Tuesday, May 28, 2024



Fresh air!

I'm taking myself off to either the mall or the lake for a walk.

I need a break from the house, and all the clutter that's going on inside it.

After my walk, I'm coming home to work on those three Braid Runners.  If I don't do them today, I will start stressing out about them not being finished by Friday night.

The photos and clutter in the garage can wait!

It's not like it needs to be done today, or even this year.  This HUGE declutter is part of a long term plan.  BUT, sadly for everyone around me, once I'm given an idea, I RUN WITH IT!  It has to be done NOW.  Even better, yesterday.

I can't help how I am.  I've always been like this, ask Stew!  lol

OK, I'm off to start my day.

Catch ya later.


ABOVE: Today's walk was much shorter than I anticipated.  The mall got hot, so I went outside after a few laps.  And just wasn't feeling like it... so I stopped after half an  hour and came home.

Then I had brunch and lay on the couch and fell asleep!

Just woke up in fact.  

As you said Felicity, Rome wasn't built in a day, and I have been over doing it.

Before I left for my walk this morning, I went through several cupboards in my kitchen, and the 'plastics' cupboard in the garage, and now I have two really big boxes of plastics and containers for the Op Shop!

Best I let the families have a look through it all first I suppose.  *smiles*

Once I'm feeling wide awake again, I'll head off into the sewing room and do some work in there.

ABOVE:  4.30 pm and I have just finished quilting the first of these three.  My desire to do the next one is ZERO.

I shall do them tomorrow.

I'm now off to sort out some dinner for Stew, and not do much else.

I've had a bit of a DISASTER this afternoon.

I DECIDED TO MOVE THE GUINEA PIGS pen onto fresh grass.

While moving it, the Brown guinea pig got out.  And now he's in my back garden, living the life.

Only trouble is, there's a couple of spots in the fence line where he can drop down into our back neighbour's yard.  And he won't be able to get back cos it's a two foot drop.

We may never see Chocolate again.

I feel TERRIBLE.  

All I can do now is wait until light tomorrow, and go on the hunt.  I might get lucky, and he's still in our back garden?

But, as Lacy said, it's not the end of the world.  He's 'just' a guinea pig.

Only I LOST HIM on my shift.  I am a very bad guinea Grandma.

I'm so upset.  Stew is due home shortly.  He might be having takeaways, I've not done a bloody thing about his dinner!

We had takeaways for dinner.  It was nice... until the alarm went on me phone:  Take my Trulicity injection.

Dang!  Here I am eating takeaways and now I have to jab myself in the guts.  LOVELY.

Oh well... it's another day to be 'good' tomorrow.

And, I'm done with today.  It's been a shitty sorta day really.  Though, I did get plenty of work done.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. I love decluttering.

  2. Leeann12:12 PM

    So happy for you seeing Bodhi and Sienna. Book a trip to see them soon, years of hugs to catch up on and all that.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Rome wasn't built in a day Chris. Felicity

  4. Just another quick Hello and Goodnight!
    I am working 6 nights a week for this stage manager gig. It is really fun! But, I am NOT used to having a schedule and needing to be somewhere . I am getting a bit tired. I too, am overdoing it. I am learning sooo much tho! It is amazing to see the Director bringing the characters TO LIFE! I always see movies are "directed by..... so and so". I never really knew / thought about how much the Director really does! Facinating!

  5. Great that you still got a walk in and just think come summer you’ll be able to relax swim enjoy family time. As the house will be decluttered once the
    Kitchen is sorted then no doubt some
    Other little projects
    Pop up painting, wallpapering gardens walkways etc.
    Lily would be crawling/walking such fun.

  6. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Ha ha Chris. Lucky you’re not in Peru. It would be on someone’s table by now. Marie, Melbourne

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Awesome runners. They are beautiful.

  8. Hopefully the little guy comes back! Take care.

  9. Oh no hope you find the piggy!

  10. OMG OMG OMG. I would be in a panic! I certainly hope you report that Chocolate has been found! Safe and Sound!


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