Monday, October 09, 2023


 To celebrate Lacy's new abode, we will be starting our walk from her home today.

We will walk to her closest shopping centre, then back to her house.

I anticipate it will take us about 45 minutes or so.

ABOVE:  yeah I know, a bit insensitive if ya ain't got any arms.  But it's still funny.

ABOVE: How cute is this?  One of our 'garden chooks' snuggled in amongst a Begonia and a Hydrangea bush.  Both plants have grown around her, I didn't just put her there.

ABOVE:  Our maple tree is looking stunning right now.  

I love how the garden is coming alive in Spring.  

Right, time to get up, get some washing on, and get ready to meet Lacy (and maybe Amanda) for a walk.

10.16 am:  Just back from our walk.  It was OK... but not pretty like the lake.   It will be back to the lake on Wednesday, for sure.

Lacy and I were joined by Amanda and Maitland this morning.  Nice to have more family joining me for my walks sometimes.

ABOVE:  Our walk was at a nice pace, not too fast.  We got to Chartwell Square in 16 minutes, then walked around it's perimeter, then back to Lacys. 

ABOVE: Don't they look so lovely?  Ha ha... it sure in hell wasn't like that all the way!  Lots of laughs.  Chasing each other.  Water being splattered on each other by Lacy.  I'm sure Maitland is just biding his time to get her back. 😂

ABOVE: These two really are incorrigible.

ABOVE:  Oh the irony... we really are alike.  We all had our hair up today.  
I love that we all live so close to each other now.

Home now and cooling down rapidly, so I'm going to have me shower and get into some warmer clothes. 
Then... housework.

It is me normal Monday after all.... 

Three loads of washing done - tick tick tick.
Market stock re-arranged in garage - tick.
Sell Mini Trampoline - tick.

The trampoline?  Simply wasn't using it enough to justify the amount of room it took up in the spare bedroom!
So I put it on various market places and it sold in about 5 minutes.  It's being picked up and paid for this evening.  Awesome.
It had been annoying me for a while now.
Impulse buy.  Must not do that again!

I'm now going to tidy up the sewing room, before embarking on my next project, whatever that will be.

Funny how things come to you in the middle of the night eh?
We  have a small TV and DVD player that used to be in my sewing room.  Long unused.  I was going to give them to Lacy, but I couldn't find the remote controls anywhere.
So she is getting a TV from elsewhere this week.

In the middle of the night it came to me where those remotes might be.

Quick search just now and yep!  They were in my sewing room, in a plastic storage box.  Yaaa!

ABOVE:  I'm so damn happy.  I can watch Castaway again.  Let's not try and guess how many times I've watched it, OK? 😂😅😂

So sad.  My Castaway DVD is not working properly.  I think I might have killed it by watching it once too often.
I might be able to get a new one tomorrow at the mall.  Fingers crossed!

It's now 8.15 pm, and time to sign off for the day.
Catch ya tomorrow.

Anther day closer to the finish line!


  1. It will be great to explore Lacy's new neighborhood on foot. Fun fun.

  2. Joke was 'armless'

  3. Haha
    Great joke lovely walk photos nice photo of you 3 btw.

  4. It is lovely that you have so much family close to you. AND that you do things together. I don't have family that lives close - but my parents have a cabin on our property so we see them a lot. We have to drive 5 hours to see Hubby's family. But - we are the ones that moved away so I guess we are the ones that need to travel.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I'm currently watching King Richard it's about the Williams sisters and their early tennis careers great so far 👌 GM 💙💙

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Assuming you like him, maybe you can get a Tom Hanks collection DVD with more of his movies included. That would be fun to have playing continuously while you sew.

    I listen to a lot of audio books and he narrated one of the ones I finished (a month or two ago) by Ann Patchett. I have (noise blocking) ear buds in my ears listening to audio books when I sew, so I can hear over the machine.

    Are you liking the feel of more open floor space now that some of your extra stuff is leaving?

    The trampoline was worth a try, you might have loved it. But I applaud selling it since it didn’t work. I have been steadily selling/cleaning out since 2018. I do porch pick up on Facebook Marketplace. Highly effective for me.

    Where are the other parts/half of the one you just gave Lacy? (She looks like she has room for the whole thing.)


  7. It's funny that you mentioned Cast Away. I watched "Finch" yesterday - which is another movie with Tom Hanks being the only human. There is also a dog and a robot. It reminded me of Cast Away but also very different.

  8. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Hope you find Castaway soon.


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