Thursday, May 30, 2024



If the weather forecast is to be believed, we are in for a nice, sunny day.

After yesterday's storms, it will be welcome I can assure you.

So, let's wait and see what comes our way.

After quite a break from sewing, I finally have some new finishes:

ABOVE: Two lovely Kiwiana Braid Runners done.  And today I shall finish the third one I have on the go.

Then I might be able to make one or two more before our market on Saturday.

Which is a 'one off' Pop Up Market at Gordonton.  It's a Mid Winter Christmas Market.  So I'll probably take a few Christmas Runners along and see how they go.

I'm hoping like hell the weather stays reasonable until after that market, it's getting so damn cold!  Yesterday was friggin FREEZING.

This morning, before I do anything else, I'm actually going out to Gordonton to suss out our market site.  We seem to have a good site, but it's always good to go and see for yourself.  


The drive out to Gordonton went well, the site we have been allocated looks great.  So, we should be fine on Saturday setting up etc.

ABOVE:  And that is the third one done and dusted.

Now I'm taking a break, having brunch with Lacy.

She called in to pick up the guinea pigs pen.  She couldn't do that yesterday as the weather was too wet and wild.

So the guineas got to sleep in the laundry overnight, they would have loved that.

ABOVE: The girls doing to Lacy  what they always do to me.  Begging for scraps.  We had a toasted sandwich, which was lovely.

As predicted, it is a much nicer day today.  I'm tempted to go for a walk later on.  But for now... I'm going back into the sewing room.

I did some more decluttering in the sewing room!

Then Lacy called back in, and we went out on a little 'tiki tour'... secret squirrel type stuff.  

Now I'm home, and have put me face on, cos Stew, Jacqui and I are all going to the pub tonight.  Might even have dinner there.  

And I must say, it is extremely quiet on here today! What are you all up to?  I hope it's nice.

ABOVE: The pub tonight was quieter than usual.  But it was nice to see and say 'Hi' to the regulars.

Jacqui and I stayed long enough to have a drink and a meal, then we went and visited Steve, Bex and Lily.

Dante and Archer were having a sleep over with friends as they don't have school tomorrow.

ABOVE:  Our dinners.  Very yummy beef burger 'n' chips.  

Now that we are home, it's time to just relax and get warm again.  It's bloody cold outside I tell ya.

I'm going to try using a heated wheat bag in bed tonight, it might help me get to sleep a bit faster?  Usually I'm still tossing and turning, trying to get to sleep after an hour or two.  Most frustrating, particularly when it only takes Stew about 3 minutes to get to sleep.  Lucky bastard.

Right, I'm off here, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Cold wind here and sprinkles of rain all morning sun trying to come out now but still to cold for breathing. FELICITY

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Sun is shining here atm but it won't be for long, more rain is coming.

  3. Ooops darn Google, above comment is Jen...keeps changing me to anonymous 😔

  4. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Just having another bludgy day. I should be decluttering like you lol

  5. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Cold and wet today so I’m sitting in the arm chair reading until I go back to work for 45 minutes. We have had two beautiful sunny days about 20 degrees

  6. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Its anywhere up to 3am before I go to sleep and about once a week no sleep at all....walking zombie is nothing on me some days. Over last few months I've blamed my arthritis in my knee but never have been good mother often talks of me sneaking up in middle of night and playing in the toy box when I was little⁴. FELICITY

  7. I'm out of my regular routine. This crazy "job" is seriously strict hours and such. Still playing Pickleball almost daily as well. Yesterday - I got a fat lip. Pickleball hazard I guess. I have a few hours now before "work".


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