Saturday, October 28, 2023



ABOVE:  The where and when of today's market.

We did well at this one the last time it was on... before COVID !

It will be interesting to see how it goes this time.

ABOVE:  Where we will be.

This is our 4th market this month.  After today's one, we get a couple of weeks break before the November markets start up.

There's 'only' three markets in November, and none are on the same weekend.   Which is great.

Because we already have the van packed, and the market venue is just up the road from us, we don't have to get up too early today.


THE SUN IS UP! Weather is looking GREAT. NO WIND ... for now.

I hate to say it.
And it's not just us who's having a bad day.
Its almost midday and we have only made ONE sale.
Unheard of. 
We just don't get why. 
I can hardly keep my eyes open.... its that slow.

HOME.  3.02 pm.
What can I say about today's market?
Everyone was of the same opinion.
An average turnout of people, but most were just looking.
Not our worst market, but certainly NOT our best either.  Very average.
Very disappointing in fact.
A lot of work, effort and time went into getting ready and attending.
The only consolation was the weather.  It was NICE.
Very cold in the morning, and warmer after lunch.

We will have to consider very carefully if we want to do that market again next year.  Perhaps it's a sign of the times RIGHT NOW.  Finances are tighter.  There is a new Government.  Change is happening.
Across the board, day to day living is more expensive.
So  yeah.  Just have to wait and see if things pick up in the next couple of months.

Now that we are home, we've unpacked the van in readiness to return it to Steve 'n' Bex.
My feet are up, I'm relaxing in me lounge chair and I'm NOT moving for at least an hour!
I'm done.

We have had a totally lazy evening, just chilling out and watching TV.  Needed it too.
Now it's coming up to 10 pm and we are off to bed.


  1. Good Luck today!
    I just saw the first snowflakes of the season!
    UGH. Time to find the boots!

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    We have had a surprisingly warm week, in the 70’s. It is suppose to be below freezing by the middle of this coming week at night, but nicely in the 40’s and 50’s during the day. Great walking weather!

    I am sort of glad, it marks the close of my watering for the year. My window boxes are already empty. We will empty the rest and tuck them away for the winter this weekend.

    I ran out of fabric for my neutral quilt. Shopping tomorrow. I have 176 out of 240 blocks done. I try to buy exactly enough, with as few leftovers as possible. I also have to get the backing fabric.


  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Oh how disappointing for you , especially when it’s a nice day

  4. Oh no thats not ideal Rugby people gardening after labour weekend etc?

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Perhaps people shopping for supplies for tomorrow morning's final against the Springboks. Eat if we win and eat if we lose, lol. Audrey

  5. Hopefully sales have picked up since your post ... would be very disappointing otherwise as I know how much preparation and effort goes into producing your beautiful work and getting to the markets

  6. Rhonda3:14 PM

    Very disappointing for you. I think you are right though about people only ‘looking’ as the cost of living is out of control ATM. Hopefully things will improve for everyone 🤞🤞🤞. Rest up and enjoy the rest of your weekend

  7. Anonymous3:37 PM

    How frustrating. Your stuff is lovely.

    I have heard that it can be a factor of the area. Some places, people go to craft fairs to get ideas, and then go home and make things themselves. Other places, people do nothing themselves, they buy everything.

    Most of your things, people would not attempt to make themselves. So it seems like your sales should be good.

    Personally, I am at a major cleaning out stage of life. So, I have little interest in buying. But I do not go look either. Mostly we go to those types of events to practice dog training. Perfect place to work on socialization, heeling, greeting.


  8. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I'm sorry todays craft fair was a bust. As you said, so much time and energy goes into just getting there. I'm sure it is the economy. We are being pretty frugal here right now ourselves. Hang in there. Ky Girl

  9. I HATE slow shoes. And so many of them are slow that we stopped doing them altogether. Even our online sales are completely unusually dead.

  10. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Your stall looked great. The boys felt very sick after all that candy floss haha. Was glad we came and had a look around the market. I counted 8 crochet stalls so kind of glad I didn't sell my stuff at that market today.

  11. Perhaps what Bex says. Too many stalls selling the same stuff. I've noticed that more at the markets I go to.

  12. Sounds like a allover thing my friend down here does markets and saying sales are bad


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