Thursday, May 16, 2024



We have pretty much 'stolen' Steve's work van, to use as our market van.

Bex isn't doing markets at the moment, so the van just stays here.

A couple of weeks ago it got a flat battery.  Lacy and I jump started it and I thought that it would be fine.

But it's flat again.  So today I am ringing the AA to come out and see if it needs a new battery, or just jump starting again.  

Something tells me it will be needing a new battery.  *sigh*

One this is for sure, it needs to be sorted out NOW... as our next market is on Saturday, at Tamahere.

I didn't hear from Heathcoats about my new appliances yesterday, here's hoping I do today.  I'd like to think we can pick it up by the weekend.

Today is definitely a 'rest' day from walking.  I've had three days walking in a row... and I have another FBG walk tomorrow.  So, no walking today.

What shall I do?  Well, obviously hang around and wait for the AA to turn up.  Then I have no idea.

Just to clarify something.  I mentioned not knowing what to do with myself yesterday.  I'm not BORED.  I'm just so used to doing my sewing most days and being productive, I find it weird not having anything to do!

I am sure I will come to enjoy watching movies, reading, trying other things over time.  WHEN I'm not sewing that is.

In fact, I might even paint a wall in the middle bedroom soon.  It's got a large painting on it that has a white background, which doesn't look that good on a white wall.  It needs COLOUR on that wall.

See?  I'll come up with shit to do eventually.

Or I'll just sew more runners, and have a huge stockpile!


9 am:  And the van is fixed.  I had to get a new battery, which the lovely AA man had on board, and he fitted it for me.  Such a neat guy, he's come here about 4 times now for various reasons.  Very talkative, so friendly.  

Next job:  touch up a tiny area in the bathroom that got missed when painting.  You could only see it when you were in the bath... so I could see it. And it was bugging me.  Off to fix it. 😉😊  ONLY been meaning to do it for a couple of months!  Derr.

9.30 am: Next job:  Ring around to see if I'm paying a competitive price for our dogs to be groomed.  The prices just keep going up and up!  Only 4 years ago it cost $69.  Now where I take them it is $81 each. So I rang another place and was told $97!  Holy hell that's steep!  When you have two dogs it sure adds up fast.

I'm now trying a third place, a guy who does it from home.  Fingers crossed for a better price than both those other ones.

10 am:  RESULT!  And an excellent result at that.  I've found a guy who will groom the girls for $50 (each)!  All I have to do is bath and dry them before their appointment... and that brings the cost down.  Gosh that is so good! I'm now off to cancel their next appointments at the 'other' place.

3.50 pm:  Yaaa.   I just sold one of our China Cabinets.  Slowly getting rid of surplus furniture from our home.  Now... what else can I sell? 😊

I'm expecting Stew and our friend home in about half an hour.  Then we are off to visit Steve, Bex and the kids.  And Stew will go to the pub to yak with mates. So it should be a very pleasant evening.

ABOVE: Awwww, how cute are Jacqui and Lily!

ABOVE:  Jacqui still knows how to settle a baby, they are listening to Pink on the phone.

It's been a really nice evening, lots of yakking and enjoying each other's company.

I'm home now, having picked up Stew from the pub.

Jacqui has left for her next destination, so it's just us and the dogs again.

Nice and quiet. 

Time to sign off for the day.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    What about getting a pattern and having a go at sewing some little dresses for Lily ready for next summer. Audrey

  2. hi Chris, I remember a few years ago you were doing that kind of "drip painting" with all the colours swirling around the cavasses? big ones? could you do that again? Christy in Sydney

    1. No I won't be doing that again. It was a very expensive hobby and there's only so many paintings you want, and your family wants. They don't sell well either. AND I have since given all my painting stuff (paint, canvas's etc) to a friend. It was fun for a while though!

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Ouch that a steep rise for grooming girls glad you have found a less expensive option and save petrol win option. Felicity

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Costs similar here. My daughter started grooming her two dogs herself. My husband helps her. She does a very good job. She gives them a bath after she cuts them.


  5. We pay AUD140 per dog but they are very big German Shepherds! And they only need doing a couple of times a year. $50 a dog is a great price.


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