Friday, May 31, 2024



EVERY day this week, my neighbour's dog has barked.

Sometimes only for an hour or two, sometimes longer.

Yesterday he barked all day, non stop.  Barked and HOWLED.

It really started to piss me off.

My neighbour knows he barks.  We have texted about it, and I told her it wasn't too bad.

 I lied.

And yesterday I just had enough.  So I sent her a polite text, telling her that her dog had barked all day long, and it was starting to 'bother' me.

I felt I needed to prepare her, or at least give her a chance to stop him SOMEHOW, before I go to the next step.

Which is to lay a complaint with the City Council.

I DON'T WANT TO ... but seriously?  How much barking should someone have to put up with?

He has a very high pitched bark/howl.  And he is outside, on my side of their home.  It is relentless.  I am surprised no one else has complained about him, he is very easily heard from out on the street.

I might even ask the neighbours on the other side of her if they can hear him, and if he bothers them?

I heard back from her last night.  She just said 'Sorry, nothing I can do, I have to go out sometimes'.

I didn't feel that was a very good reply to be honest.

 Do you have any bright ideas on how to handle this?  I've told her it's becoming a problem.  I am contemplating making a formal complaint.

What else can I do, short of killing the fucking dog?  Just joking........  😡😠😖

Change of subject now.

I 'saved' the best photo from last night for today:

ABOVE: Jacqui last night at the pub!  Her glasses got stuck in her hair.  I snapped a photo before helping her get them out.  I can't help myself, a funny photo is worth it.  Sorry Jacqui! 

And that's about it from me for now.

I'm not sure what I will get up to today.  Maybe just sew another braid runner.  


9.17 am:   And it's already been a very good, productive morning.

I've cleaned out my wardrobes.  And I have a really big basket full of clothes that's going to the Hospice Op Shop this morning.

ABOVE: Top of the pile, and with NO REGRETS, I am getting rid of this dress I never, ever got to wear.

I knew from the word 'GO' it wouldn't get worn.

It's called the "Ha Ha, What a JOKE,  It's never gunna happen" dress.

It was bought for a wedding that we KNEW would never happen.

OVER  A  DECADE  LATER... time to throw it out.

Once I've been to the op shop, I'm going to the Base to buy some warm gloves to wear at market.  I had some lovely pure wool ones, but for the life of me I can't find the damn things anywhere.  Grrrr.

Nevermind, I'm sure I'll find some that are thicker and warmer.

11.47 am:  And I'm home from my little outing.  It felt so good dropping more stuff off at the Op Shop.  

Next week I'm sure I'll have more to take there.  I fully intend making Stew go through his wardrobe next.  He's got shit in his wardrobe that he's had for over 40 years!!!  I kid you not.

I just had my brunch, and am about to head into the front bedroom to make the bed with fresh linens, and sort out what's under it.  It is a bed with a big storage base, so there is quite a bit under it.  I wonder how much will end up going?


ABOVE:  Because I knew it would be so much easier to lift the bed base up without the mattress on, I took the mattress off.  OMG what a heavy shit that mattress is!  

ABOVE: But it was worth it, cos the base was super light to lift up without it on.  And I'm now looking at all that linen thinking, 90% of it can GO.  We never use it.  Why keep it?

The animal print fluffy blanket belonged to my brother, Vern.  I am never getting rid of that.

I was with Vern when he bought that blanket, well over 25 years ago now.  Memories. Sometimes ya just have to hang on to some precious things.  I have been pretty ruthless with a lot of things I've kept for sentimental reasons, but well.... I'm keeping that blanket.

Right, now that I've taken a tiny break... back to it.

ABOVE:  And shit!  I didn't realise just how much was under that bed.

If it's been under that bed since we moved here, and it was under that bed in Cambridge as well, and we didn't use it?  WHY keep it?  That is EIGHT YEARS under a bed.  Nope, it's gotta go.

Well, that very quickly got outta hand!

ABOVE:  Somehow or other I ended up rummaging in the linen cupboards, throwing shit out left, right and centre!

Best find?


ABOVE: I found me MARBLES!  I'm saved from losing my mind.

Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief now.

Gosh I'm having SO MUCH FUN.  

Moving on.  Lacy is calling in later to have a gander at the linen I don't want, before it all goes to the Op Shop on Monday.

BY THE WAY:  Not one peep out of the dog today.  My neighbour must be home.  I will from now on be making a note of every day it barks, and for how long.  I will also video it on my phone as proof.  If it becomes unbearable again, I WILL BE REPORTING it to the City Council.

WOW!  Lacy took about 70% of the linen I was getting rid of!  Yaaa, I don't have to lug it all to the Op Shop.

Though, by the end of the weekend I do anticipate having a full load in my car, ready to donate.

7.31 pm:  And it's another boring Friday night.  Stew is watching Rugby and I'm on my computer, trying to kill time until it's bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Off to the council you go. You’ve brought it to her attention and she’s not willing to do anything about it. Hopefully your council is more proactive than mine was here in Melbourne when it went on for five years. I had to go through a process of documenting every time it barked and nothing happened. However, she is being unreasonable and you need to escalate it. Marie, Melbourne

  2. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Hi, this is the first time I have made a comment. I think you have been unbelievably patient with the barking dog. I would have reported it a long time ago. Not only is it really annoying but as I see it it is cruelty by the owner to the dog. Stop being so nice. We have the same problem but not nearly as bad as you have. If the dog is outside it barks. If we go outside it barks even more, but at least if it goes too crazy they take it in.
    I have been reading your blog for a few years now and love to see all the beautiful things you sew. Sue in Hamilton Canada

    1. Thank You Sue for your lovely comment... nice to hear from you!

  3. Is there an option to go and see the neighbour and try to offer a solution? The dog shouldn't be outside all day, could she have a place inside to put the dog while she is out? We have a really noisy dog at the house behind us but they always shut it up and put it inside when it starts barking. Your neighbour really is extremely inconsiderate and it is a real problem sadly.

  4. Rhonda11:42 AM

    OMG Chris you have been more than considerate and conciliatory with your neighbour over her barking dog. Could perhaps you and Stew visit her over the weekend to let her know how serious the barking has become and that something has to be done to restore some peace for you. Her answer to your text shows she doesn’t give a hoot about the situation or how it is affecting you. Otherwise absolutely contact your council.

  5. You are doing really well with the decluttering excellent.

    Video the dog morning noon and
    Night on different days keep it as evidence.

  6. Definitely agree, time to report it. Surely you are not the only house in the street that has been having to put up with it.

  7. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Get some big bones from the butchers. When you hear the dog start up, chuck one over the fence. Might keep it busy and quiet for a while lol

    1. Might aim for it's damn head and solve the problem another way! LOL Obviously I'm joking, to be sure, to be sure.

  8. I remember those marbles!
    I just went through closets, clothes and linens too. I cleared out about as much as you did. I NEVER even knew I had that much crap. Gone Gone Gone.
    I wonder if it would be nice to drop a friendly note to the neighbor telling her you noticed the dog was quiet today and thanking her... you appreciate it. .... Nah. I can't think of a way to make that sound sincere instead of passive aggressive.

    1. I agree, not a good idea. It is going to be very interesting to see how long it takes her to go out again, and lock the dog outside, like she has been doing!

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Maybe you can text her back and say...just because you go out, the whole bloody neighbourhood doesn't need to be disturbed ...sounds like the dog is an unhappy animal...maybe the RSPCA should come and check...tell her you have put up with it to be neighbourly but unfortunately you can no longer tolerate the disruption to your life...putting in a complaint sounds

  10. You're making me want to clean stuff out! Yeah I'd be complaining to the neighbor too. Sounds like she got the hint!

  11. You could give her some info about bark collars etc and explain in detail how much it is barking and say you will have to report her to council if she doesn't work with you.

  12. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hcc can't do anything about barking dogs .been there many times.doesnt Beach noise levels. Feeding there dog gets you arrested.becareful there.

  13. Anonymous3:21 PM


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