Monday, May 27, 2024



There's no 'new' Challenge Walks on this week with the FBG's, so I might not go over there this week.

I will do some walks on my own, and play it day to day.  Maybe something will come up that I am tempted to go over for?

But for today, I've got to head into town to pick up my repeat prescription for Trulicity.  Then I'm heading out to the Base to do some banking.

ABOVE: Today's job is to start tackling the boxes of photos in my garage.  I will keep a very small, select few.  The rest will be given to family, or destroyed.

I'm no longer lugging them from one house to the next, photos that mean nothing to anyone by me.  

Any photos from the past 20 odd years that are worth keeping, are ON THIS BLOG.  Family can look at them whenever they want for eternity really.

(All the cardboard boxes and other rubbish in the foreground is going to the dump.)

I am still buzzing from seeing Sienna and Bodhi last night!  It just made my day/week/year really.  They have grown into such lovely kids, I can't wait to see them in person again.  It's been TOO LONG!  Eleven and a half years in fact.  Sienna just turned 13, and Bodhi is 12 in July.  We have missed so much.  With any luck, we might be able to see them in about a year?  

I'm going to work hard to make that happen.

Right, I better get off here and make a start on my day.


ABOVE... Dumm dee doo.. waiting for the bank to open. Deserted carpark at the Base. 

12.02 pm:  After visiting the bank, I dropped several boxes of fabric I don't want at an Op Shop, and a huge pile of jeans and shorts that Stew no longer fits.
I have been home for about an hour.  I have since put a bit of rubbish in the trailer, done some more work in the sewing room, and now, it's lunchtime.  Off to find some food.

ABOVE:  My little car just clocked 100,000 kms.  Nice.

ABOVE:  Two guinea pigs, alive and happy.  They LOVE Kale and Parsley!  I hate both, they are ikkky.  GP's can have it all.

ABOVE:  4 pm, and I don't think the garage looks any better than it did this morning!
BUT.... I have spent 3 hours on me bum sorting through photos!  And I have got 4-5 distinct piles now.
I am being ruthless!  They are my photos to do with as I wish, and that is what I'm doing.  There are a FEW that I have put aside to offer other family members, there's a FEW I am going to keep and the rest is going to be destroyed.

95% of them are photos I've taken!  Goddam, I am a shutter bug.
I have about 4 more boxes to go through, but that can wait for another day. My back is screaming, so sore!

So... I sat down to take a break.
Need a piddle.
Got up. Headed towards the bathroom, spied something in the front bedroom that needed putting away.

Next thing, the front bedroom's wardrobe is emptied, sorted out, stuff put in the 'to the dump' pile in the garage, other stuff put back in the wardrobe.

Sorted a few things in the garage above the fridge/freezers.
More stuff in the 'to the dump' pile.
More stuff in the 'to the Op Shop' pile.

Go and sit down again.
Bugger me.... off I go to piddle!

NEXT!   Find something to feed Stew for dinner. 

And... I fed the man Lamb burger patties, home made wedges, baked beans and fried eggs.  He loved it.  And now we are chillin' out for the evening... heat pump is on and it's lovely and warm in our house.
Time to sign off for the day.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Ask/Consider what nieces and nephews might want. My grand aunt gave me all her old photos and papers. So did an aunt. I am actively into history and genealogy. It is treasure!

  2. You can scan your photos and keep them on a memory stick. Saves a lot of space :)
    I am still smiling that you got to talk to the Aussie grandkids. How wonderful after all these years. I remember when they were born!

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Good on you Chris, how nice re-connecting. Guinea pigs are eaten commonly in Peru. I had one when I was there, bbq’d for dinner. Tasted like chicken, I’ll try and find the photo 🙂Marie, Melbourne

  4. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Im surprised u have photos Chris...😆 Felicity

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    The photos that you do want to keep, could you get them printed into those books and keep them on the coffee table for family to look through?

  6. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I am not sure if I have mentioned this.

    Anyone who is an avid reader might be interested -

    Reeding Between the Lines

    Mother and (adult) daughter team with last name of Reed

    Mother also has a terrific quilt blog

    And she often reviews books also


  7. Photo’s …. Thats what I have been doing, sorting, putting into albums, scrapbooks…and labelling them all. Hubbys mum left behind sooooooo many albums and we don’t know half of the people as they not been written on.


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