Saturday, May 25, 2024



First of all, a reminder to myself.... don't forget the guinea pigs!  Food, water, grass, pellets.  This babysitting lark is stressful!

We have a few things on today.

Stew is off to the supermarket for his weekly mini shop.

Then when he gets home, he's going out with  Steve to get a new filter for our DVS system, and some melamine for the kitchen.

Then Steve will replace the DVS filter up in the roof for us, as Stew is still recovering.  While Steve is up in the attic, I will get him to bring down everything that is up there, so I can sort through it all.  Another of those de-cluttering jobs.

Next, we have some people coming to pick up the bookcase that sold (AGAIN) on TradeMe.

If it doesn't fit in their vehicle, we have offered to take it to their home in our trailer.  They live near us, so it's not much to do.  

After that, Stew and I plan on making a start on sorting out some of the 'stuff' in our garage and back sheds.  I can see quite a lot going to the dump!

I think lunch with the kids, or out somewhere nice is on the cards as well.

If I get a chance, I might venture into the sewing room later on today, and work on the next Braid Runner.  I really want to have about 6 new Kiwiana Runners finished by next Friday.


Plans have changed.  Steve couldn't get the melamine sheet we need for the kitchen, so will have to source it from another place.  Not this weekend.

So, nothing happening in the kitchen for now.

Next.  He might come over tomorrow to replace the filter, he's got other plans for now.

I'm still waiting for the people to arrive to pick up the bookcase.

In the meantime, I've unpicked and fixed the boo boo on the last runner.  What a shit job that was!  Lots of dicking around, but it is done now.

ABOVE:  I just got this one done, ready for quilting.  I love it, it's so vibrant.

I'm taking a break now, at least until after the buyers have been and gone.

ABOVE: Seeing as our plans changed...  we decided to go on a ROAD TRIP. Heading up to Auckland for a late lunch. I might even do some shopping.  I need a zip up sweatshirt. Maybe I'll find one at Sylvia Park. 

ABOVE: Yum Cha at Sylvia Park.  Delicious!

If you THINK you saw me RUNNING through Sylvia Park just now... you'd be RIGHT!!!

I lost my handbag and thought the only place I could have left it was at the Yum Cha restaurant.  So... I RAN BACK. And thank God, it had been handed into reception by some lovely people.  I WAS SO RELIEVED. 

Self medicating my nerves with a chocolate ice cream now. 😂🤣😅

After my nerves were settled, we headed home.

A quick bathroom stop at Te Kauwhata, and a visit to their little local market.  It was 3.35 pm by the time we got to the market (indoors), and we were the only 'customers' there.  It was very quiet.

It is nice to be home again.  I'm snuggled up in me blankie.  Stew has the telly on, set on some sport channel.  Oh yaaa.

Because we had a decent lunch, I don't need to worry about dinner.  If Stew gets hungry, he can cook up a sausage or three.  

6.03 pm:  And  yep, he's cooking sausages he bought this morning.  He got them home before he realised they were 'Gluten Free'.  He spat the dummy!

The last time we bought Gluten Free sausags BY MISTAKE, we cooked them thinking they would be just fine.

They were not.  They were bloody hideous.  So fingers crossed this lot is not that bad.  

Otherwise, the dogs are gunna get lucky! lol

And that's me for the day.  I'm 'reverse' stitching something.  Or UNPICKING in other words.  Any idea what?  It's something I have done in the past day or two.

P.S.  He enjoyed the sausages... the dogs miss out.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    That is stunning Chris. So bright and pretty. I'm doing the declutter too.just have to pay people to move stuff around. But I can sort stuff! I've done it so many times. This is the Swedish death clean lol. Kj

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Thank goodness your purse was turned in. I would have ran, too. Ky Girl

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    What a panic , misplacing a purse! Did you tend to the guinea pigs?

    1. Yes! They are both fine, with plenty of food, shelter, hay etc. And they told me they don't miss Lacy at all! lol

  4. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Oh my god thank heavens you found your bag...I'm sure nerves needed chocolate ice-cream Felicity

  5. Rhonda7:04 PM

    OMG Chris, I’m so glad you got your handbag back. Very nerve wracking 🤦‍♀️. Gives me faith honest people outweigh thieves! I thought all (or most) sausages were gluten free. Well in Australia they seem to be. My granddaughter is a celiac and sausages are something that are very safe for her (obviously the ‘gluten free’ sticker is on them. Talking ordinary beef sausages here. Hope Stew enjoys his sausages.

  6. Omg….i can imagine that run!!
    I have done the same through a shopping centre too for the same reason…my stomach was all tied up in knots 😳
    Happy to hear all was fine.

  7. Kiwionholidays8:50 PM

    Fabulous catchup again
    Love that you did a road trip as well
    Thanks for sharing

    Sounds like a fun day enjoy your night
    We’ve got the Rugby 🏉 on tape cos we’ve been out so will watch it later after takeaway Thai
    Cheers 🥂

  8. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I am an ice cream lover. I bought a 500ml container of a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, $14, to eat while my husband was out for work dinner. I opened it and realised I had bought “plant based” ice cream, like fuck off, what moron wants to eat this shit. Serves me right for cupboard eating while he wasn’t home. Marie, Melbourne

    1. OMG! That is so funny.. but sad for you. We had a Ben and Jerry's ice cream today, it was sooooo yum. 😊


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