Thursday, October 05, 2023


 Last night I did some more sewing on the Kiwiana Braid Runners that I have on the go.

I got two all ready for quilting, then realised I'd made them with 'pointy ends'.

DAMN!  Too late to change them, so now I've got to do two pointy ended runners.  I hate doing those points!

I should get them done by the end of the day.  Which is neat, cos I want a little break from sewing.

I have the boys again today, so we are going to make pikelets for morning tea, then later on in the morning they can make themselves a Ham/Cheese and Pineapple Pizza for their lunch.

I'm sure they will enjoy that.

We will have to visit the supermarket for some more ham and cream.  Maybe we will walk there, get some exercise and get the little buggers out of the house.

After they boys have left, I've got a few things to load into my car, in readiness for what's happening tomorrow.  Which will stay 'under wraps' until midday tomorrow.  But let's just say this... it's really exciting for someone in the family.

Part one of the morning... done.

ABOVE:  We had a very pleasant walk to the supermarket.  A decent distance.  Walking with the boys is lovely because it opens up opportunities for conversations.  Which I love, and they seem to as well.

ABOVE:  They got a quick play on the playground on our way home.

FYI:  I always pause my walking app when I stop, so the time and distance is always accurate.

I'm going to get them onto making those pikelets soon.

And.... pikelets didn't get made today.  The boys ate some snacks out of the food bag Bex provided, so they were not hungry at morning tea time.
But they did make their pizza for lunch:

ABOVE:  Quite a bit of cheese when in their gobs while making it!  And it came out really yummy.
Bex got to finish it off for her lunch when she arrived to take them home.

Now that they have left I'm going to head off into the sewing room, to finish those two Kiwiana Braid Runners.

I must say, it has been really lovely having the little boys for the past 4 days.  They behaved beautifully and that made it so much easier.  I did not have to reprimand them at all for boisterous behaviour, or rough housing play.  This will be the last school holidays I will need to watch them for Bex, as in the next school holidays she will not be working.  She'll be off work, awaiting the arrival of the next little Harvey baby.

*SQUEALS*.... it's going to be a fantastic summer.

ABOVE:   Done.  And I ain't ever making those damn bitch pointy ended ones again!  OMG I hate them so much.  The LOOK fantastic and I actually love the look of the pointy ended ones. But nope, not doing any more.  They are NASTY.

And I'm not sewing another damn thing until after Sunday's market.  By then I will know what needs to be made next.  

It is now 6.50 pm and the sun is still out!  Daylight saving certainly gives you more time in the evening to do things I suppose.  Meh... still wish it wasn't done.

Stew is at the pub for the next hour or so, so I think I'll just blob out here in the lounge till he gets home.

Well I say lounge, but I really mean our kitchen/dining/family room.  I can't remember the last time I actually SAT in our lounge!
I never use that room myself.  
Stew does.
Visitors do.
Kids do.

9.15 pm:  Stewy got home safe and sound from the pub.  Now we are watching the telly.
OH, we had a home made pizza for our dinner too.  Very nice.

Catch ya tomorrow.

Tick tick tick.... this countdown is getting serious!  Not long to go now.  


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I had to look them up - pikelets in new zealand appear to be similar to silver dollar pancakes in USA

    Also LOVE when people teach kids (especially boys) to COOK in addition to baking.


    1. Thank you, for saving me the google search. haha

    2. Yep, that's exactly what they are. Like mini pancakes.

  2. Can't wait to see what is happening tomorrow!

    1. *snort*.... like you don't know? Read PEPSI.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Thank you again for taking care of the boys while I worked. Steve and I really appreciate it and the boys had so much fun with all the baking you did with them. 💙💙 and of course all the snuggles with the fluffy girls lol
    Bex 💙

  4. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I rarely comment, but just wanted to say that I look forward to reading your blog every day. I don't know if it's the fact that life is just like everyone elses, even though you're on the other side of the world, or just that you've become like a friend. Wishing you the best and many happy moons! Melaka


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