Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Today I don't have a walk on, but I am on a mission.

First up :

ABOVE:  I'm taking this little unit over to Steve 'n' Bex's.  I took it out of the vanity/bathroom and it is now redundant.  They can use it I'm sure.

ABOVE:  In it's place is this cute cane and metal stand.  It takes up less room, and I really want to keep it.

I'm having a blast de-cluttering!  I am going to be getting rid of so much more over the next few months.  I have a plan.  NO, we have a plan.

And it involves getting rid of lots of our stuff.  You just don't NEED as much 'stuff' as you get older, it just weighs you down.

Stew, once he's 100% recovered from his operation, is going to get stuck into the garage clutter, and the back sheds as well.  

WHY do you lug, from house to house, all that stuff we simply do not need?  It's crazy.  And I thought I'd de-cluttered when we moved from Auckland to Cambridge, and Cambridge to Hamilton.  Ha ha ha.   NOT ENOUGH.

In fact, there were a few moves before those ones, where I got rid of stuff too.  But I have a very bad habit of buying MORE stuff.

I promise not to do that any more. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰

I am going to do a few jobs around the house this morning, then go into the sewing room and get on with Braid Runners.


ABOVE:  I've been out for a short walk, more like an amble really. 

Then I dropped that unit off to Bex,

ABOVE:  It didn't take her long to find the right space for it.

After leaving Bex's, I went down to our local Kiwi Bank store... to find it was closed.  It was a 'combo' store, Kiwi Bank, Post Office, Book Store and Lotto store.  ALL GONE.

So then I had to go over to the Base to enquire about my new card, and why I hadn't got it yet?

To find that the guy I ordered it from 3 WEEKS AGO, at Kiwibank Rototuna, HAD NOT ORDERED IT!

So I was a bit pissed off.  I am now having to wait another 2 weeks for it to arrive.  Grrrrr.

Deep breath... worse things could happen.  

I've just had me lunch.

Stew's dinner is in the crock pot (pork roast), so I'm happy with my day so far.

Well another damn awesome afternoon.

I sold another of our wooden bookcases.

I am about to list our large marble top, free standing unit.

I got a bit sorted out in the garage.

Stew arrived home and he's now eating his roast pork and veges, and loving it.

I've gone through my baking cupboard, and anything I've not used since we moved here is going to the Op Shop tomorrow. Along with several other items from around the house.

My plans for the rest of the evening?

NOTHING.  I'm knackered.

I need to have my next Trulicity injection later on this evening, then I can relax for the rest of the night.

Might just.... catch ya tomorrow.


  1. If Bec and Steve don’t want it can I buy it? I have the set of 2 draw ones that match that be kinda cool to pair it all up…,
    It’s pouring with rain here yuck!

  2. We have carted the same unpacked boxes from house to house. When we move into the new build I will be unpacking before the actual move and if it doesn't have a home it goes. That's the plan, anyway.

  3. The unit looks perfect at Bex's. Well done on decluttering.

  4. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I had three boxes of china that moved from one attic (15 years) to another attic (20+ years). I gave one set to a cousin, my daughter wanted one, I donated the third.


  5. I don't understand about your card. We can block ours via the app, cancel it via the app and apply for a new card that way. I've actually never been inside a bank here to do any of that. I'd be pretty annoyed too about the delay. Most times now we just use our phones (tap and go) to pay except where there are added fees for that. Stu doesn't even take a card out with him now, just his phone.

    Isn't decluttering great? I did get some done last week but there is always more.

  6. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Lol I have cleared up that bowl of stuff now looks alot better lol πŸ˜†
    Bex πŸ’š

  7. Kiwionholidays3:38 PM

    So neat the wee cabinet was repurposed to Bex ,
    When you have lil ones ,,,,,that’s an awesome place for it to go,

    Glad your days been so productive,and agree with the declutterring
    We seem to accumulate so much excess and as our circumstances have changed recently, minimal is the best especially with clothes here
    I found I don’t need lots of Winter things and if we travel 🧳 back for holidays in Winter will buy things in NZ πŸ₯πŸ’―πŸ•ΊπŸΏ✈️

    Enjoy the Pork it will melt in your mouth cooked that way

    πŸ₯‚ Cheers

  8. Anonymous11:51 PM

    It sounds as if you are planning to move to a smaller house. Gigi

  9. I need to go through my cabinets again too. We have a community garage sale next weekend so I should start soon lol

  10. You are so right that you just don't NEED as much 'stuff' as you get older, it just weighs you down. I wish I could be so ambitious when it comes to ridding myself of junk/stuff. I have stuff from my parents that I know we don't need but I just can't bring myself to donate. Great job with your walking. So dang consistent.


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