

    And she is coming to help me move plants because that was my first choice of what I wanted to do.

    But I have to pick her up at the airport first, she has been out of town. Fingers crossed that her flights are not delayed. If they are, we’ll do it next weekend.

    One of my other kids was driving to her home from out of town late yesterday/Saturday afternoon. We talked for the two hours of her drive time. That was perfect. I much prefer the day before.

    The last kid and his wife will likely call today. And they may not catch me because I have lunch plans and then digging/planting plans.

    My suggestion to anyone reading that has a hectic schedule or multiple obligations or who wants the day to themselves - visit the weekend before or the day before. Make it simple. Do something that will be a help while you are there.


  7. I love seeing photos of your grandchildren but especially Lily. She's as cute as a button.... strange expression πŸ€”. Love the food photos too. Yummy 'foreign' food lol. And hearing about what Steve's eating. We are on the same regime. How's he doing?

    1. Thank You for asking after Steve. He is doing very well on the 'Carnivore Diet'. His gut issues have settled down tremendously. He has lost about 15 kilos as well. Being on Steroids made him pile on the weight, so it's good to see him a more healthy weight again.


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