Sunday, May 26, 2024



Guinea pigs.... guinea pigs... better go check on them.

Today Steve is coming over to get our HRV filter changed over, and to bring down all the 'stuff' in our attic.  That will give me something to do during the week. 

This morning I am going to work on this runner:

ABOVE: After fixing the 'boo boo' yesterday (photo above still shows the boo boo), and stitching it all back together, I couldn't stop looking at it.  And NOT liking it!

ABOVE:  The part bugging me was the busy border.  It had to GO.  So I spent some time last night unpicking it all.  Phew.  Glad that's done.  Now I just have to decide what to put on instead of that busy fabric.  Possibly just green.  We'll see.

This afternoon something rather special is going to happen.  I'm not going to talk about it until AFTER it happens.

It is something we did not expect to happen, but we are so happy about it.


Ooooo... I nearly forgot this!  I LOST .900 grams this past week.  I am very happy with that.  (900 grams = 1.98 pounds)

Well, I spent a few hours de-cluttering in the sewing room this morning.  Freed up heaps of room.

Then Steve and family came over...

ABOVE: Steve got up in the attic and replaced the HRV filter, then passed down everything that was stored up there.

ABOVE:  I sat on the floor and was like... right, there's next week's job.  Most of those boxes hold our photos.  I'm not keeping them. I have lugged them from house to house, attic to attic for over 30+ years.  Not doing it again.

Stew and I went to the Base, and Stew bought a couple of new pairs of casual trackpants for around home.  Then we had a simple lunch of KFC Chicken nuggets and chips.  Stew had a piece of chicken, and gave me the skin.  Cos I love it... that's real love right there.

And now we are just chilling out... waiting for the 'something special'.

I am thrilled to say, our something special  happened this evening!

ABOVE:    We got to see and talk with our grandchildren, Sienna and Bodhi, who live in Australia.  It has been many, many years since we had contact with them, and it is thanks to their Mum that this happened.  Thank YOU so much Tess.  Stew and I appreciated this so much.

And we hope to keep up the contact now, and one day in the next year or two get over there and visit them.  There's years of hugs saved up. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’—

I'm a very, very happy Grandma right now.

The kids were DELIGHTFUL.   So happy, chatty, lovely kids.  Tess has done a great job raising them to be such lovely kids.  

*  PHOTO of children published with their permission  *

And that's a wrap on today.  I can't imagine anything beating our 'something special', so catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Oh I liked the border, black maybe because it would continue to make the other colours pop.

  2. OMG! I looked and looked for this HUGE fault. Couldn't see anything. I really don;t think you can screw these up. People like what they see!
    I am intrigued about this "something special"!

    1. Count DOWN from the middle block.... look at the second white strip... it does not have it's black strip between it and the next strip.

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Mmmmmm KFC cut it out πŸ˜‚ GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  4. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I wish KFC only sold the skin lol

  5. Anonymous8:20 PM

    How wonderful, so special.

  6. Kiwionholidays8:22 PM

    Time poor but read the blog through all great and then the special item
    How fantastic to see those youngsters and know you’ll be in constant touch from now on till meet ups in real”
    What a lovely ending to a great week for you all πŸ’―πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ’πŸ₯☕️πŸͺπŸ‘œπŸ‘πŸ¦˜πŸ¨
    Cheers πŸ₯‚

  7. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Hi what a lovely surprise for you!! Peta

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    What a lovely mom to arrange that so nicely. So glad you had such a great family reunion, it looks like fun.

  9. Anonymous9:43 PM

    What a special time for you all

  10. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I love that runner as it was. Very pretty. How awesome to speak to your grandkids. Make your day 🎈 kj

  11. What a fabulous way to spend the evening talking to the Aussie grandkids. I am so happy that you have been able to reconnect with them.

  12. So happy for you all.

  13. Wow what a neat surprise how lovely to be able to Skype call chat etc so cool.

  14. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Fantastic you got to chat with Russell kids thrilled for yoj

  15. How exciting! It is amazing to have the ability to have actual video calls with people so far away! Things have changed so much, I remember when talking on the phone "long distance" was too expensive. International calls! Forget about it! Now you can have a video phone call internationally at the drop of a hat!

  16. Awww that is so sweet!! Glad you got to talk to them. What's your plan for the photos? Pass on to other family members? We got so many photos from Scott's mom's but most of them are pictures we have already since she would give us a copy. None of the real old ones that we'd like to have.

  17. So happy for you and Stew! I know you are a happy grandma today!!!

  18. How lovely to reconnect with your beautiful grandkids!

  19. I'm so happy for you and Stew that you were able to talk to your grandchildren!

  20. Wow what a wonderful surprise Chris. How awesome of Tess to organise it and I hope there are many more of them in the future for you.

  21. Your special news was indeed amazing. So happy for you and the 2 kids.


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