Thursday, May 23, 2024



Today I am going to start with something I read yesterday, that resounded in me so strongly:

Are you familiar with the “Let Them” theory?
I’ll tell you the more I grow the more I am okay with accepting the “Let Them” in my own life and relationships. Even family can mistreat and disrespect you.
This is something that took me a very long time to learn. I used to tolerate a lot because I didn't want to lose people. I learned the hard way if they were really my people they would never treat me like that. Don't make the mistake of being so understanding and forgiving that you overlook the fact that you're being repeatedly disrespected.
Let them be upset.
Let them judge you.
Let them misunderstand you.
Let them gossip about you,
Let them ignore you.
Let them be "right."
Let them doubt you.
Let them not like you.
Let them not speak to you.
Let them run your name in the ground.
Let them make you out to be the villain.
Whatever it is that people want to say about you, let them!
Kindly step aside and LET THEM.
The hard truth is they know how much they are hurting you. They just simply don't care. They did it knowing it could cause them to lose you. They did it anyway. People that love you care about how they make you feel.
The end.
Let them go.
There will be people that would rather lose you than be honest about what they've done to you. Let them go.
The lack of respect was the closure. The lack of apology was the closure. The lack of care was the closure. The lack of acountability was the closure. The lack of honestly was the closure. Let them go.
Make the decision to no longer sit at tables where you might be the topic when you get up. Let them go.
You can still be kind. You can even still love them deeply. But do it from the distance they created in their words and actions. Access to you is a privilege they have proven they can’t be trusted with. Let them go.
You don’t need to tell your side of the story. God already knows. Let God fight the battle for you. Let them go.
It’s taken me a long time to get here. Sleepless nights, countless tears, managing a range of emotions filled with anger, disappointment, confusion and deep hurt. Lots of self reflection, self preservation, deep prayer and seeking wisdom from those much wiser than me.
If you are struggling with this please know you are not alone. We will never understand why hurt people hurt people. But we can do the hard work to grow ourselves. Because healed people do in fact heal people.
Don’t you dare let them steal your joy.
Don’t you dare let them steal your light.
Don’t you dare let them steal your peace.
You are in control of that.
Hold tight to what you can control and release your grip on what you can’t control.
Let them go.

I let them go. And it was/is the best thing I ever did.

Now... back to my 'normal'.
Thursday. No walk today.
No firm plans.
I might do some work inside the house.
There's a few areas inside the house that I could work on de-cluttering. Kitchen cupboards. Another wardrobe.
OR...I might even sew something!

I should have known I couldn't just walk into the sewing room and start sewing.

ABOVE: I've gotta spend a couple of hours cutting out friggin stips. Grrrr. This is the back breaking part of sewing. And this is probably why I've been putting off coming back in here.

11.15 am: I've had to stop cutting. 3 hours and my back is done in.
So, I'm back in the house, taking a little break before having some lunch.

Can a barking dog drive me mental? Why yes, yes it can.
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such a high pitched yelping... that never stops. I seriously want to tape it's fucking mouth shut. It's now HOWLING as well.

A GOOD REASON TO MOVE I THINK. Let that sink in.
NO, we are not moving RIGHT NOW, but in the future ... FOR SURE.

And because I'm a 'DO IT NOW' sorta person, I'm getting my ducks in a row NOW. Hence the massive de-clutter going on here.
I needed SOMETHING to do!

Our potential move isn't for a few years, so please don't ask WHEN. lol You will find out our future plans in due course.

I have had an excellent afternoon and evening!
I got one runner ready for quilting by dinnertime. I'll make a few more over the next few days before quilting them all in one go.

Stew went to the pub, and I spent a couple of hours at Steve 'n' Bex's. A lovely evening.

Home now to our freezing cold house... time to get the heated throw on!

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    That's what I needed to read today. I am heartbroken. Someone at work. We should never be friends. When they hurt you its heartbreaking. And final.

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I get the barking dog thing. We had a German Shepard over back fence and it barked constantly for five years. The council did absolutely nothing. It barked mostly when she was home, she wouldn’t let it inside. We ended up selling!! Marie, Melbourne

  3. Your post touched a chord with me, too. The crazy neighbour struck again after being "nice". She will never change.
    Of course your readers are going to be guessing when and where.
    I'm guessing a house with Steve and Bex and you and Stew in the granny flat out the back!!

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    My guess - moving back to Palmerston North.

  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Oh no! I’m on t phone and therefore anonymous. Surprised to hear about this potential move! Wow. Christine

  6. You need to go and have a chat to the owner and be honest about how much it is barking and how it is impacting on you!

    1. We have had a couple of conversations about it already. She said she has to go out sometimes and leave the dog outside. She knows he barks, but probably has no idea how much. Maybe I do need to express my frustration again more honestly.

    2. Record it. She probably has no idea how bad he is.

    3. My neighbour is DEAF.... she can't hear the bloody dog!

    4. Rhonda8:45 PM

      Yes Chris, another chat seems in order for your sanity and peace and quiet enjoyment of your property. . The poor dog must be very stressed to be barking like that. Sad your neighbour is deaf but you are not!

  7. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I have declutterred the house and my “friendships”. I don’t need people using me as a sounding board, sucking the life out of me or using me when it suits. I enjoyed your post. Dry much today as it resonated so much with where I am at in my life just now (including the barking dog!) Catriona in Scotland

  8. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Instead of uprooting your life, and moving from a house you've spent so much time and money on, wouldn't it be more prudent to speak to the neighbour? If that doesn't work, lodge a noise complaint with the council? You've done so much to get your house the way you want it, it'd be sad to move now. xx Colleen

    1. COLLEEN: We are not thinking of moving 100% due to a barking dog. There have been many conversations over the past few weeks and it is agreed to be the best thing for us ... IN A COUPLE/FEW YEARS TIME.

  9. I have had to let the toxic people in my life go & it has been good for my mental health. People who love you do not hurt you. It was hard to let go when it was my family members but I could not continue to allow the horrible treatment to go on any longer. My husband & I have been much happier. I cannot believe your neighbor is so inconsiderate. You may need to move.


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