Sunday, October 22, 2023


 My 73 day Challenge has ended.

Now What?

First and foremost, I'm not 'falling off the wagon'.

Stew and I have talked about this a few times and the plan going forward is:

We will be allowing ourselves ONE Takeaway DINNER a week, and ONE Takeaway LUNCH a week.  (Maybe not even every week.)

Which means sometime during the week we will eat 'out', and on either Saturday or Sunday we will go somewhere nice for lunch.

I worked out that over the past 73 days ( ten weeks + 3 days) we have saved at least $1,500 by not eating out/ having takeaways!  That's quite a saving.

Even with re-introducing two meals a week that we eat out or do takeaways, we will still be saving money.  Because we were eating out way more than that prior to my Challenge.

It's so easy to get lazy and buy food instead of cooking at home.  Plus, it's sometimes cheaper to eat OUT!

But, my plan is to stick to healthy options, cook at home except those two meals, limit the sugars (which I already do), and keep my portions modest.

And we should be fine.

Today is a family day.  We are going to enjoy hanging out with Mike and Joyce, and anyone else who pops over.

Joyce is hanging out for Taco Bell as they don't have one in Palmerston North.  So we shall most likely go there for lunch.

Apart from that, not sure what we will get up to.

Bearing in mind we have another Market tomorrow, we don't plan on doing anything too strenuous.

Amendment:  I think I organised a family walk around the lake for this morning!  NOT a speed walk, just a nice amble.  Let's wait and see what happens.  lol

10.43 am: What a glorious day!  We have been out for a leisurely amble around the lake with Mike and Joyce.

ABOVE: So that's how long it takes to amble around the lake!  The distance was a tiny bit further, but only because I was ducking in and out with Marley chasing ducks.

ABOVE:  Marley is on the end of the lead.... she was chasing ducks into the lake.  Naughty girl.  I don't let her get close to them usually.

ABOVE:  Posing in front of an amazing metal sculpture of a dragon.  Next time I'll try and get a decent photo of the dragon.

ABOVE:  Just a lovely photo of my lake, OH... and the fam.

We are off soon to do some shopping.  Then lunch.

1.50 pm.  Home after shopping and lunch at the food court in the Base.
We are going to Taco Bell this evening instead of midday today.

All the adults were off getting their lunch.  I was sitting with Dante and Archer, who already had their Sushi.
I glanced at Dante, something felt wrong with him.

IT WAS!  He was choking ... turning red.  Then in a couple more seconds he got beetroot red and was looking panicked.   I immediately thumped him on the back... still choking.  So I leap up, grabbed him off his chair and did the 'hymnic manoeuvre' on him.  THANK GOD that worked!
He spat up that sushi and immediately could breathe again.
OMG that was so terrifying, for him and me.
All I could think of was, thank God I was sitting with him.  What if all us adults have left the table?
Probably someone else would have noticed and saved him.
Either way.

Today I saved Dante's life.

Now we are home and I'm just worn out!  So much excitement over the past couple of days.
And tomorrow is another market!  Whoop whoop.

OK.  Taco Bell for dinner. 

ABOVE:  I usually get a Crunchwrap Supreme and some chips.  I didn't enjoy the Wrap, so won't bother getting one of those again.
The chips, while nice, were also not as "OMG YUM" as I remembered.

Something we had never seen or bought there before:

ABOVE:  CINNABELLS.  Cinnamon donuts with cream cheese in the middle, deep fried.  DECADANT.  I loved them.

I think I'd go there JUST FOR THOSE now!


But I'm done with Takeaways for the next week.  We celebrated the end of the Challenge AND my Birthday with three 'naughty' meals.  I'm over it now.  😂😊

We got home from Taco Bell about 20 minutes ago.  And I already feel like going to bed!
It's only 7.23 pm, so yeah, way to early yet.

Next up we will be getting our bags ready for tomorrow morning.  Making sure your clothes for the day are set out and so on.

Then we can relax till bedtime.

Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a great plan for the meals. Enjoy your day with your family.

  2. Kiwionholidays10:23 AM

    Love your discipline you’ve got the health part sorted
    Good for you you’re a great inspiration for all of us here ,
    No doubt the boys are happy with the 🏉🏉 as we are here ,

    Take care n have a fab time with Mike Joyce n all the rest of the fams

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Fabulous day there it's started raining here FFS 🙄 next Sunday will be an epic game of rugby 🏉 hope you have a wonderful time with the family that matters and loves you GM 💙💙

  4. Gorgeous day down there. We aren't as lucky. Looking like a fab weekend 😎

  5. Wow lucky you were there sushi can get stuck on roof of mouth and it’s a worry alright x

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    How terrifying! Thank goodness you were watching.

    My daughter works with special needs children. She gets recertified regularly. She has had to CPR and Heimlich several times.


    1. I too have worked with special needs children. One for 2.5 years who I had to resuscitate several times.. among other medical interventions. It is still scary!

  7. Very scary thank heavans you were there...same happened to me Friday night I chocked on crumb off my tea took lot to shift I was shaking and coughing after for ages thankfully was at mum

    1. OMgosh, so scary for you ! I'm glad you are still around to tell us about it. {{{hugs}}}

    2. It made me realise how easy it is to choke go to bathroom and pass out I wasn't far from it that for sure mum and I got heck of fright. Hope it doesn't put Dante off sushi.

  8. WHOAAA! So glad you were there!!! And acted quickly! What a fright.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Terrifying!! XO Ky Girl

  10. OMG, kids choking is certainly one of my fears. Thank goodness you were there and better still, thank goodness you noticed. I doubt that other people would have noticed if you'd not been there.

    1. Anonymous12:22 AM

      I was thinking this too. Probably one of the boys would have had to get someone’s attention directly.

      My aunt (now in her 70’s) choked badly on a cough drop, in bed, when she was a teenager. Scared my grandmother! This would have been long before Heimlich, not sure what my grandma did. I do not know if I was there or just heard her tell about it, either way, really impacted me.

      I have been very scared with kids and cough drops or hard candy my entire life.

      If a kid sputters or is breathing weird, I am immediately in their face asking if they are choking.


  11. So scary ... thankfully you were there and knew what to do. What a birthday week-end ...


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