Saturday, October 21, 2023



ABOVE:  I baked my cake yesterday afternoon. A double chocolate cake.  I'm rather happy with how it came out.

I am sure today is going to be awesome!

After market we will be coming home and entertaining family.

There is going to be TAKEAWAYS!

LOTS AND LOTS OF TAKEAWAYS, to celebrate my 65th Birthday, and the END of my CHALLENGE.

We did it.  Very, very proud of myself.  But I don't think I'm gunna do that again.
It was a good thing to do, but yeah... it certainly cramped our style. 

ABOVE:  I really can't see where those 5 kilos came off.  Probably a tiny bit all over.  

Now, back to today.  We are heading off to market very soon.  Hopefully we have a good day, and there's lots of people out and about.

ABOVE: Game face is on... let the day begin.

ABOVE: Stew bought us a piece of Caramel Chocolate slice. Half each. DELICIOUS.  Nicest way to break the drought!

ABOVE:  buying our slice.

ABOVE: How lovely to see Brylee and Dominic this morning.  Its a gorgeous spring day here.
After a slow start its finally picking up at this market.

3.21 pm:  And we have been home from the market for about an hour and a half.  We had visitors waiting on our front doorstep when we arrived home.

ABOVE: My 'brother from another Mother' Richard, his wife Olla and their son Vern.
Vern and his twin Dewi celebrate their 20th Birthday tomorrow.
They stayed and visited for about an hour, then left for Palmerston North.

Griffin and Tash arrived, and Mike and Joyce, who had been out and about today while we were at the market.

The Market?  Not exceptional.  Fairly quiet in fact.  Probably due to it being a long weekend.
We did 'average' sales, so not a total bust.

We just went out and ordered the food for dinner.

*squeals*.... I am so looking forward to dinner.

THEN I shall get back on track tomorrow.  I'm NOT going to blow my diet in one day.

ABOVE:  Now I have a tiara!  I quite like it.  If I'm wearing a Tiara does that make me a queen, or a Princess?
EVERY SAYS I'm a princess.
I'm happy with that.

I am really sorry, but there's virtually NO photos of our family gathering!
I was too busy having such a good time!
I had a few wines, got a bit tipsy, had so MUCH FUN!
I enjoyed every minute of my Birthday Dinner.

Everyone came.  Everyone had a good time.  So many laughs.  Just so happy .

ABOVE:  The best birthday in a long time.  Just love my family.

We are still laughing.  

And that's if for today.  I'll be back tomorrow.

Might (but I hope not) have a little hangover!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! WTG on your challenge. Make sure you have some stomach meds for after your feast lol.

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Maggie Melbourne. Au Happy Birthday Chris, have a wonderful day, enjoy everything you eat.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Happy birthday! Hope you have a great market and a fabulous day.

  4. Happy birthday my friend have the best possible day enjoy your market and birthday. XX
    Family food friends fun πŸ’–

  5. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Many Happy Returns Chris and hope you have a lovely day with your family and how nice that you lost the weight as a bonus.A great achievement Wendy in the UK

  6. Happy Birthday Ma πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰
    Hope the Market goes well ☺️
    See you guys this arvo

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Happy birthday. Enjoy your special day with family and takeaways. Hope the market goes well. Paula

  8. Happy Birthday gorgeous πŸ₯°. Have a fantastic day at the market and a great time tonight with your lovely family being spoiled rotten.

  9. Happy Birthday Chris... it sure looks like it's going to be a fabulous day! You mentioned yesterday that you will miss crossing off that list, perhaps make a new list with a new goal? It seemed to work well for you. I hope the market goes well and let the party begin!!!

    1. PS. Your hair looks great! $300 saved :)

  10. Happy Birthday Chris! I hope you have the most awesome day! Well done too on sticking to your challenge πŸ™‚

  11. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Welcome to the Gold Club gang!! Have an awesome day. Enjoy the takeaways. ❤️

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Happy birthday Chris. Enjoy celebrating with your family. Marie, Melbourne

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Happy birthday. Hope the market is fabulous. Marjorie

  14. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Congratulations on meeting your goal. I can't believe how quickly 73 days went by. And Happy Birthday!! So awesome that your family will be with you to help celebrate your mile-stone birthday.
    Ky Girl

  15. Happy Birthday Chris. Welcome to the Gold Club. x

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Happy birthday Chris! Have a great day with your family and enjoy some treats
    Lucy in UK

  17. Janene9:58 AM

    Happy birthday Chris!

  18. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Happy Bday, don’t go and gain back those kilos

  19. Happy Birthday πŸ’™ Hope the market is going well for you guys and have an amazing weekend with your fam. 🩡

  20. Anonymous11:05 AM

    p.s. I like that color of hair on you. Ky Girl

  21. Have a fantastic birthday weekend. Sounds like you have so much awesomeness with your family planned!!

  22. Congratulations on completing challenge πŸ‘
    Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚ πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰
    Enjoy your day 😊

  23. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Happy happy happy birthday!
    Enjoy your special day with your family.
    Wishing you another happy and healthy year!
    Christine in Kansas

  24. Happiest of birthdays, kiddo. Your challenge is an amazing achievement and it shows. On both of you.
    Have a wonderful day with the best bits of your family.

  25. Happy birthday! Fantastic job on your challenge. I need to try something similar.

  26. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! Coffee Slut

  27. Penny2:12 PM

    Happy birthday Chris! Hope you celebrate exactly as you want to, you deserve it. Much much love and well done! Love Penny xo

  28. Happy Birthday Chris. Hope it was a wonderful day with a great market and lots of fun with the family and PIZZA!!!

  29. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Woo-hoo pension time πŸ˜† I do hope you have had a lovely day with the family enjoy your rewards after so many days and happy birthday GM πŸ’™πŸ’™

  30. Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope you have an awesome day with your family!

  31. Happy Happy Happy Day!!!!

  32. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Happy birthday enjoy the special day! Brylee and Dom
    What a good looking pair xx. Anne Palmy

  33. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Happy birthday Chris
    Have a wonderful night with family ❤️

  34. The Queen, you are most definitely the QUEEN 😁

  35. Happy Birthday Chris. Sounds like a marvellous gathering. You are the Queen!

  36. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris. Hope you enjoy all the delicious takeaway today- you have earned it!

  37. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Happy Birthday Chris!!!! enjoy your day.....Peta

  38. Oh boy that slice looks delicious, so does the cake. Hope you enjoyed every bite on your birthday. Kronia polla. Many many more happy years

  39. Beautiful photo of the birthday girl and cake

  40. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚ That is a beautiful photo of you with your cake. You have done so well and look amazing! Michelle from Oz.

  41. Beautiful photo to end your day so pleased your day was special x

  42. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Such lovely photos, hope you had an amazing evening! Happy Birthday. Sarah (Melbs)

  43. Happy birthday, I love all your photos, looking great! Keep smiling. xx

  44. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Happy Birthday Chris!!! Glad you had a wonderful celebration with your family. Cheers, Katrina

  45. Happy birthday and congrats on completing the challenge.

  46. Glad you had a fun Birthday!

  47. Anonymous5:59 PM

    A day late but a very Happy Birthday to you Chris - that choccy cake looks absolutely delicious and well done for completing your challenge :D
    Tracy, Cornwall, UK

  48. You look fantastic with your cake, love your blouse too!

  49. Belated Happy Birthday! Cake looks yummy. Well done on the challenge.

  50. Anonymous3:54 AM

    Happy Belated Birthday ! A little late but I didn't want to forget to wish you a happy day, a happy year to come! And that cake looks yum! Looks like you had a nice & happy birthday !!! Dawn Pinnataro Albany, GA USA


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