Friday, May 24, 2024



Marley goes to the new groomer first thing this morning.  I hope it goes well.

I tried brushing her out last night and she got all crabby with me, and even tried to snap at me!

And that is why I don't groom my dogs.  They do not sit still, and they fight me all the time.

This will be the first time Marley has been groomed by a man.  I've no idea how it will go.

OMG, I just remembered something else.  She goes NUTS when an Asian person walks past our driveway.  YIKES.  The groomer is an Asian man.  I am positive she's been teased by Asian kids walking past the house, due to her behaviour.

Gosh it might be a disaster!

Time will tell I suppose.

Now.  While Marley is at the groomers, I have a little job to get done outside the house.  It will involve me having a nice little walk as well, which is awesome.

It's not something I will talk about today, or even in the near future... it's to do with our long term plans.  Ducks in a row shit.

ABOVE:  Marley was NOT impressed being bathed by Lacy yesterday afternoon!  She hates it so much.  At least it was WARM Marley!

ABOVE: Looking less than beautiful Marls!  Lacy looks good though.

ABOVE: This is the Kiwiana Braid Runner I got partly made yesterday.  It's lovely.  I will quilt it sometime next week, along with any others I get done over the next few days.

GUINEA PIGS...  I am 'babysitting' Lacy's guinea pigs while she's out of town for about 6 days.  Gosh I better not forget them... can't have them die on my shift!  I must feed them, make sure they have water, shelter, fresh grass, bla bla bla. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š


9.10 am:  I just dropped Marley off at the groomers.  I have a sinking feeling I've made a big mistake taking her there.

I could not understand the man much at all, and when I told him what I wanted (shaved short all over), he didn't seem to understand what I was saying either.

So God knows how Marley will  look when I pick her up.  I hope it's not a disaster.

Because I was flustered by the time I left the groomers, I came home.  I'll do my little 'job' after I've picked up Marley.

Right now, I'm in the sewing room, about to start on my next Braid Runner.  Heat Pump is ON... cos it's cold today.

ABOVE:  And she's back.  It's definitely not the best groom she's had, but it's OK.  She was good for the groomer, he had no problems except for cutting her nails.  He simply didn't do them!  So I've got to get her out walking on concrete to wear them down more.

I'm very relieved it isn't an utter shit job to be honest!  He scissor cuts, so it has the potential to be ragged, but it's not too bad.  For $50 I'm not going to complain.

And now I can go out and do me little job.

COLLEEN:  We are not thinking of moving 100% due to a barking dog.  There have been many conversations over the past few weeks and it is agreed to be the best thing for us ... IN A COUPLE/FEW YEARS TIME.

ABOVE: And there we have the next Braid Runner, ready for quilting.  It is busy.  It is 'out there'... but it will sell.  Because it's different.

I'm now going to make a start on the next one, but I won't get it finished today as it's already almost 5 pm.  And I always stop once Stew gets home from work.

8.33 pm... Stew arrived home as per usual.  I got him some dinner, had some fruit and yoghurt for my dinner, then settled down to watch some TV.  Boring.  There is bugger all on a Friday night.

Stew is a happy man though.   He's watching rugby in the lounge.  Power to him.

I might go to bed early.  I'm bored and it's warmer and more comfy in bed.  I can scroll through shit on me phone in bed.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I have probably mentioned this previously - and I recognize this will not work for you - my daughter had such bad luck with groomers leaving/quitting that she taught herself to groom her two dogs.

    She got all the proper clippers/scissors.

    She does it on a table in our garage with a yoga mat on top.

    My husband helps her.

    She clips them once a month.

    Prior to that she brushed them (herself) once a day. Now she keeps them short enough that they do not need brushed.


  2. Thanks Ma for Guinea Sitting xx and yeah please just remember to give them carrots at least 2 a day and their hay and pellets, no more lettuce tho xx
    Love From Me the Guinea Master and the most amazing hooooan this side of the rain forest lol πŸ˜†

  3. Laura M.3:58 PM

    Chris, are you ok with using a muzzle for Marley when she's being groomed? We always use a muzzle at the vet clinic where I'm a nurse, if the dog is likely to snap or bite. It also helps to keep them calm.

    1. The groomer said Marley was just fine with him! Seems she only snaps... AT ME!

  4. Marley looks good! Happy to hear she was a good girl. I am baffled at the idea of another move. You seem to love this home so much. It's close to family and all types of good things. But... maybe there is something even better. And it's far off in the future. Time will tell.
    You should probably set reminders/alarms on your phone for Guinea Pig duty! Sounds like something easily forgotten.
    Or maybe I am traumatized by what happened to my bunny Fluff - when I had to spend the weekend at my Dad's and my Mom tended to Fluff.
    Yea, Just set an alarm for everyday of the week. On your phone. So easy.

  5. Rhonda5:55 PM

    OMG moving again I was surprised to read that as you’ve said how much you love this house, you’ve done heaps to it too 🀷‍♀️. Your decision and your own business and I’m sure you’ll find what you want when the time comes, although usually when you get a plan and say not for a while, months or weeks etc it seems to happen very quickly lol Love the runner

  6. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Those runners are beautiful!

  7. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Even if you never move, the benefits of cleaning out, with a move in mind, are HUGE.

    As I have cleaned out, since 2018, I find things where I say “if we moved, that would not go with us”.

    But I, with no move in my future, do not always get rid of those things.

    You will!


  8. Chris, is it just me or did you miss a bit of black piping on the lower half? I've been turning my computer every which way and counting the black stripes to figure it out. Maybe that's part of it being "out there" as you say.
    Lacy looks so pretty. Jo in the US.

    1. Damn! Yes I did. Now I'll have to fix it. Thanks for pointing it out.

  9. Runners are gorgeous as always. Moving again doesn't seem to be in our future, but I'm always tracking the local markets, just in case. Hahaha.


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