Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Well today I'm going to make some more of these:

ABOVE: Funky little Christmas Tree 'runners'.  Not big enough for a big coffee table, but certainly big enough for a small coffee table!  Or you could have two or three on a big coffee table. 
I am going to make 6 more today.  
They are such good fun.
I'm hoping today goes smoothly, with no drama or nastiness.  I'm presumably getting an email from the asphalt company.  At least, that's what 'K' said he was going to do when he stormed off yesterday.
Knowing how quickly they responded to OUR emails, I won't hold my breath for theirs.

So, that's me for now... off to get on with me day.

10.50 am. I took a flying trip to Cambridge this morning to drop off a couple of gifts.

Then half way home I found out Lacy was on her way to hospital in an Ambulance. 

ABOVE: in A & E. 

Right.  She's out. All is good again.  I won't be saying what the problem was, as that is Lacy's business and she's asked me to respect her privacy.  Not a problem.  Just know she's OK.

I've just had my lunch.  Not sure if I feel like sewing now.  Let's wait and see.

No email from the asphalt company yet, no surprise there.

Well... after being an utterly lazy tart for a couple of hours after lunch, I went into my sewing room and made this:

ABOVE:  A two tree runner, on a very soft green background.  It's adorable.  
Bex and the boys popped over  after school today.  Nice to have someone to natter with for an hour or so.
We are having dinner with them on Thursday night, as it is Dante's 9th Birthday.

7.50 pm:  I had venison mince out for dinner, so I made a venison and vege stew.  It wasn't that nice in my opinion.  Stew said it was 'OK'.

Might not do that again.  

A quiet evening ahead.  It's raining, so the temperatures are pleasant.  But muggy.

Signing off for the day, catch ya tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I'd be hanging the trees on my wall. They are beautiful Chris. Kj

  2. Love the trees, so cute!

  3. You have your sewing mojo back cute trees

  4. Cute trees.
    Hope Lacy is ok

  5. What happened hope she ok

  6. What????
    OMG ! Lacy, you poor darling, you look miserable! What happened????
    I certainly hope it will be okay whatever it is.
    Get well, and get home!

    1. Hi Dogstars xx I'm ok, just been discharged from hospital now xx thanks you for your kind message

  7. Oh no Lacy, I hope you are okay 💕

  8. Sorry to hear about Lacy's visit to A & E. Lacy: I hope you're okay and it's nothing serious. Take care.

  9. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Sending good wishes to Lacey. Love the xmas tree runners. Ky Girl

  10. Glad to hear that Lacy is much better. Amazing the lengths some people will go to to ride in an ambulance. Actually I just realised I’m the only one that hasn’t been in and ambulance in out family or had a broken bone 😂

  11. YAY! Happy Happy Joy Joy.

  12. Kiwionholidays7:51 PM

    Just a quick catchup on all your news and a wee 💐for Lacy ,
    I don’t do hospitals well so, so happy she is home safe and sound
    Take care n look after kiwi country till we can get back 🕺🏿🎸

    Cheers 🥂

  13. Good luck with the asphalt company. Feel better soon Lacy.


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