Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Well, I can't say I slept that well last night.

I was worried about Chocolate, and if I'd find and catch him today.

AND I was worried about Onyx (the black Guinea Pig) as well, cos I'd put him in a dog travel crate overnight, so he didn't escape as well.

So, first thing I'm doing once my feet hit the floor, is go out and check on Onyx, and see if Chocolate is anywhere around.

If he's not, there isn't much I can do about it.

I'll just get on with my day.  I know Lacy is not mad at me for losing him.  

I will be sewing today.  Might do a little bit of photo sorting as well, just keep myself busy.


7.30 am, I get up and look out the window.

ABOVE: DAMN!  The neighbours cat, going in and out of the garden where Chocolate is/was.

It's in hunting mode.  Looking at Onyx in his crate.  I bet he already got Chocolate.

Poor little bugger.  Damn Damn Damn.

I have put Onyx back in the bigger crate, but made sure the cat can't get him.

That's all I can do.

Now... I'm freezing, so I will get dressed and do some work.

8.30 am:  After getting dressed, making the bed, doing the dishes etc... I went and sat in the sun room, looking out at the garden.  JUST in case Chocolate had avoided that bloody cat.  

And, there was some movement in the garden.

Was it the cat?  Or was it Chocolate?

Next thing:

ABOVE:  Out comes CHOCOLATE!  And he's eating some food I left out for him. Then he scurries around the crate, but I've locked it up tighter than a witches britches.   So I ring Lacy to let her know, and she tells me to open up the crate so he can get back in.

So I put Onyx back in the dog travel case, so he can't escape as well... and sit and wait to see if Chocolate comes back out of the garden and lets himself back into the crate.

ABOVE:  AND HE DID!  So I ran out there and closed up the pen immediately so he couldn't get out again.  Put Onyx back in with him... the squeaks of greeting were so cute.

OMG redemption!  I am not the worst guinea Grandma now.  

NOW I can get on with my sewing with a clear conscience. 

9.16 am:  And nope... not sewing yet.
Bex called in to pick up some of my surplus plastic ware.
She had Lily and Dante with her, having already dropped Archer off at school.  Dante doesn't start till 9.30 on a Wednesday.

ABOVE:  Yaaa!  She ended up taking a huge pile of it.  That much less for me to take to the Op Shop.
I'm waiting for Lacy to come over and take what she wants too, once she gets back from work out of town.

ABOVE:  Master Dante this morning... looking less than impressed that he has to pose for YET ANOTHER PHOTO!  lol
You'd think he was used to it by now eh?

ABOVE: Bex took this one of Archer and Lily this morning.  Lily is sitting (with some support) now.  Getting bigger by the day.  *sniff*  They don't stay tiny for long.

It is an utterly FOUL day ... I can hear thunder right now.  And rain... huge raindrops.  Cold.
Gunna head into me sewing room, shut the door and turn on the heat pump.

2.30 pm: And just like that,  our power went out. Its super blustery and WET outside so I'm not surprised. 
I just hope its not out too long. I was in the middle of sewing binding up.

3.40 pm: hmmm. Electric recliners don't work without power.  Lucky we got some with manual levers then. 
Lacy has been and picked up her guinea pigs.  I'm so glad she's still got two! 

We have thunder,  lightening and hail. I love a good storm, but maybe not the loss of power.  Lacy just rang, she has no power as well. Nor does Bex, so it's a pretty big outage.

4.20 pm:  And our power is back.  Still looks incredibly stormy out there though, so I'm not counting me chickens.  It could still go out again.

9.40 pm:  And it's the end of the day, we are sitting yakking with our friend Jacqui, who's here for the evening.  I'm off now, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. That's so funny and could have been so sad. I'm glad the cat didn't get Chocolate. We have to look after my daughter's little dog for three weeks soon (off and on, he won't be here the entire time) but I'm pretty worried we'll lose him because he will be away from his normal home. Have a lovely day :)

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Why did you bring the guinea pigs to your garden, had they eaten all the grass in Lacy's garden? We looked after a friend's guinea pig a few years ago and when we moved the cage we didn't notice there was a small dip under one side and a cat pulled the guinea pig's leg through the wire and the guinea pig died of shock - we felt absolutely terrible. So glad you had a happy ending with Lacy's gps. Never a dull moment, lol. Audrey

    1. Lacy had to go out of town for 6 days. So I got to babysit them. They will be going home with Lacy this afternoon.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I didn't realise that the arrangement was always to bring them to your house - I thought you were going over to Lacy's house. Makes sense now. Audrey

  3. I am glad Chocolate showed up. Such a worry. I had guinea pigs when I was a young girl and loved their vocalizing. Mine was let out by a sibling and I couldn't find him so I just called his name and he answered back. He had made it into a closet.

  4. Leeann11:01 AM

    So glad that you found Chocolate, and he was smart enough to hide from that cat.

    1. Yeah my Guinea's are pretty onto it like that, they have a neat little set up and are clearly used to it and happy with it, they have delt with predators before and knowen what to do, I'm really stoked about that πŸ™‚

  5. That was a stressful start to your day Chris. So glad to hear Chocolate is safely back in his cage. Weather is foul in Auckland as well.

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Yay, I knew Chocolate would be ok!

  7. Kiwionholidays4:10 PM

    Hey what a fabulous outcome re the missing GP ,
    Well done you catching the lil runner πŸƒ
    The pics of the boys are fabulous and to see Lily sitting with Archer like that so casually,,,bought a huge smile to my face

    So neat Lacy was able to come get the pets back
    Hope the powers back on now and weathers calmed down
    Beautiful sunny day here today so always makes for nice outdoorsy stuff

    Lovely Bex can use some stuff also Lacy ,see we’re recyclers from way back lol it’s nothing new for us hey .?

    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  8. Well done catching the wayward guinea!

  9. So glad you found the piggy!


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