Friday, October 20, 2023


Today we plan on getting some jobs done around the house, vacuum the pool again and so on.

I am going to bake my birthday cake today, so it's ready for tomorrow. 

And we will do a supermarket run, to get all the things we need for tomorrow night's dinner.

Just for the 'Sweet Platter' really, as we are ordering in Pizza, Dumplings and CHIPS.  lol

ABOVE:  My garden may not be large by some people's standards, but to me it's perfect.  My little paradise.

I'm gunna try and convince Stew to get up early-ish and join me for a lake walk.  That will be an excellent way to start the day.

10.08 am:  Well it ended up being just Stew and I marching around the lake today.
Both girls piked on us.
It was nice and cool, even a bit foggy when we arrived at the lake this morning.
So nice for walking.
But by the time we finished our walk it was already getting hot.

A couple of notable things about todays walk...

ABOVE: I BROKE MY RECORD TIME!   I sent a screenshot of our time to Lacy, her response is displayed on that shot!  A bit funny.
"Oh little shits, that's your quickest one ever".   
I must admit it was a bit fast even for me... I was done in at the end!  But, it was me pushing to get a good time, not Stew.  He just had to keep up with me.

I doubt I will ever go under 34 minutes again.

Second thing that was notable about today's walk.  As I was doing one of my little jogs, a couple ran past us and she clapped at me jogging!  Like... way to go.  I was rather chuffed that she did that.

ABOVE:  Another perfectly still day, no ripples on the lake.  

Right, back home and about to have a shower then head off to the supermarket.

Last night I popped into the hair salon I used to go to, just up the road.  And asked for an appointment to colour my hair.
Then I also asked her for a quote.
She said $305 as a starting point, but it might be MORE.
So today I cancelled that appointment.
Like HELL IN A HANDCART am I paying that much to put colour in my hair.

So I did it myself just now.

ABOVE: And now I have lovely yellowish/orange hair.
And that is why you SHOULD pay over $300 to get the professionals to do it.

MEH.  I really don't care anymore.

It is what it is, and I will put something else in it in a week to tone it down.  

ABOVE:  I arrived home from the supermarket to some beautiful flowers from our friend Karen J.  Thank You so much Karen, most unexpected.  Lovely flowers for my Birthday tomorrow.

ABOVE:  Just made two Chocolate Cakes.  I'll ice them when they are cool, then they can go in the fridge for tomorrow night.

Stew has tended the pool, and done a little flit around the house with the vacuum, so now we are both just a bit knackered.

Mike and Joyce are about half way here from Palmerston North.  Can't wait to see them.

Steve is bringing over their van later on, as we are using it for both our markets this weekend.
It's so handy!   

6.21 pm:  Mike and Joyce  arrived safely, and Mike pretty much immediately took over cooking the Spag Bol.

ABOVE:  Truth be known, all he had to do was stir it.

Lots of yakking going on... as ya do.

Dinner is done, and it's time to wind down, get our bags packed for tomorrow and so on.

Seriously, I'm  not going to miss having to put those crosses on there every day!
One more to go.   And that will be posted tomorrow morning... cos then I can have takeaways!   Yus.


  1. Have a very happy birthday. I hope you totally enjoy your birthday feast!!

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Your garden is stunning! It's just the right size.

  3. So proud of you and Dad πŸ’™ go team Harvey

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The young ones ie Stew just don't have the stamina you have Chris lol. I hope the weather is good to you for the weekend. 🎈

  5. I colour my own hair. The trick is to only buy a colour that has not orange or red tones. I use Revlon "Dark Ash Blonde" which is cheap as chips from The Warehouse or Countdown. I only do my roots and in my opinion it's easily as good as when I had my hair professionally coloured. I realise your hair is long but only doing the roots means that the rest of the hair continues to look natural. It even looks like I put highlights in and I don't.

    Happy Birthday for tomorrow, it will be a wonderful weekend I just know it!

  6. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Just put in some purple shampoo and toner to calm it down and it'll be fine. It's a lovely caramel colour xx Colleen

  7. Well done on the walk. I too used the Ash tones when I was colouring my hair and it prevented the red showing up. The flowers are gorgeous and I would love to have your garden. Hugs.

  8. Wow! You are quite the busy little bee this day and likely for the entire weekend! No before pic of the hair? It is a bit orange... I bet you can get it toned down though. You don't color your hair often - so maybe it's not so bad to pay. (once or twice a year). It's not as noticeable up in your bun though....

  9. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I also colour my own hair. I have very short hair….very short. I use Light Ash Brown and it comes our light/dark brown which suits me fine.

  10. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Sorry Chris, above comment Marie, Melbourne

  11. Well it is after 12 so officially your birthday so happy birthday Chris have a super duper day and may the market go great

  12. Yeees. The countdown is almost over.
    And you have a new look. Hmm. At least it's fixable

  13. Happy Birthday!!!!! Well, once you wake up that is!


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