Sunday, October 29, 2023




9 pm in France, Saturday night.

8 am in New Zealand, Sunday morning.

The final of the Rugby World Cup.

All Blacks vs South Africa.

It is gunna be a tense game.

And Stew is going to be glued to the TV for the entire game.

Me?  Nope.  I have very little interest, and don't enjoy the suspense!

I will block my ears until it's over.

Obviously I hope our team win though.

Cos if we don't Stew is gunna be cross.

Yesterday someone suggested there were too many stall holders selling the same things, hence slow sales.

In some cases, Yes, I totally agree.

There are a lot of people selling crocheted and knitted soft toys, jewellery, kids clothing, sweets  etc.

At Tamahere and Cambridge there are a lot of plants as well.

At every market, I walk around and check out what is on offer.

And NO ONE is selling what I make.  Nothing like it at all.

So, I am confident slow sales isn't down to competition.  It's something else.

Like a slowing economy.  People being much more careful with their discretionary cash.

Christmas is coming ... so we do expect things to pick up next month and in December.

We sure in hell hope it does!

Now as for our day.  Obviously rugby first and foremost.

Then I will do some housework while Stew does the garden and lawns I think.

The Waikato is supposed to be fine/cloudy today... so it's looking good for the lawns to get mown.

Steve, Bex and the boys came over to watch the rugby with Stew.

ABOVE: Sadly, our boys lost.  By one bloody point.  A bad call by the referee at one point is what cost our guys the game. 
But what is done is done.   

While they watched the game, I started another braid runner.  Black 'n' White.  But this one is going to get a little something extra.
Wait and see.

After the game, Stew and I went to The Base as I really needed new walking shoes.

While there, we got our 'Good Deed of the Day' in.
A guy had a flat battery, so we managed to help him.  Along with another lady, who had longer jumper leads, as the ones the guy had were too short to reach.

ABOVE:  It always feels good to do something nice for another person.

ABOVE:  My new sneakers are seriously a hideous shade of pink!  But these are the shoes that suit my feet PERFECTLY.  I've been wearing this brand, particular sneaker for at least 25 years.
The girls gave them the 'sniff test' and declared them BORING.  Oh well.

Stew is about to get out into the garden in a minute, and I'm heading back into the sewing room.  I have a little something to make.

ABOVE:  My little 'something' is added.  
Instead of doing yellow strips, I thought just a little bee could be cute.
What do you think?

Well today is done and dusted... and I'm happy with my latest runner.
I will show it to you tomorrow.
I'm enjoying some down time now.
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Good luck to New Zealand. We have ten inches of snow so far since yesterday. I am doing inside stuff. Youngest son has misplaced his mitts so luckily I found the spare pair so will be sewing him liners from polar fleece. I suspect the mitts are in his untidy house. Marjorie

  2. Good luck to New Zealand. 🏆

  3. Oh dear, I just saw the final score. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO close😒😢😞

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Cute bee!

  5. Love the bee. You could do this with so many things, ladybirds, butterflies, fish (duh) ... it could become your thing

  6. Refs World Cup more like it.
    Love the bumble bee addition.

  7. I really like the bee. I think you should add one to the yellow and black runner too. You said it had a bee print - but I couldn't see bees. So a big bold bee would draw you in. I really do like the bee on this one!
    We had a Hockey Team in our town today. Their rink was out of order. So - we took advantage of the opportunity and I saw my very first Hockey game. YI know nothing about Hockey - but living in a smallish town Hubby and I do ANYTHING & EVRRYTHING that comes this way! Got keep life interesting you know! And the "home" team won! So it was a silly event and we enjoyed it. This team is a Tier 2 team which (I think) means 1 step below pro.

  8. Love the bee 🐝

  9. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I also just bought a pair of pink runners for the same reason, they fit my very wide feet and are comfortable and have worn the same brand, since my running days. The bee is very cute, a good addition. I still think you should make some brown, beige and black grey runners as they are popular table and room colours. Not everyone likes bright colours like you do. Keep up the walking. Gigi

  10. Love the Bee! I've got 2 close friends who own small boutiques and both have said October was the worst month they've had in years. They're still getting the same amount of foot traffic, just people loving the items but not buying. Your items are so unique (and cute and fun and gorgeous) that the idea that there's too many of the same stalls is why YOUR sales are down just doesn't seem plausible.


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