Thursday, November 03, 2022


ABOVE:  The lovely fresh produce we got at the supermarket last night.

Those grapes nearly KILLED ME!

When we got home I sat down and had one... only I somehow managed to INHALE some of the juice and OMG!  I choked and gasped and spluttered and couldn't catch my breath for so long!

Meantime, Stew is standing at the kitchen bench just looking at me.... I was sure he was just waiting for me to drop dead!

Then he said "Is it stuck?" !

Yeah.  Such a loving man.

I need to find that knife... you know the one?
Which enables me to stab him SIXTEEN TIMES IN THE CHEST, without actually killing him.

I dunno what I shall be doing today.
But if I remember correctly, I do need to make some more Bowl Cosy's, having sold about a dozen at the last couple of markets.
Therefore, that's what I will be doing I suppose.

12.45 pm:  I've had a productive morning I must say:

ABOVE:  7 bowl cosy's finished.  I already had them half made, so don't go thinking I'm fast!
I'm not.
I am now taking a break before contemplating making some more from scratch.

The weather turned again.  It's a steady downpour out there... which I'm loving as it's cooled things down heaps.  

My computer screen (PC = separate screen), did a brain fart today.  It's gone totally green on me twice already.  I'm surprised it's lasted long enough for me to do this update in fact!  I will have to ask Steve why it did that.  Maybe I need a new screen?

Right.  Time for something to eat.  I ditched the breakfast plan.... that was FAST eh?  😁😂😏
I found out fairly fast that breakfast does not work for me at all.  I got really hungry yesterday afternoon and ended up eating my right arm off.
(Kidding)... but I did eat far too much in the day.
So, no breakfasts for me.

I'm going to have some left over potato salad and some fruit.

I am expecting Bex and the boys soon.  We have packets of biscuits in the pantry that WE ARE NOT GOING TO EAT.
Stew bought them a few weeks ago... and I am over looking at them.
So I offered them to Bex.  
Thank god they will be out of the house soon.  
My will power was seriously tested, but hey!
I passed that test.
And I've asked Stew to not buy any more.

After they come and go I will head back into the sewing room.  I'm sure I can get a few more bowl cosy's ready for stitching tomorrow.

6 pm:  The family came and went.  Nice to see them.  After they left I did indeed head back into the sewing room.  And got distracted doing a completely different job.

More on that tomorrow I suppose.  
For now though... it's dinner time and I don't feel like cooking at all.   Might be a takeaway.

And that's me for the day.  Pretty standard sorta day.  
Catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Happy to hear you survived the grape episode. Imaging coming to visit the blog and you were done in by a healthy damn grape! I would rather go out eating something far more interesting and fattening! You do get a prize for the healthy cart award though!

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I choke a lot and it's really frightening especially on my own. Last night I had a dip of a drink while driving home and same thing happened. Stopped it phew. Got a pretty blue walker now!! Colour is gorgeous you would love it and it's very stable BUT! Love yesterday's table runner with the other blue. Reckon they will sell well. Get a few comments about Harvey!!

  3. Yes i do that often the choke till i vomit you would wonder u im so huge it happens so often. Glad u survived the whole ordeal. Hugs

  4. Rhonda12:09 PM

    You made me laugh Dogstar, haha 😛 It’s the worst feeling choking. I could go some of all your nice little grocery haul Chris, very nice indeed

  5. Didn't Mama Cass die eating a ham sandwich? Or is that an urban myth? Regardless, stay away from killer grapes. I prefer to drink mine.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Urban myth, she died from a heart attack

  6. The whole trying to workout what & when to eat is annoying but once you find what works for you, it will be a game changer I am sure. In the meantime, it is trial & error.

  7. When you find that knife, let us know. DH commented on the nice sour cream last night and I said it helps to keep it unpolluted and he replied he used the tuna spoon to get his sour cream out. If looks could kill... I bought more sour cream today and it has been hidden.

  8. I've got a hankering for grapes now

  9. Ha glad you survived the grape incident! FYI grapes have been absolutely crappy here and I have stopped buying them. Be well!

  10. We have the white grapes, I always bite my lip while eating them. Choking or biting lip, both not nice. Love the bowl cozies.


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